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Archive through December 12, 1999

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Kissie sez:
"Yeah, really, what you were after there [in Vietnam} , anyways?;o)"

Tried clumsily to stop the spreading of a regime that massacred millions in the large conutries up case you've never heard ;o)

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Fenriz Culto
As everyone knows, Russia, amongst other civilized countries, have signed the agreement NOT to use chemical weapons and so they stick to this.

Russia Civilized?

You realize you would make a fortune as a comedian at the Comedy Stop in Hollywood.

Adam R.
Santa Monica, California

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To all members,
Thanks for keeping this board at least semi-rational. I feel I've learned as much from here as from all the unreliable news stories I've read. Very interesting.
James M.
Summerville, SC USA

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Adam R.

Go •••• Yourself.

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Adam R -

Don't be a smart ass, you make us all look bad.

All little chemical warfare Russia has is under European supervision. It's costs too much for Russia to keep it around plus it not very efficient. If they really wanted destroy Grozny, or any Chechen village for that matter, they would use their new vacuum bombs.

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Adam R, and Svoloch - keep it cool.

Being "civilized" is a strange condition, though.
The Nazi abstained from the use of poison
gases on battlefields. Would anyone call them "civilized", judging by their other actions?
Or, for example, the carpet bombings of VietKong positions by Americans were considered "barbarous" - an opinion I happen to share. What about the total bombardment of Dresden and other German cities in WWII? Apparently, no problem, even though civilian losses were much worse...
I'm just back from Dublin; they have a fashionable pub on the shores of Liffey, called "Pravda", adorned with Soviet images from 30ies to 50ies: soldiers, KGB officers, "heroic workers". They find it cool, probably funny, quirky in a special way: indeed, Stalinism is so alien, so peculiar... If I tell them these decorations make me seriously uncomfortable, I'd be accused of being humorless. Maybe so, but they would never DARE TO THINK of making a theme pub dedicated to the 30ies in Nazi Germany!.. I find it utterly insensitive and...uncivilized.
Being "civilized"is a matter of cultural adaptation; let's not try to civilize each other.
We are lucky if we learn how to stop direct killing on a mass scale, regardless of methods employed. Not much luck so far.

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Since its start on October 1, the Russian assault has resulted in a stream of refugees, now estimated at 233,000 people. Up to 4,500 Chechen civilians have been killed and 1,000 Russian soldiers have perished.

The Russian force consists primarily of recruits between 18 and 27 years of age. The following example is typical of letters home from Russian soldiers: “Hello Volodya. I am in Chechnya. As usual, we have been betrayed.... I listen to the radio and I am amazed. I hear one thing and see the complete opposite.... The soldiers are half-starved and half-naked. The rations are lousy. The food consists of barley, chopped straw and peas. We get up in a field now and sleep on the ground.... They also deceived us about the promised extra payments” ( Frankfurter Rundschau, 1999).

Despite the heavy censorship and contradictory information issued by the Russian Ministry of the Interior, hardly a day passes without reports emerging of massacres of the Chechen civilian population and refugees. On at least two occasions refugee convoys have been bombarded from the air, with the loss of at least 40 lives.

The living conditions for those who have remained in their homeland are catastrophic. Supplies of food and drinking water have virtually collapsed in the areas which have been bombed. The situation with regard to medicine is even worse. There has been no gas or electricity for weeks.

In the overcrowded refugee camps in the neighbouring republic of Ingushetia, whence the majority of refugees have fled, diseases are spreading and people are dying of cold and general weakness.

Russian army losses are also growing as exchanges intensify. Last Friday 250 Russian soldiers were killed after being encircled by rebels in clashes around the separatist stronghold of Urus-Martan, 20 kilometres southeast of Grozny. Some 200 were killed in the course of the battle and 50 prisoners were executed by rebel troops, who slit the Russians' throats.

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To Saladin,

You are happy about those Russian losses, aren't you? You are happy about Russians being hungry. All you wrote here is for nothing, my friend. You lost. Let's face it. And where is my onion friend ABD?

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wow congrats ruskies
your almost there. be patient just a couple more weeks and you can say hey we kicked some butt . viva la urs

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ITAR-TASS and "Moscow News" are announcing
( )
an international conference on Chechnya, scheduled on Dec 15. Pristavkin, Vladimir Ryzhkov, Gen. Manilov, Gaidar, Abdulatipov, Yavlinsky, others on the Russian side. A variety of poltical scientists and journalists from the West. An attempt to reach some understanding, I guess...

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The BBC's James Rodgers
"The troops are leaving a trail of destruction in their wake"

Sunday, 12 December, 1999, 12:53 GMT
Russia urges Chechen surrender

And there are conflicting figures as to how many people have actually travelled along the routes, via the towns of Pervomaiskaya, 20 km (12 miles) northwest of Grozny, and Alkhan-Yurt just southwest of the capital.
And there are conflicting figures as to how many people have actually travelled along the routes, via the towns of Pervomaiskaya, 20 km (12 miles) northwest of Grozny, and Alkhan-Yurt just southwest of the capital.

State-run Russian television, quoting military sources, said several hundred civilians had taken advantage of the lull in the fighting to flee the city.

But Ingush officials said only five people had arrived in the republic via Alkhan-Yurt corridor on Saturday.

They added that many of the civilians remaining in Grozny would be too old or too sick to make the hike to the border.

But Ingush officials said only five people had arrived in the republic via Alkhan-Yurt corridor on Saturday.

They added that many of the civilians remaining in Grozny would be too old or too sick to make the hike to the border.

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To LittleR,

We muslims are very generous in our holi month Ramadan, give me your address we will send you some zakat(charity). We do not like to see poor russian die with out food. No joke I mean it.

God be praised that he made us muslims.

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Coward russian soldier will never fight combat battle with MUJAHEEDEN>


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Boris the VOdka man, went to Ireland and he was so DRUNK, THAT he passed out in the plane and people waited 12hours in the airport for him to get down from plane.

Another one is when he was visiting one of the traitor russian republic kazak, boris all most fell down, while he was shaking hands with kazak govt.

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ABD - Please stop that. Yeltsin's drinking habits have nothing to do with Chechnya.
And why do you call Kazakhstan "the traitor russian republic"? It is neither Russian, nor have betrayed anybody in its short independent life...

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