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Archive through December 15, 1999

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Vot sychenok...pod dyraka kosit a sam zashitilse kak tol'ko xera ne polychitsea...y nevo ne odnovo svobodnova porta nety....cherez proxy navernoe zaxodit sabaka...

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I thank you, mam *wink*

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to Svoloch:
jzalko 🙂

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sod off!!!!
************No, that's the translation, honest.


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To Kim:

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anybody there?

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Howling wind sound................................
......................tumble weed goes by.........
.........Danenenana.....wa wa wa ....... ...... nope

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Svoloch ( - on Wednesday, December 15, 1999 - 05:27 pm

We'll see. I'm not as closed minded as some around here. I'm just curious who they're putting on trial. After all, it did come from a military source and not a police one unless they're the same. Just curious.

As far as the Chinese Embassy is concerned, again, believe what you want. In my book it's not worth the arguement. They screwed up, admitted to it and apologized. If that's not enough for ya, then you deal with it. I'm done.

BTW, Why did you say that the Russian military apologized for the market place bombings? I thought they didn't do it.

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Dimitri ( - on Wednesday, December 15, 1999 - 05:40 pm

I'm not pasting, just answering posts. Took a break.

That's a matter of opinion as to the outcome of such a battle. Past ones don't count due to technology plus we had complete air superiority. I think you would agree to that point at least. Hell, If we can hit the Chinese Embassy by ACCIDENT just imagine if we really tried.

I'm a male if it really matters.

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By Svoloch ( - on Wednesday, December 15, 1999 - 06:20 pm:

They are not ••••••• innocent they are getting what they deserve, what the •••• they were thinking when attacked Russian territory? Well they definitely did not think about their women and children they don’t think about them right now ether.

Does everybody see what I mean? the animal Svoloch is saying that children deserve getting bombed! to get what they deserve?

At least this proves my point that Russians are sub human terrorist filth or brainwashed morons. Everybody (except brainwashed russian people) know that the bombings in Moscow were carried out by the Russian mafias. Yeltsin's govt was about to collapse and blaming chechnya was perfect for pig Yeltsin and loyal dog Putin. Thank goodness the fat pig will be dead within 6 months! Russian expansion knows no aims. The sooner we have a Republican in the whitehouse the better.

Svoloch - I will not reply to you as I do not talk to wild beasts.

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AP) - Russian tanks and armored personnel carriers stormed Grozny for the first time on Wednesday and were beaten back in bitter street fighting by Chechen defenders near the city center. Several burning tanks and armored personnel carriers were in Minutka Square after the Russian attack was stopped early Wednesday evening by rebel fighters firing rocket-propelled grenades. The bodies of several dead Russian soldiers were seen sprawled around the burning wrecks of the vehicles.

pathetic! the Russians CAN NOT even fight some rag tag chechen rebels! All RUSSIANS ARE POWERFUL AGAINST ARE OLD MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN

I hope to see many black body bags being delieved to Moscow. (DV)
You people are total failures.

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Igor ( - on Wednesday, December 15, 1999 - 05:58 pm

More answers.

You bet your ass we did, right on target, imagine that. Do YOU know why the US used them? Because it saved over 1,000,000 US casualties. Read your history you idiot. It wasn't for the hell of it!!!

Christ, now wonder the Somali's hate your ass.

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I side with russia in this instance. to me its like texas going their own way and bombing a couple of skyscrapers in manhatten just to show the feds they mean business. ron

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The last comment by our eloquent (if mentally deficient) friend Roger is really enigmatic: the current Russian establishment certainly had less problems with Republcan Bush than with Democrat Clinton. Not to mention that the Republican-controlled Congress refused to declare support for Clinton's actions in Kosovo, and the same features many more Republican politicians than Democrats. I agree that any of the present major GOP candidates would be better than that creature we have for President right now, but considering his expressed views, I suspect that Roger is actually a lower-end Democratic activist working hard to present the other party as a bunch of demented bigots...
Tellin' you as someone who voted for every Republican president in my lifetime except Nixon...

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