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Archive through December 11, 1999

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First of all, Barkashov, not Barshakov. "Barkash" is a guy who operates a boat of kind, "barka".
Secondly - I doubt it very much. Although richly represented on this board, hard-core shouvinist sentiment is not really pervasive.

(The present anti-Western sentiment is mostly the result of general population not being prepared for concerted propaganda efforts in the apparent absence of a single controlling apparatus - we are all familiar with such occasional distortions in the West, and , likewise, they are transient)

Yes, Russia is very racist. But to build something like the Nazi state machine, the fuehrer-to-be would need also enormous faith of population in centralized, state-imposed "global" solutions. Not even the zombies voting for Communists (20, 25%?) have this kind of faith anymore. Barkashov and others like him are noisy, but they really reperesent mostly themselves. Even much more successful Zhirinovsky seems to have fizzled out.

The biggest danger, I think, is not a new totalitarian regime, but rather continuous, protracted economic crisis with endless unresolved conflicts in the ethnic enclaves

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Kir Yakovlev, it's the "best" apology of two originating from the Luzhkov&Primacow&Yakovlev&Mssr. Gussinsky circle. It seems, being part of this electorate means forgetting conventional wisdom and practical politics, and starting back-stabbing Russia and playing dirty by recruiting foreign electoral pressure, because you do not find domestic support in vew of the current raitings, and in vew of the St.Petersburg High Court ruling to declare combined S.PB Governor-Duma election (which would've made possible for Yakovlew to run for two seats) null and void, because of the rigged vote results. People like You do provide fodder for press spree about Russian total corruption - a warm seat in exchange for any concession or pure dirty money - treason, that is.
The question formulated like this is not, of course, entirely honest: there was no genocide of native population going on in Chechnya that would lead to Russian intervention

Tell me, how much does it cost and take to be a fact spinner like You? Even Jamie Shea would be ashamed of such blatant BS. The fact that Chechnya was left alone and if not for Dagestan - would've been left alone indefinitely doesn't fit Your agenda, pervert. (I doubt, that even Moscow bombings would've warranted Army troops.)
Kosovar Serbs were not citizens of the NATO countries; the bloodiest part - ground troop opertaions - could be and had been avoided in Kosovo etc...
What's the point? Should Russia have gone strategic and bomb living hell out of all that moves and doesn't move? Let Allah sort'em out? Yes, that's the meaning of Your words. The West raises hell, Putin's position gets weakened beyond repair, and you come to power walking on what...? - on dead Chechens.
But, for the sake of the argument, let's forget about all that for a moment. Let's say: the NATO members are giulty as sin, and have no moral right to criticize. That doesn't answer any questions, however.
This question? - "Do they [NATO members] have a right to criticize Russian conduct in Chechnya after using the same kind of tactics in Kosovo?". You know the tactics differ, but keep on lying. But, heck, let's beat You another way. K. Serbs were not citizens of NATO countries, but Chechnya is a de-jure part of Russia. K. Serbs were not at war with NATO, Chechen militants started spreading war from within. Not only tactics differ, but the whole story.
I haven't supported NATO on Kosovo; in view of all the events followed and facts disclosed, I'm beginning to think that I was wrong. I'd like the same to happen in the case of Chechnya
That's a pure act of treason to invite an international armed conflict with NATO and possible NATO intervention. It's the extent You may go to, and that renders all remaining stinking whining of Your posts just irrelevant.

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Kissie -
If you want me to reply in a polite fashion,please, don't use Pravda-style editing
of my postings - it's ridiculous, since anybody can read the original. It's quite clear that when I say "I'd like the same to happen", I'm talking about my reconsideration of the Kosovo events, i.e. that I'd like to find justification for the actions of Russian troops as well.

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To Kir Yakovlev

Thank you!

There was some work by Professor Peter Redeway,University of Washington (? hope I still spell his name right) about possible scenarios for Russia. He came to conclusion that Russian state will slowly melt down. I kept copy for couple years, (published in 1994 ?), then gave to my friends.
Basically what is happening in Russia today is - complete mental inability of state managing system to solve problems inherited from Soviet and earlier Tzarist times.
There is only one word to use - "decrepitude"

In its present form Russian political system is enemy for its own ethnic Russians. (not to mention Chechens and other non-Russians).

So, I am a follower of one great Russian, namely Count Kropotkin.

Anarchy is the Mother of Order!

It will take time until we, human beings, will learn to communicate and respect each other rights on this small planet.

Failure is the result of ignorance.

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Dear Everest,

As a disciple of Count Kropotkin, you would pay dues to your convictions by asking an additional question: What life will be like in that independent Chechnya for somebody who is not in tune with the official independent-Chechen, traditionalist-Moslem line?
You see clearly, I'm not in favor of what is being done, but the siuation is really, really very complicated. The quick, bloodless and complete withdrawal would be best for Russia. As for the liberty of people left back in Chechnya...Well, Afghanistan does not provide much inspiration...
There are cases when a fall of an Empire creates local regimes more objectionable than the previous
one: Austro-Hungary versus its descendants in 1920-30s, for example...

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To Kissie ( - on Saturday, December 11, 1999 -

I know you are a jew and you donot like muslims. I still wounder what is the reason that you support russian.

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happy ramadan.

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Kim Yakovlev, in vew of since anybody can read the original Your don't use Pravda-style editing loses relevancy altogether. Care to explain ... The quick, bloodless and complete withdrawal would be best for Russia.....?

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During the 94-96 Chechen war, I heard a story about many of the Russian soldiers in Chechnya.....

I heard that the soldiers were paid so little that they sold their bullets or traded them for vodka with Chechen babushkas. Afterwards, the babushkas would sell the bullets to the Chechen soldiers, who in turn, would shoot the drunk Russian soldiers with their own bullets.

Is there any validity to parts / all of this story?

Does anyone have any other ridiculous, yet somewhat believable Russian army stories like the one above?

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Mr/Ms Kissie,
If you need additional explanation after reading second time my initial message, you either don't understand very simple English sentences, or - more likely - are somebody with the views opposite to the views of the "Kissie"-persona, trying to present, say, anti-Luzhkovites as some kind of raving lunatics.
Here: I say
"I haven't supported NATO on Kosovo; in view of all the events followed and facts disclosed, I'm beginning to think that I was wrong.
I'd like the same to happen in the case of Chechnya, but I'd need to hear at least SOME proof of the Chechen involvement in the August bombings" etc.
You talk about NATO in Kosovo, then chop my sentence and put "I'd like the same to happen in the case of Chechnya" as if it meant a call for some kind of foreign intervention.
Since anybody can see the fraud, I assume that you are just trying to present "Kissie"s' positions in a negative light.

"The quick, bloodless and complete withdrawal would be best for Russia.....?" Of course. Cut the losses. Don't get bogged down like France in Algeria!

And by the way, you have mistaken (or pretended to mistake) me for a Russian politician. I'm not.
I am an American, of Russian blood and with a Russian name, but an American. And as you could notice, more concerned about the Western position than about reactions of Luzhkov or my namesake Yakovlev-of-St-Petersburg.

"abd" - You refernce to assumed "Kissie's" Jewishness does more than enough to cancel best points you make. How do you expect Russians who do have strongly negative immediate experiences with Chechen mafia, for example, to remain even-headed and open-minded when you are so quick to attribute such-and-such views you find objectionable to the proponent's ethnicity or religion?!

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Russia is using chemical weapons in Chechnya

Grozny, Chechnya
Source: Kavkaz-Tsentr
Date: December, 6, 1999

Today, at 8 am Oktyabrskiy and Staropromislovskiy districts of Grozny, the capital of the Chechen Republic, were shelled with special chemical bombs, which release clouds of inflammable gas creating massive blasts that incinerate buildings and people.

37 people have died, more than 200 people were injured and wounded as the result of this unhuman attack, forbidden by all possible International treaties.

The first victims were 47 years old Marat Irischanov and his 15 years old daughter Zina. The number of victims is rising every minute.

There was unusual yellow light, that could be seen throughout the city after the chemical attack by russians.

This is a war Putin and Yeltsin dare not lose. Huge resources have been deployed - crack troops paid premium wages, high-tech equipment, total air and artillery superiority to achieve a "bloodless" victory - bloodless for the Russian army. It is the civilian population that is taking the heaviest casualties.

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Chechnya can survive only by stealing people. There is no reason for independent Chechnya to exist. Besides, Russia will take care of Chechens and protect them from the Chechens. Is not it obvious? Looks like NATO has to help "rebel fighters" one more time. NATO should bomb Moscow. It will make Clinton's foreign policy consistent. Yeah, destructively consistent. He-he. 🙂

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Why the UN and her world organization was so much eager to go to Estern Timor, when russian are killing left and right to the civilians and do not want to do any thing.

The answer is E.Timor was under muslims, is not it.

What is then so special about Chechens? Is a life of a Chechen child is somehow less worthy than a life of a child of other nation? Or do Chechens love their families, their women, their land, their beliefs less than other nations do?

It's time to stop russian invasion into a foreign state and stop russian atrocities! It's time for the World Community to wake up! It's time to say to russians: "Ivan - Domoi!", which can be translated as "Ivan - Go Home!".

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To abd.
You gotta be kidding me. Russian forces use chlorine? Where did they get it? It is not in their arsenal.

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