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Archive through December 11, 1999

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I understand. However, I can make the same argument regarding Muslims and the Orthodox faith. It depends on whose story you wish to believe. Frankly, the Orthodox religion has been very loyal to their cohorts. However, I must state that Turkey does not support any Arab coutries. In saying this, i don't know if there is a collaboration of Muslims against the ORthodox faith. We can look at it both ways. I believe it's just a coincidence that it is occuring in such a manner. Since you cite historical references, I must also. During the reign of the Ottoman Empire, Orthodox people preferred the rule of the Muslims rather than the oppressive Catholics at the time. You may wish to refute this, but at the same time, your points are equally argumentative. Everyone has their own version of history. I'm assuming your an Orthodox as well? I'm a Muslim by birth and I refuse to make such allegations against the Orthodox faith. Let's stop assuming that all Muslims are flag-burning and woman slaying terrorists, okay? It is just as easy for the opposite, yet equal generalization to be made about you and your cohorts.

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Suleyman During the reign of the Ottoman the Orthodox never had a choice since they were subjugated. And during the crusades the catholics turned on uuus in Constantinople in 1204. I have Pakistanis in my neighborhood and have never had a problem with any of them although I might add that the Pakistanis and Somalis do not get along .Religion should be a matter of choice ,and not be imposed on anyone like in most Muslim countries where women are punished for not wearing their veils.Seems to me that Islam isnot a religion of choice but dictated where women have no rights.

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“So I'm far from ignorant on the subject. It just depends on who you trust to be more accurate.”

Ok fine you are not ignorant, but the things is you tried to put that market accident in my face even though you did not know all the facts. I’m sure you know a lot of information about this war but there is much more information than you think there is. You are getting your information from western and that is fine with me, but you know better than I do that a lot of it comes from Chechen officials. How reliable these sources are? I mean Chechens reported 250 soldiers dead in one day, and western media was sure fast to spread this rumor around, they don’t care how reliable the source is (BTW they got it from the Ingushetian representative, who has no way accessing military information). You know why they spread it? I’m sure you do, think about it who really want to hear 4 solders dead and 34 wounded (Russian stats) no one, 250 solders is the different story it definitely made the Top news of the day. Especially CNN just had to underline that 50 soldiers were killed by their throat being cut. Answer to me how DO YOU determine who to trust?

“I believe that the casualty figures the Russian military acknowledge are suspect.

Agree with you, I even know that the numbers released by Russian officials just recently of casualties are fouls, and I don’t get my information from newspapers I know it from independent source, which I trust.

“It's my belief the popularity of this campaign wouldn't be so high. Not saying that it wouldn't continue mind you. With that said, I wonder how the upcoming elections would turn out. Would Putin still be the favorite to win or just another escape goat?”

Maybe yes, maybe not who knows? Well come on lets be realistic the race for election is set don’t tell me that the criticism of Clinton by Yeltsin was for nothing. You have to realize this kind of statements grows support for this war and especially for today’s government (Putin). Yeltsin knows exactly what he is doing, he is afraid that after he leaves Kremlin his family would be prosecuted (there was a lot or rumors about this) with Putin in power this will never happen.

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Adam R,

Kissie has the right to be proud of Russian Mafia. If our goverment has so much trouble dealing with it, it means they are witty enough to outsmart many. For comparison, couple of days ago a blind man tried to rob a bank. That's after being helped by a guard to the teller's window!

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“They are not, they just call themselves Muslims (those are two very different things) Traditional Islam in Russia is not "war" Islam, it is Islam of peaceful coexistence.”
Ok I see your point, but then answer to me if they are not true Muslims then why so much support from MUSLIM countries? Shouldn’t they be in favor of this campaign? I’m mean if they are not Muslims (according to you) then they are using Muslim religion to cover their crimes, this should make true “Muslims” extremely mad yet they support it every way they can and even talking about helping buy sending soldiers to Chechnya. Have you ever heard of Tatarstan? Nationalist (Muslim) are going mad in there they do everything to make life of Russians miserable. If you are Russian you are treated like garbage, you CAN NOT get good job even though you might be much better than anyone else might. It just has to be Muslim even though he might suck at this job (don’t argue that that’s not the case, because I know some Russians in there and they are all saying that it’s happening). What peaceful coexistence are you talking about?

“BTW, my point about the recognition of Islam as the state religion is that Islam is a part of Russia and Russian life that can not be removed.”

You want to tell how it is part of my life? Please you know it, most Russian could care less about Islam and it does not effect their daily lives in anyway.

“I don't live in Moscow or near it, and where I live the Law is more respected than in Moscow.”

You want to tell me such wonderful part of Russia where people actually respect the law? I’m trying to think of one but NOTHING comes to mind. The way we (Russians) think is if we have chance to get around the law we will, don’t deny it and don’t just judge by the way you respect the law. I have the highest percentage of crime in entire world to back me up. It will take many years before this mentality to get around the law changes.

“and there is no war in Chechnya”

Ok what is the difference between war and anti-terrorists campaign? Where is the line that divides them? We have used just about all types of weapons in there (nukes don’t count) and last time I have checked it was called war, it doesn’t matter what Russian government call it.

“The society respects the law, when nearly every individual respects it. OK?”

Agree, but is it the case in Russia?

“No, I'm not. I'm Russian by citizenship and by blood. I don't think that the second fact should count for anything, but you sound, as it should. Please, explain why?”

Should it be because they hate us?

“It is written in the Criminal Code of the RF. Only thing remaining to do is to make it work. And, in the name of justice, that will be a crusade of my life.

Ok, have fun.

“Yes, I saw.”

Was it one out of 300? Don’t deny it, the vast majority are Caucasians.

“Of course, they realize and I realize. But I also realize that there is no intention to do so. If such intention will appear, I'm sure public support for this campaign will drop significantly.”

Who told you that there is no intention? (I don’t think so ether but I want to know what makes you think so)

“That is sick. You are trying to turn an anti-terrorists campaign into the war on Chechens.”

Ok, I did generalize a bit, not all the Chechens are terrorists and did not deserve to be treated that way, but go outside and ask first person you meat and ask him/her what first comes to mind when she/he hears word Chechnya. Then tell me if it was good or bad. BTW it’s a war already you can deny it all you want but it’s true even thought our government says otherwise.

“They really can say what they want, why should we descend to that level?”

Because I’m tired of hearing Russia did this Russia did that.

“don't you think that by being ultra-nationalist (let's not play with words, RNE is a fascistic organization), so by being fascist you are betraying their memory?”

I’m not fascist, ok I did make some remarks but that was just an answer for “filthy pigs”.

“On the long run, corruption can not cause our demise as a national entity, nationalism can. It will alienize national minorities in Russia and will force them into separatist movements. It will even divide Russians by blood into those who are supportive of nationalism, and who are not supportive of it. Also, nationalism tends to hunt sexual minorities as well. So, Russians will divide also according to this factor, etc, etc, etc. And eventually, we may see 89 separate states on the place where Russian Federation is now. Tolerance is the word for the country as diverse and multisided as Russia. We should all use our ethnical and religious backgrounds only to promote unity and peace.”

I’m sorry disagree with you on almost everything you have said in here, I have totally different opinion.

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so sorry 4 u russians.your country is a mess with corruption and economic hard times you have beat up chechnya just so u ruskies forget the real criminals ..

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I feel sorry for you too Tony living in that immoral land of US .Think of something intelligent to say. You cant feel same inUS because you have bars on your windows in your houses to keep all the crackheads from robbing you. By the way I have to all your big cities.

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TonyR How did you guys {NATO} feel when you beat up onIRAQ or Serbia, did it make you feel tough. I wonder what you will do when Taiwan comes up are you going to get tough with China or will you drag NATO in with you for backup?

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Damn Igor,

You really showed your ass on those last two statements. I'm not even going to bother cutting and pasting them. Talk about lack of intelligence, nuf said.

BTW, no bars on my windows and I doubt very much that you've been to EVERY major city in the US.

Do bother responding dude...and I was called ignorant.

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Sooner, Yelitisn will die, and a strong earthquake will hit Russia. The russian people will know the painful truth - IT WAS FOR ELECTION AND MILLIONS HAVE BEEN WASTED.

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Well lets see what is a nice safe city in US: New York?,LA?,Detroit?,Miami? Then of course you have the HELLS ANGELS and OUTLAWS and lets see you got kids killing kids . What a Phenomenon. And then lets not forget all your different mafias:Italian, Russian, Chinese, Mexican, Cuban, Vietnemese. I think you got the point.I live in Canada and I do not ever want to visit US again.

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Chechnya is part of the Ummah. The man made boundaries between the Muslim world were the work of enemies of Islam and the traitors ruling the Muslim world. The decline has set in the Muslim world in 19 th centurynot due to the sharia system but the ignorant masses who imitated the west. The Western powers pounced like vultures on the carcass of the Ottoman empire and divided the Muslim countries. The educated elite led by the young Turks blindly copied the European Nationalism and proclaimed Turkey as a secular republic. This was followed by Arab and Iranian nationalist who carved their own petty states. The Kurds were sandwiched between Arabs, Turks and Iranians and could not get their own country. Mustafa Kemal called them 'mountain Turks' to assimilate them. The whole concept of Turkish nationalism was a joke. There were more "real" Turks living outside of Turkey in Soviet Union but the so called Ata Turk conveniently forgot his own ancestors reeling under brutal Soviet rule. Then Lawrence of Arabia came on the seen and fooled the ignorant Arabs and divided them into several countries. These man made boundaries between Muslim and Arab countries were laid by enemies of Islam.

The blod of the Chechens is also on the hands of traitors ruling the so called Muslim world. Aslan Mashkhadov appealed to his Muslim brethren to recognize Chechnya in 96. But the bandits ruling co called Muslim world are so afraid of the big bandits, Russia and US that they did not recognize Chechnya's independence and that led to the criminals in Moscow to start the genocidal campaign in Chechnya.

Although the criminals are now planning to obliterate Grozny with all kinds of weapons, the fighters of Islam will establish a powerful state from the ruins of the devastated country.

God is great.

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igor, I believe you are wrong, US is a great country and the majority of people here are very nice, kind and friendly. One should not mix the US international policy with ordinary people. If you don't understand what I mean then my advice take a few days off and take a drive to Vermont, Upstate NY or Maine, have a breakfast at a family restaurant in montains, talk to people at gas stations... -- this is real America, not Albright and Clinton...

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Sooner, Yelitisn will die, and a strong earthquake will hit Russia. The russian people will know the painful truth - IT WAS FOR ELECTION AND MILLIONS HAVE BEEN WASTED.


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to John LOL
oh no, don't talk to people at the gas stations.
NEVER!!! I agree with rest of what you have said.

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