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Archive through December 15, 1999

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It should have been the last "8" words, my mistake. The rest of my statement stands though.

I need to proof read better.

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Roger - (I doubt the name is real" you would spell "beggars" correct if you were an Anglo-Saxon)

I don't think much about Duma politicains either,
but your sweeping generalizations about the whole Russian nation are quite insulting, and not just to Russians.

Sure, the 20th Century is a time of crime and shame for Russia. So it was for Japan and Germany. Do you think they would rebuild themselves as democratic, free and rich nations if the rest of the world had treated Germans and Japanese as some kind of subhuman species?

Here, in America, Russian immigration - like any other - does contribute to common prosperity and progress. There are always some bad sheep - there were hardened criminals and "mafias" in almost every immigration stream. They are a price we have to pay for the treasure of talent, initiation, diverse worldviews...a small price, if you ask me.

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To: Roger Matthesson:

Hi Roger. I’m quite sure that there are lots of youth clubs where you
can hang out with people that are younger than yourself. Then you
can explain them about life seen through the eyes of someone as
experienced like yourself. That will make you feel important, and it
could be a highlight in your life that you will remember for a long


PS: I will remind you about it every time I see you showing up, just in case if your "little grey brain cells" are devoid of a short-term memory.

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Russian so called soldiers (aka terrorists) are robbing old women fleeing Chechnya

You Russians really are the lowest of the low, the trash of humanity

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So it's agreed, the Yugoslav army and paramilitaries and the KLA all have one thing in common. They both can kick some serious civilian ass.

I'm glad you finally admitted to it.

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To: Fenriz Culto

Hi Fenriz

I’m quite sure that there are lots of youth clubs where you
can hang out with people that are younger than yourself. Then you
can explain them about life seen through the eyes of someone as
experienced like yourself. That will make you feel important, and it
could be a highlight in your life that you will remember for a long


PS: I will remind you about it every time I see you showing up, just in case if your "little grey brain cells" are devoid of a short-term memory.

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Matthesson come to Toronto for your next rally I have got some Russians who want to meet you. Actually maybe they will show up in Pheonix u tebe b zhony tebe zacynyt tboe yazik ti cobaka npaklyataya

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Keep repeating your pro terrorist russian beliefs and I will counter act them

Keep repeating your anal message to me and I will turn it round everytime OK!

Even a brain dead Russian lover like you should get the message!

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Gervasi does not offer any "analysis". He cites well-known facts, makes biased comments and fraudulent interpretations, and builds a rigid framework "for future reference".

Thesis: Industrialized capitalist countries are aggressive, expansionist, imperialist entities, by their very nature.

Whenever anything happens that can to any extent be an illustration (however far-fetched) to the thesis, it is being discussed at length.

When nothing of the sort happens, or something opposite happens - it's not being mentioned.

There's no research and no predictive power in the method: just waiting for the proverbial broken clock to be "right" twice a day....

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By Roger Mattheson ( - on Wednesday, December 15, 1999 - 03:43 pm:

So it looks like your brain is malfunctionning.

PS. I'm intersted to know if Christian Coalition Foundation (LMAO!!!!!!!!!!) supports such organizations as Heavens Gate. Because if you do, I would like to contribute. I can't wait for the loosers to commit suicide so they can be taken by the alien star ship to the distant star Sirius where you all can re-unite.


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It would be actually nice to forward snippets of "Roger"'s ractist ranting to the CCF. I bet he/she/it will be in a lot of trouble if they can identify him/her/it...The Christian Coalition-affiliated groups had a lot of bad press in the 90s, and they are enormously sensitive to such issues...

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To Kir Yakovlev

look, most Russians who come to the usa, try to screw the system. Most are crooks and conmen. They deal in drugs, money laundering (bank of new york) terrorism and prostitution. They are not resepected by americans -They are not a positive contribution to our society.

By the way, you will have to do better than look for typo errors - to say my name is not real!

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Did you forget who you were for a moment back there?


Noam Chomsky- we are talking "god" here-
you blasphemer.

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By: Roger Matheson
Nothing will stop me from exposing the truth about Russian terrorism, corruption, money laundering, drug dealing and prostitution.

(First off,why the hell do you care about any of these things that take place in Russia, how is it affecting you? Were you happening to stay in Moscow and got beaten and raped by some youth hooligans? LOL. Or were you leaving a hotel and a man in a mercedez said that he was your chafeur and drove you to a secluded street lined with apartment buildings and some guys get in the car with you on each side and all of a sudden you see one of them reaching toward you and next thing you know you black out, and you find yourself lying in a ditch, its raining and some dog is licking your stinky ass? HAHAHA)

Russia is a corrupt bankrupt nation controlled by gangsters and bandits. Moscow has the highest kidnapping rate in the world. The begger bowl terrorists in the Duma are conducting a war against innocent civilians for political gain. These beggers in the duma do not care about the many poor hungry Russians - they want to feed their fat bellies. Russia is a nation with its begging bowl out to the west. If we did not feed these beggers they would soon be extinct.

(Am i wrong to say that U.S. was at the same state of economic depression during its great depression when it was run by gangsters such as Al Capone aka Scarface? What the hell do you expect to have a rich democratic nation after just almost 9 years? You had some 250 + years to get your nation to where it is today through civil wars, revolts, the souths seccession from the Northern Union, slavery, depression.)

I would still rather we feed the begger people of Russia and keep them in their third world nation than have Russians coming to USA. Russians bring nothing but crime and terrorism wherever they go. This is a fact nobody can deny.

(Well guess what, we give you credit for being the wealthies and most better off country in the world, actually, im sure most of the people of the world in other countries will gladly come to U.S., and it will happen, because there are jobs and resources. America is only a temporary haven i assure you, in 10 years population of world will be 10 billion and U.S. will impose a law saying you can only have 1 or 2 babies like china, you know why? because all immmigrants of world are coming to U.S., because you asked for it, because you invited them in with open arms. So Mr. Matheson, if you still alive to see those days in spite of your outspoken naive criticsm of Russia and other countries, your ignorance, then you will also see one day a U.S. a beggar country and perhaps a very high level of crime country.)

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By Kir Yakovlev ( - on Wednesday, December 15, 1999 - 03:54 pm:
It would be actually nice to forward snippets of "Roger"'s ractist ranting to the CCF. I bet he/she/it will be in a lot of trouble if they can identify him/her/it...

I wonder if you will be forwarding Russian RACIST treatment of foreigners/ americans / caucaus people to the proper authorities!

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