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Archive through December 15, 1999

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You're 03:04pm statement about the Chinese Embassy was addressed to Igor.

He implied the US targeted the Embassy intentionally where it was later learned that that area was thought to be something else. Igor won't except that it was an accident which the US as so stated and has since apologized for.

That's his problem, not mine.

Igor: Sorry dude, graduated a long time ago.

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I think you miss my point, there may well have been some point in past centuries where these countries had enviroments and cultures conducive to creativity of every sort, and at that time were positive contributors to the world. However in my lifetime and particularly at present, I have seen nothing constructive come out of these countries, (well Tito, and Soviet-era graphics maybe) and I think you wisely talk of them in the same breath as Albania, they are in the same league, although I can forgive Albania as they have no pretentions to greatness.


a dumb retarded mind.

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Medication time at the asylum!!!!!!
Did someone leave the cell doors open?

Svoloch, make the most of it, honey.


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Roger -

Your opinion of the Russian immigration is based probably on TV serials depicting colorful Russian Mafia ("organizatzia")of New York. That is TV, entertainment. 95-97% of Russian immigrants have nothing to do with any kind of organized crime. 80-85% of them never have "screwed the system" - even if you count spending some time on welfare and subsudised housing as forms of abuse.
In fact, criminalization of "Russian communities" (meaning - we are talking about LESS
integrated part of the Russian immigration) is third lowest - after Japanese and Korean - among all identifiable new-arrival groups, and lower lower than for Americans on average, except in New York City.
Check any high-tech enterprise in any major US city - you will find dozens of Russian specialists successfully working there - why would they want to become "gangsters"?

P.S. And leave "prostitutes" alone - it's a better way of making a living than being a politician or a tax inspector ...

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Mo_karu ( - on Wednesday, December 15, 1999 - 04:05 pm:
In case you never heard of Tesla, he was a serbian scintist. Some call him the greatest mind in XX century for his groundbreaking work in the field of electomagnetics. I can give you numerous russian achievments in this century as well, maybe you heard of A.Sakharov (the inventer of hydrogen bomb amongst other things)? BTW, I just heard that amecicans and russians made a deal to construct an extra module for the International Space Station (<-- i hope you heard about this) to broadcast live video to WWW from
space. The module will be completely designed by russians and americans will sponsor it.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but Tito was half croatian/half slovenian.


PS : I didn't call you a dumb retarded mind. I will do so only if you insist though :-))))

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Roger -
I'm not a snitch, to report to the "authorities", especially if you are really R.M.
The CCF (not a governmental organization!) however is sure to be enraged at your posting their name/address while spouting racist nonsense that could be attributed to them by association...

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Fenriz -
Should be noted, on margins, that Tesla has become one of the greatest engineers ever in the USA, after working for - and then against - Edison; that Sakharov has become the strongest internal adversary of the Soviet system and was no darling of Russian nationalists either; that Tito, while Croatian by blood, sponsored harshest political persecutions among Croats (just ask Georgians what they've got from Stalin)...
Examples usually just point to complexities.

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BONES Just because US apologized doesn't mean they did not do it on purpose.

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Kir Yakovlev ( - on Wednesday, December 15, 1999 - 04:25 pm:

that Tesla has become one of the greatest engineers ever in the USA, after working for - and then against - Edison.
That's affirmative statement, but not really relevant to what I was explaining. Is Einstein jewish, german or american? And what about Euler?
Would you consider him austrian or russian (since he made his groundbreaking mathematical work in Russia).

Sakharov has become the strongest internal adversary of the Soviet system and was no darling Right, and Russia should be extremely proud of that fact; a true hero. A world, definitely, had been greatly contributed just by that magnificient person, don't you think?

Lastly, one my georgian friend told me that "Dzugashvili" is not exactly a georgian name. I shall obstain from futher explanation in order not to stir a mess on a board 🙂


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Fenriz -
It's funny. We are making the same point, and you still appear to argue with me...:-)

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We know who Stalin was .Same as his henchmen

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"Russia is a nation with its begging bowl out to the west. If we did not feed these beggers they would soon be extinct."

If you would not feed us we would have our nukes up you’r a$$.

"Russia is a corrupt bankrupt nation controlled by gangsters and bandits. Moscow has the highest kidnapping rate in the world. The begger bowl terrorists in the Duma are conducting a war against innocent civilians for political gain. These beggers in the duma do not care about the many poor hungry Russians - they want to feed their fat bellies."

Did you figure this out all by yourself? Tell us something we don’t know, stupid ••••.

"I would still rather we feed the begger people of Russia and keep them in their third world nation than have Russians coming to USA. Russians bring nothing but crime and terrorism wherever they go. This is a fact nobody can deny."

Come over to Moscow and we will talk. But then again I know you are scared little sh!t.

"After the success of our last rally against Russia"

What success are you talking about? How did you succeed? What good did you do to any one? What are you pathetic loser talking about?

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It seems that the argument of cultural superiority/national inferiority continues to fester. The rationality (or lack of) bases itself on association. Therefore, the logic presented would correlate me with the doings of my ancestory (Turkish) I suppose I am a genocide-denying, ass-backwards, conflict-inducing fanatic. If this is the logic for which we present our arguments, then I shall refrain from even providing an effort to channel my view on this medium. This "analysis" of superiority/inferiority of culture is really destructive. A realization must be made to combat such notions. I know it's difficult, but let's try not to associate ourselves with greatness. Only you as individuals can achieve this. Much to the disapproval of some participants on this board, the former acts of genius among people of your ancestral background do not transcend onto you. The continuation of this cycle is strictly dependent on your actions rather than your empty words which serve to draw a point of reference. In other words, you will only be associated with greatness if you wish to achieve it. Usually the people who boast of such an irrational form of association are those who have never established an identity for themselves.

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Matthesson the only rallies you go to are the gay pride You are the homecoming queen. And for your info I saw a lot of beggars in LA picking garbage so do not feel high and mighty you goof .By the way did you take your PROZAC today.hahahaha

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