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Archive through December 12, 1999

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The person using the pseudonym 'Kissie'
is not out of her mind. She has a very deliberate and politically motivated pro serbian/russian agenda. She almost sounds like an old Pravda, newspaper editorial of the former Soviet Union, etc., etc., etc..

Damn, I'm good!:o)))))))
P.S. Bye.

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To Kissie:
My comments never related to murdering Russian soldiers per se. Like any other soldiers, they are doing the dirty job they are being told to do - this is usually helped by false propaganda (all Chechens are terrorists for example). It is the Russian military and political leadership (if there is any of the latter at the moment) who is responsible. Don't try to bend my comments.
Have you actually been in Kosovo yourself?
Your friend Milosevich is a recognised war criminal. So are the Serb leaders responsable for the killings of primarily Bosnian Moslems. And this includes the genocide of Srebenica. This was a systematic killing, ordered by the regime - not the Serbian people. Of course, hatred creates hatred - so finally people are also involved. But responsable for all this were the Serbian politicians and military leaders. That's why they are war criminals. Unfortunately they are still at large.

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Grozny is surrounded for over a month now and Russians are certainly nervous in backing off the final assault. It is not out of sympathy for the civilians nor international outcry but rather from the abysmal morale of the Russian Army. Despite incessant bombing with all kinds of weapons, the Russian Army is simply scared to take on the city's defenders. The Russian conscript feels betrayed by the war criminals in Moscow. The following example is typical of letters home from Russian soldiers: β€œHello Volodya. I am in Chechnya. As usual, we have been betrayed.... I listen to the radio and I am amazed. I hear one thing and see the complete opposite.... The soldiers are half-starved and half-naked. The rations are lousy. The food consists of barley, chopped straw and peas. We get up in a field now and sleep on the ground.... They also deceived us about the promised extra payments” ( Frankfurter Rundschau, 1999).

Most Grozny residents are ethnic Russians, old and infern, fed and taken care by the fighters themselves. It is the Russian Army which uses civilians to plan its strategy. Who on earth can believe Russia's crocodile tears for civilians when the use of indiscriminate force from the beginning spelled doom for the poor civilians? Even the Russian civilians are not safe on the streets of Moscow. Just yesterday a prominent businessman was gunned down in Moscow through so called contract killing. The international community led by UN must immediately start bombing Russia to clean off bandits and criminals before the virus spreads to Europe and elsewhere. The virus has already spread to US with billions of dollars of money laudering by Russian mafia in payroll of Kremlin.

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Hackers attack Russian news site .

This is news in the bbc, any one can read it in the bbc site -

Some computer hackers could hack the russian news site, the site was out of work for more than an hour. What did the russian call those hackers ? COMPUTER TERRORISTS.

It is very clear that the western world liked this word - TERRORIST-, why not ? it is the right word to justify their dirty actions.

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Kir Yakovlev ( - on Saturday, December 11, 1999 - 07:24 pm:

I was talking since the nbeginning about 'export' part, not the total tdade volume ( I quoted my number directly from our dear PM's speech last week). Canada is indeed 1st american trade parner (slightly topping Japan) as far as TOTAL trade is concerned. My point is that the bulk of canadian export is going to USA (87%) whereas USA's export to Canada is only around 20-25% of the whole export. Well, no point it discusing on this board anyway...


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luna ( - on Sunday, December 12, 1999 - 04:57 pm:

Let us be perfectly fair and mention that crimes for commited by serbs as well as by bosnian muslims as well as by croats. It's also nice to mention that not only serbian "leaders" but also croatioan and bosnian are to be indicted for the crimes against humanity.


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I just went to this Chechen website with those beautiful mountain pictures.
They should just finish this internal prehistoric crap they have going on there and open up for international tourism, so that I can go and hunt some of those marvelous animals in those wonderful mountain ranges.
The Dollar rules!

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To all my muslim brothers here .....

I want to draw your attention that some of you use very bad words and ways in displaying their opinions. I know that a lot of the posters here attack Islam and Muslims, but at least we must show them how decent we are, and use a decent way that get along with the quran and sunna to express our opinions.

May Allah sends a victory from him to Mujaheeden in Chechyan....

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Saladin ( - on Sunday, December 12, 1999 - 05:24 pm:

Grozny is surrounded for over a month now
For 8 days actually.

Despite incessant bombing with all kinds of weapons, the
Russian Army is simply scared to take on the city's defenders

It's called being smart. Why storm the city filled with booby traps, mines and 5000 kamikadzes if it can be done without a loss of life?

The Russian conscript feels betrayed
by the war criminals in Moscow. The following example is typical of letters home from Russian
soldiers: β€œHello Volodya. I am in Chechnya. As usual, we have been betrayed.

Actually, from interviews with russian soldiers I've seen (most of them done by western media) the moral is (unexpectedly) high. Btw, russian conscripts do NOT receive payments (OMON and professional troops do)

Most Grozny residents are ethnic Russians
Most russian poulation if Grozny (mostly oil/chemical engineers and their families) were killed off/evicted/raped (some males too) by "wolves of Islam" in 1991-1993 before the start of the first war offensive in Chechnia in 1994.

Even the Russian civilians are not safe on the streets of

Ever been is Moscow? For the ordinary civilians Moscow is way more safe than Detroit for example. It is true though that if you are a corrupt banker then chances are (if you double crossed "someone")
that this "someone" wants your head. And what the heck, may I ask you, it has anything to do with Chechnia? (The only part I can think of is that the strongest mafia clan in Moscow is.....yes my dear Watson..chechen)


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BraveHeart ( - on Sunday, December 12, 1999 - 05:50 pm:

It is very clear that the western world liked this word - TERRORIST-, why not ? it is the right word to
justify their dirty actions.

To be perfectly fair, chechen "rebel" site was nuked about a month ago. They were very quick to the point to blame it all on "russian terrorist government" although they used "slightly" harsher wording which is very typical for their site (in fact, every report is full of swearings, very un-muslum i must say πŸ™‚ and people of their kind.


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I can see the validity in your point relating to the conformity of the Islamic faith in countries dominated by the religion. You have formed a solid argument and I most concede. However, I must dispell one area of Ottoman history that is distorted by the Christian accounts of history. During Ottoman rule, the sultan imposed a greater tax on non-Muslim people. Although this seems ridiculous and unjust, it is more compassionate than conducting an inquisition. This was to be the standard practice within the empire. However, some sultans defied this and became religious zealots. For the most part, the Ottomans used this difference of religion to their advantage for the purpose of generating additional revenue. If you don't believe this, let's look at it in a more rational degree. At the time, the Ottomans conquered a large continguency of people who shared the Orthodox faith. These people included Greeks, Serbians, Bulgarians, Armenians, etc. Now if these people were treated so unfairly by the Muslims, wouldn't they become involved in continuous revolt. Can you imagine what this would do to the empire? This seems especially true if these people held their faith to the highest regard. Realistically, the only Muslims in Europe appear to be those in the Balkans. Why is this? Why aren't Greeks, Armenians, and all Serbians synonymous with Islam? The facts are indisputable.

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By Fenriz Culto ( - on Sunday, December 12, 1999 - 06:19 pm

Ok Fenriz, Based on what you see and based on what you hear, and based on what you read every day, who do you think is the terrorist Russia or those people who defend their country against the invasion ?

My friend, truth must prevail, and I am sure sooner or later, you will see who will win this battle by Allah's leave.

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BraveHeart ( - on Sunday, December 12, 1999 - 06:54 pm:

First of all, every country in the world respects russian teritorial integrity as it is now, like it or not. I'm tired of saying that I personnaly not against Chechnia future independence, AS FAR AS, it's been done by means of democratic referendum with the inclusion of all people (including those who were evicted in 1991-1993) AND as far as Chechnia does not pose the threat to the rest of Russia, and that's what's current campain is all about.

I am also tired of mentionning that it was chechen invasion to russian territory of Dagestan that iniciated the conflict.

Lastly, let's put aside references to religion as this conflict has nothing to do with the clash of religions and, as in case with most of such conflicts, religious propagandas serve primarily as a means to attract fanatics (most of the rebels now are of non-chechen origin) to the conflict.


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A bit late but better late than never. You questioned my sources of information stating that they were pro-western. Well today while reading the Institute for War & Peace which is an independent news source, I ran across this little bit of news. You argued that this events stats were quoted incorrectly and that only 4 dead and 38 wounded (close to your figures) was the REAL numbers but here we have an independent source stating that differently.

"Life In Chechen Areas Under Russian Army Control
By Maria Eismont, recently in Samashki, Chechnya (CRS No. 9, 3-Dec-99)

Russian Federal forces are converging on Chechen capital Grozny from all sides, pouring artillery and rocket fire on the city in advance of an expected assault on its streets in the coming days.

But the frontline forces know that the real targets will escape the worst of the fire. They are the well-prepared, battle-hardened Chechen guerillas themselves, waiting for their chance to avenge - on the ground - the brutality their people have endured from the air for days now.

These men sent the clearest possible message Friday to the Russian troops massing around the city, by killing 200 Federation soldiers in a battle near Urus-Marten and then systematically cutting the throats of around 50 who tried to surrender."

Like I said before, whose more credible. I think I'll believe an independent source and many others before a state run one (TASS), thank you. You might be wise to, too.

Argue if you must but it doesn't change the facts of the matter.

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This is funny, this is exactly what CNN and BBC and many other western media have said. My question is how did they get this information? For about a month Russian army has not allowed to enter any media reporters and that includes Russian reporters as well. How do they manage to get in to the country? As I have told you before the CNN stated that information was received from Ingushetian representative who has no access to military for the sake of argument he is not even in Chechnya. Another thing is that Chechens always tape the public execution (Muslim moral) as they did this one, where are the images?
Even stranger thing is that Samashki have been under control of Russian army for a while now so there is absolutely no way she could have been on that territory. Another thing why I think this is BS is because Russian soldiers know that there is no point to surrender because they know that Chechen will execute them, the only difference will be in front of camera. So I’m sorry but I don’t buy any of information that Maria Eismont have wrote there, she just repeated what other western news have reported. I mean if she was there (which I doubt) she could have got some pictures but western media have provided nothing to back up their statements. I never told you that you have to believe what state run sources saying but sometimes even thinking in your own head helps to see that some things just don’t match. Yes I do know that Russian army lost more soldiers than they report but trust me it’s not anywhere close to what rebels report.

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