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Archive through December 15, 1999

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I think Svoloch has a need for a good 'ol punch-up. Would anyone care to accomodate him.
Svoloch,you could of course come up with something contentious yourself. Or would you rather someone else had a scrap on your behalf.

there's always KKK

with affection,


Ps- Where's Dimitri?

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Igor -
As somebody who had contributed to the site, and whose personal ideology is closest to the ideology to people like Alan Bock and Llewellyn Rockwell, I have to tell you:
these people are totally disgusted by Russian actions in Chechnya, and, although they are consistent military isolationists and opposed the Balkan involvement bitterly, none of them would draw hypocritical parallels between Kosovo and Chechnya...

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Will check it out,Ta.

By the way, could you give us a run down of the Russian media. (TV,press,etc.).
Do the Russian tv stations have web-sites?

By the way :

Just to see what YOU are critising:

Sky & CNN -suck


L'menexe, thanks.( for the Japanese as well)

If the instability continues- do you believe we will remain unaffected. Globalisation does work in both directions.
"Chan" and "san" ?


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Kir Yakolev: Did you read the posting for Emperers-clothes?

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to the xtent i know it...
"chan"== my friend
"san" == my dear.

then there's "sama", "sempai", "kun"...others perhaps not coming to mind or not applicable.

but i wouldnt want you to feel slighted, kim-san.

no, 'we've' got a good chance of being 'not unaffected' by this. at the moment it's not 'our' call.

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Russia says there are few thousand fighters holed up in Grozny and an equal number in the southern mountains. It is mind boggling to see Rusia amassing over 100,000 Army with all kinds of weapons including long range missiles, helicopter gunships and 'chemical weapons'. This kind of force has been mobilized to crush few thousand 'bandits'. The world will be seeing soon another spectacle of gallant fighters of Islam taking on a formidable force with meagre resources, lack of air power, lack of medicine and more so Grozny has no electricity and power for months. There is no comparison for such a dispariy of forces on opposing sides in modern times. Even the last war was similar but the western media never gave credit to the Chechens but kept harping about Russian humiliation rather then Chechen victory. The crushing defeat of the Russian Army in the last war was a epoch making event and will be remembered in the annals of war as the most humiliating and crushing defeat of a ertswhile super power.

It will be the same in this war. No doubt about it. God is indeed Great.

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"god" has naught to do with this, one way or
another. the problem is that he/she/it's being
spoken for, as usual, to whatever 'spin' that
suits those who insist on speaking for he/she/it.

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//"I don't beleive tales of civilians allegedly killed by russian troops at least under russian command."

/Why would you? You're Russian and of course everyone knows the Russian military would do /nothing wrong...right?

Wrong I'm not russian even not from descend. I was against Milosevic in Yugoslavia, I was against the first war in Chechenya.

/Before you utter a word, even if they're NOT under Russian Command, justify using UNGUIDED /rockets against a civilian population center.

Because they don't have the thechnology or the money to purchase guided missiles. US itself ran short of tomahawk in Kosovo.
Most of civilian remaining in Grozny are russian. Do you realy think they enjoy killing them?
Why did the rebels choose a civilian population centre as fortress?
You see me too I can ask stupid questions.

to kkk,
You are proud of your race but I'm ashame of you...

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The sooner Grozny falls the better for civilians. πŸ™‚

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...But not antiwar!!
It's sacrilegeous to use God's name to justify a war or to name him as a supporter of war or to use his name to urge other men to kill.
At least Nato and Russia have the decency to speak about material interest and not on God's sake.

As of your assertion, I think you're dreaming.
If Russia send 100 000 troops against 10 000 or even 3 000, it's just to win the war. Basayev would do the same if he could. What do you think?!

"Galant fighter"? Ha! Ha! Ha !! I don't know any gallant fighter in the world. Wether they are russian or american or islamist they are all using all means available to kill theyr enemy. They chiefs are all assassins.

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Sorry for my assumption on your ethnic background but the question still exisits. Do you actually think the Russian military CARES who they kill in Grozny? It's all a matter of keeping their casualties low, which I doubt they are, so the Russian populace will continue supporting this offensive. The population didn't support the first one, remember?

As far a why the militants use a city as a fortress, that's simple. It worked in the first war to bleed the Russians so why not the second and plus, that's where their headquarters were prior to this "anti-terrorist" campaign, so why change?

There, I think I answered your "stupid questions" with legitimate answers.

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Anti- Racist is synonymous with anti- war. When someone attacks you and wants to occupy your land and property, then the last resort is to defend your life and property with all available means. Russia is the aggressor and violated the Khasayurt peace accord signed by the representative of Russian Govt. at that time, Alexander Lebed. In fact he saved the remnants of the Russian Army from total annihilation. Russian troops withdrew from Chechnya through a corridor under 'chechen' protection.

This time there won't be any protection. Lebed or any other savior is not around.

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Well don’t you think this board becoming boring? I don’t see anymore fights here, they were the main reason I come here. Where is Adam? Where is Roger? I have no one to fight with. All people do on this forum is they post articles that are mainly from some retarded web sites. I tried to have argument with Bones but it didn’t work out, so I guess I have to look for someone to pick a fight. Well there is always you and Bones πŸ™‚

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•••• !!! This is retarded!!! BLEA SYKU EBANIE!!!

Chechnya attacked Russian territory not the other way around! If they thought that Russia won’t attack back then they were mistaking they are getting what the deserved.


I personally don’t think Russian army really cares who they kill however I don’t believe that they kill civilians intentionally.


You know nothing about this conflict as you know nothing about war ether.

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Hello Ms. Kim ( or is it Mrs? *wink* :), I am here, thanx for remembering about me.I just got back in town and I see I have missed on some "softcore" action :-).Last night I watched "Vremya"(Russ. for "Time") - a Russian daily evening news report..well..seems to me that we(Russ. Federation) are being pretty understanding about the fact that there are 15 to 40K civilians trapped in Grozny. According to ITAR-Tass(I saw one of the journalists taking an inteview with a Russian Army general)they will stay on their positions for as long as it takes for civillians(at least most of them) to get out..that is if they are going to be let out..honestly I highly doubt that militants will do that good deed..watcha think?

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