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Archive through December 12, 1999

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To Ferriz Culto:
Yes, Bosnian Croats and Muslims also committed crimes against the Serbs (and against each other). This has been reported and documented.
But don't forget that Milosevich & Company started the war & ethnic cleansing along a well planned systematic campaign against the Yugoslav minorities. This created a chain-reaction on all sides. So the Serb agression and the silly idea of creating a Greater Serbia by dominating all other minorities or simply throw them out, was the principal cause for the terror and mass-murder by the Serbs. This does not justify crimes against the Serbs, but justifies international action against them. After defeat of the Serbs (largely by Croats) the killings halted, except for minor casualties. Same story in Kosovo (although here we have to admit that remaining Serb civilians were insufficiently protected by NATO). Milosevitch & Company wanted to subdue the majority of 90% of the Albanian population. Without Nato intervention he may have kicked them all out.
Hitler, by creating WWII and mass-murdering Jews and Romas, was virtually solely responsable for the war. Particularly after the war a great number of Germans (and other minorities) perished through revenge killings in various countries, particularly in Eastern Europe (including Serbia). Millions of innocent Germans were thrown out of various Eastern European countries. This does not justify killings and ethnic cleansing of these innocent people at all. But the cause for all this was Hitler and his Nazis. Therefore the war by the allies was a just war. The result was a better Germany and peace over most of central Europe. Nato intervention in Bosnia and Kosovo did stop the Serb genocide and ethnic cleansing. Since there has been no complete defeat for the Serbs (war criminals roam at large), the situation is still unsettled, but wastly improved.
Chechny: since this is not a just war, as Russia claims it to be, the outcome of this one will be more political instability instead. The worst, however, is the indiscriminate targeting of innocent civilians, children, women and old men.
International pressure to stop this may have had an effect already. Fight terrorism, but not an entire population!

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Believe what you must my friend but how can anyone trust something or someone when they're led by pure propaganda? Let me guess where you got your figures from...the Russian military.

I rest my case.

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Luna the Croatian war started when the police leaders wanted police officers to wear the checker board emblem which officers of Serb descent could not and would not wear.And when the Serbs were being abused the Serb army intrvened.To all you people who keep saying Chechen terrorists will win, I could say Russia will win which will prove nothing so unless you have some facts to discuss do not waste the space.

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Luna I forgot to mention that for a Serb to wear the checker board in view of what the Croats did to the Serbs in WW2{kiled over 1 million] it would be like asking a Jew to wear a swastika. Also during WW2 Albanians had their own SS division. Its hard to look at a situation and forget the past when it suits the arguement. You know payback is a bitch.

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We successfully had our anti Russia Rally on friday. This was held at the webster plaza in downtown pheozix. We are planning another one soon.

Russians are truely the filthiest form of SUB HUMAN life on the planet today. Most Russian men are terrorists and most russian women are prostitutes.They are a sickening people. The Russian flag should be used to clean the dirtiest public toilets. We burnt the Russian flag, We wasted a match.

The begger bowl nation of russia is doomed. They are bankrupt third world nation, run by gangsters and terrorists. Moscow is the kidnapping capital of the world. Everywhere russian women are stripping of and selling their bodies.

I think that berstein guy was right when he said Russians were filthy pigs. However i do not want to insult pigs by comparing them to russians

Soon the fat pig who runs russia will be dead and this begger bowl nation will totally collapse. The only good thing about being russian is you don't have to feel ashamed when begging

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