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Archive through December 10, 1999

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Noble Member
Joined: 25 years ago
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Bones you need to watch the documentary "THE VALLEY" to understand the situation. Imyself live in a area that was taken over by Somalis and I must tell you that these people {who are Muslim} terrorize the neibourhood in gangs. Two years ago they murdered a Jamaican guy and no one has been caught .There was 15 of them. By the way Ihave to move from here in 123 days to get away from these bastards because they harass me because of my dog {muslims hate dogs} and I have to tell you that if these SOMALIS CHECHENS TURKS represent Islam then by all means kill them all.

Eminent Member
Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 22

Bones. Damn, you need help. Definitely! You're redy to donate for my own server?;o))

Eminent Member
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Posts: 22

Igor, those, still supporting the NATO Kosovo blah, pretend not to notice - it is hard for the gen. public to admit their respective NATO govts. had'em all taxpayers wholesale.

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What parallels are you trying to draw by inciting the Chechnya conflict with the Armenian genocide? Was Russia going to stop it in its tracks? There were many reasons for the actions that the Young Turks (Nationalists) took during that time. Their ascention into power was a bizarre undertaking in itself. In the present day, I understand the Russian need for the establishment of power within the region, but would the Russians have helped the Armenians at all during that particular time?

Noble Member
Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 1518

SULEYMAN Ithink the parallel I am making is that in all three cases its Muslims attacking Eastern Orthodox Christians.There are always Muslims from different countries involved for eg. in Chechnya you have Pakistanis Albanians,Arabs, Afghans, and a host of other ones and in every case Muslims are trying to impose their religion and will on other people. The Orthodox are not attacking them only defending what is theirs .Isuggest you watch IN THE VALLEY which is independently filmed.

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