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Archive through December 13, 1999

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Matteson This is the only time Iwill answer you ...F..K off you goof . Thats why I dont see Bernstein here anymore and you will be gone soon.

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By Fenriz Culto ( - on Sunday, December 12, 1999 - 07:11 pm:

My friend, you did not answer my question.

The russians started this war, because they claim that the chechyan exploded some buildings in russia, I hope you remember that.
They started the war to get rid of the terrorists as they say, not to prevent the separation.

Now, can we go back to 1920's when the revolution started in Russia, Do you know what Stallin did to make the revolution succeed ? He killed MILLIONS of people. I am sure you know that. My friend the the history of both Russia and USA is so bloody. Why did Russia invade Afganistan some years ago ? Can you answer ?

You are talking about Russia as if it is a great country, ok, if the measurement of greatness is only atomic power, then Russia is great.

Russia is begging USA and IMF to give them loans, but the politicians are stealing this money and wasting it in vain. I am here living in Canada, I hope you come her to see the Russian community, the new russian immigrants, most of them are criminals and prostitutes, that is it.

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Matthesson YOU are one of the losers that pays the hookers.

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By Roger mattesson ( - on Sunday, December 12, 1999 - 10:55 pm:

My friend, although you used very cruel and impolite words, I agree with you. You have mentioned nothing but the truth.

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Braveheart They may be from Russia but the people up on Bathurst St are not Russian names but ...

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I might add that I know one of the people in the last Eastern European Mafia bust and he happens to be Greek

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By igor ( - on Sunday, December 12, 1999 - 11:07 pm:

I have got it my friend. **ws. Am I right ?

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Yes and thats why they were called Eastern European because we complained that they were calling them Russian Mafia when in fact there were no Russian names

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By luna ( - on Sunday, December 12, 1999 - 09:24 pm

Luna: I am not arguing who did what in balcans in 1940's, 1950, 1500's or this decade. I'm merely remind you to look at both sides of a coin (well, in this case, three 🙂


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BraveHeart ( - -

Russia attacked rebels only after they invaded Dagestan (Russia), not for the first time I might add. They also attacked it in 1997 even though they were given de facto independence in 1996. And those are big invasions. There are hundreds of incidents when small groups of terrorists from Chechnya crossed the border to kidnap people from other parts of Russia or to attack border guards. If the rebels didn't invade Dagestan in 1999, but would still blow up buildings, Russia would not start it's anti-terrorist operation. Even if it wanted to.

Administration -

Please block roger matthesson from posting. Thank you.

>roger matthesson ( -
>on Sunday, December 12, 1999 - 10:58 pm:
>russians have solidarity with your OTHER BEGGER >COUSINS THE SERBS
>You poor, poor very very poor third world terrorists!
>Don't worry begger bowl Russians we americans are generous. We WILL >DONATE stale meat/fish for your begger population this Christmas.

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BraveHeart ( - on Sunday, December 12, 1999 - 11:03 pm:

My friend, you did not answer my question.

The russians started this war, because they claim that the chechyan exploded some buildings in
russia, I hope you remember that.
They started the war to get rid of the terrorists as they say, not to prevent the separation.

On the contrary, I believe I did:
Fenriz Culto ( - on Sunday, December 12, 1999 - 07:11 pm:

1) very country in the world respects russian teritorial integrity as it is now, like it or not.

2) I am also tired of mentionning that it was chechen invasion to russian territory of Dagestan that
iniciated the conflict.
thus, may I add, violating the integrity and the agreement of de-facto independence signed in 1996 by russians and chechens.

can we go back to 1920's when the revolution started in Russia

He killed MILLIONS of people. I am sure you know that. My friend
the the history of both Russia and USA is so bloody.

Yep he did, but obviously not because "he wanted to revolution to succeed" (my granddad was one of the victims). May I remind you that it was not Russia but Soviet union that included over 200 different nations (Stalin himself was a georgian of jewish descent).

Why did Russia invade Afganistan some years
ago ? Can you answer ?

Russia did not invade Afganistan; Soviet Union did. I'm stressing it because it's important to differentiate completely different purposes in foreign policies of two countries. From here you can extract the answer to the 2nd part: for the same reason USA invaded Korea and Vietnam. SU and USA were fighting for the world domination; with the fall of SU this struggle is no more, as USA perfectly assumed the role of "the world policeman"

You are talking about Russia as if it is a great country, ok, if the measurement of greatness is only
atomic power, then Russia is great.

Believe in anyhting you wish to. As far as i'm concerned, one must venture, if wanted, into the history and culture long time ago to answer that.
There are quite a few great countries that could be inspired upon.

Russia is begging USA and IMF to give them loans, but the politicians are stealing this money and
wasting it in vain.

You've answered it yourself: politicians do, and precisely for the same reason as you've said. Most russians greatly oppose it and hopefully after the elections there will be no loans. Given the right approach, Russia has enough resourses to prosper by itself. It will take time...10, 20 years maybe, I know not. Don't forget, it's only ben 7-8 years since the fall of SU and it takes a few years to break the spine of the old structure.

I am here living in Canada, I hope you come her to see the Russian community
I'm a Canadian Citizen and very proud of that. As for the "russian" community, I believe Igor already correctly answered your question. There are hardly any people of russian origin here (as well as in America). The reason is simple: during SU time mostly people of jewish descent (with a few exceptions) were allowed to leave SU. I have visited such a "community" in the beginning of 90's and never visited it since. As for your comment, it just shows how can one easily be bamboozzled by a remote "community" consisting by mostly scum of society and then form opinions about a nation as a whole.


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Fenriz .... I too lost my grandfather as well as any other relatives that I might have had so I can relate to what your saying.

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Luckily, my grandad spent only few years in prison and was released shorly before WW2 as he was an expert in military production

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To: Roger Matthesson: (is it matthesson or mattesson? knowing how to spell your name is usefull, ya'know)

Hi Roger. I’m quite sure that there are lots of youth clubs where you
can hang out with people that are younger than yourself. Then you
can explain them about life seen through the eyes of someone as
experienced like yourself. That will make you feel important, and it
could be a highlight in your life that you will remember for a long


Estimable Member
Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 139

To: Roger Matthesson: (is it matthesson or mattesson? knowing how to spell your name is useful, ya'know)

Hi Roger. I’m quite sure that there are lots of youth clubs where you
can hang out with people that are younger than yourself. Then you
can explain them about life seen through the eyes of someone as
experienced like yourself. That will make you feel important, and it
could be a highlight in your life that you will remember for a long


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