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Archive through December 15, 1999

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All you people supporting Basayev ( just tool of US imperialism) please read in entirety the following written in 1996.

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Boring !

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Bones did the US care who they killed in KOSOVO? They were not even bombing military targets but mostly Serb civilians.

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I agree with the last part of your sentence concerning my statement. No fight there. πŸ˜‰

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AntiRacist said:
"It will be the same in this war. No doubt about it."

To AntiRacist:

To make the same mistake twice???? I DON'T THINK SO. That is a pretty naive statement, man. Seems to me that you're looking at the situation from religious point of view rather than being logical - no offense. I don't think you should defend them("freedom" fighters,haha), based on the fact that they are muslims. People who don't care how many of there own die, who have no problem with being barberic(all sorts of explosions, torturing Russian civilians.. as well as soldiers, etc., etc., etc.)should expect the consiquences.Hell, anyone should. What are those consequences? - a big barabim-baraboom.

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Yeah cmert mycilmanskaya cbinya ,zapazi

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To Bones:

Fred Le Dingue is French. The hint - "Le Dingue" πŸ™‚

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Igor isvini shto ya ne otvetil natvoi vopros - ia seichas naxozjus' v shtatax. tak cht ti pochti ygadal πŸ™‚

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That last post about bombing Serbs is laughable. Is this just another off the cuff remark and if not, prove it with a source. And not a Serb one an independent one. Also, if the Yugoslav army and Serb paramilitaries weren't being hurt that badly by the bombing, why did they leave Kosovo? Don't tell me the KLA was kicking some serious ass.

BTW Igor, I didn't say that no Serb was hit by a bomb, I said, Serbs weren't the specific targets of them.

I loved it when watching on TV where Serbs held rallies on bridges were they KNEW the bridge was a target. You talk about idiots! I can see it now in bright lights "NATO made us do it!"

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Where the hell is RUSSIAN!!! Myzjik ti gde??? It’s boring without him.


Which statement are you talking about? Is it about civilians or the last statement that I wrote to Kim?



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Damn hints! "Fred" threw me off. πŸ˜‰

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WOW, I got scared there for a second, administrator have banned me from this message board. But it’s all good now πŸ™‚

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Bones I did not know they had military targets at hospitals and schools and at Chinese embassy. State dept had travel advisory maybe when the terrorists do something in US territory you will get a clue. Read http Ileft earlier

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You said "I personally don’t think Russian army really cares who they kill however I don’t believe that they kill civilians intentionally."

I agreed with the last four words, especially if they knew they were bombing ethnic Russians. I think the average grunt believes he is bombing/rocketing the militants.

BTW, the term "grunt" is used throughout all militaries and is in no way my way of degrading the Russian soldier. Nuff said.

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Igor - There are many intelligent arguments to be made against both the NATO expansion and the NATO presence in the former Yugoslavia. But to quote Prof. Sean Gervasi is to invite ridicule. This hard-Left fundamentalist from Paris is so biased and disrespectful to facts, he makes Noam Chomsky to look like a cool distant observer. In the 70ies, being mostly africanist by training, he published piles of articles accusing USA, Britain et al of engineering poverty and wars in Africa without EVER mentioning such little details as Soviet or Cuban presence or political and economic disbalances created by local Marxist regimes.
Th equality of his writing can really satisfy only somebody who agrees with his theses a priori.
Even in this article, one of the first sentences reads: "The economies of the Western industrial nations are, in fact, in a state of semi-collapse".
Give me a break.

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