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Archive through December 15, 1999

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Mo_karu ( - on Wednesday, December 15, 1999 - 05:08 pm:
Ah the hydrogen bomb, now there's another positive contribution to mankind !-)
Ah, I see you hear about A. Sakharov for the first time (who, btw, received a Nobel Peace Price for his achievments). No comments.

I judge a country not by reciting school textbook lists of acheivements, rather by the collective behavior/development of the common people
Good! Make sure that next time you judge COUNTRY rather than its nationalities (that is, SU as oppossed to "russians" who were 1 of 200 nationalities)

In both of the countries of which we speak there seems to be a 'primitive' level of every kind of negative 'ism' invented, nationalism and racism being the most prevalent and offensive. And the leaders that the PEOPLE of these countries produce, or rather don't get rid of, make Western leaders look positively 'enlightened'.

There are a lot of developped countries where nationalizm and racism runs very high (just look who got 2nd place in recent elections in Austria), or take look at Mattesonnian maniak for example. But in a nutshell, it's a minority so to blame the whole nation for the certain groups in there is absurd (in my books). As far as leaders are concerned, would you blame all germans, since they did not dethrone Hitler?

Did Tesla do his work IN Serbia or did he emigrate, just curious

Most of his work he did in America (but not all), but it does not matter. I just gave him as an example hoping that you heard of his famous name :-). I can assure you that he was by far not the only one. Keep updating the books.



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To Ultra Russian Nationalist

Tell me your address, I will be happy to send you and your family stale meat/fish, used toilet paper and soap.

Remember, In USA, Russians and blacks are considered similar troublemakers. Neither is liked by americans.

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"So it's agreed, the Yugoslav army and paramilitaries and the KLA all have one thing in common. They both can kick some serious civilian ass.
I'm glad you finally admitted to it."

Cheap trick. Do you have your own arguments or are you going to invert my words?(abviousely, that's what you did in your last reply to me). Serbs were violent, HOWEVER they are not a chiken sh1t like KLA.If NATO troops dared to fight Serbian Army instead of bombing,they would most likely be defeted. Serbs fought Ottomans, they fought Hitler fearlessly. They were more brave than most of the Europian nations in WWII. It is a fact. If you going to deny or argue this, please do it with proof. But I doubt you will..wanna know why?THERE IS NO PROOF.

P.S. What is your gender, Bones?

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Basically, you should say "Rot op" to Kim when dissagreing πŸ™‚

Kim: During my short stay in Netherlands (mostly in Purmerend), when someone in Amsterdam was offering me to buy "pot" on the street I was saying "rot op" and it worked all the time. One of the few things I still managed not to forget

Just a joke


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We celebrated after the bombing of the chinese embassy. Most Republicans could not care less about a bunch of 'no value' china people!

If we stopped buying shoddy chinese goods, china would be bankrupt like Russia!

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Serbs fought Ottomans, they fought Hitler fearlessly. They were more brave than most of the Europian nations in WWII. It is a fact. If you going to deny or argue this, please do it with proof. But I doubt you will..wanna know why?THERE IS NO PROOF.

YES! serbs are brave!

brave at massacring old men and women
brave at stealing from refugees
brave at raping 10 year old girls
brave at torturing innocent civilians

Yes! serb trash is indeed brave in begger Russian eyes!

thank goodness we defeated sub human serbs, bankrupted their economy and destroyed the FRY infastructure!

serb secret weapon = Yugo

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Roger -
Now you have managed to insult me in so many ways, I can't count them all: as a Russian-American, third generation Republican who is married to a Chinese and whose adopted child is black, all I have to say is: Go **** yourself, you filthy bigot. Don't smear the long-suffering Chechen people by siding with them in this argument. (Sorry folks, couldn't hold it)

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Yeah and Americans hit military targets at Nagasaki and Hiroshima right .This ones for you BONES

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If China kicked out your industries such as Nike and many others from the country I don’t think US would be all that happy. You do get cheap labor in China and you are not buying Chinese good stupid motherfucker you are buying goods that are made by American companies. What you little •••• can’t understand is that many of your companies depend on other countries because they would simply won’t survive if they had to produce all the good in the states.

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to Rogger


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Why is this idiot Matthesson still here isn't it time for your anal. Have not heard one fact from you yet piece of shite.

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You consider me a bigot? okay?

Is my so called bigotry worse than the russian wholsale massacre of innocent men, women and even little babies. Did you see the news report on CNN from chechnya showing a terrified 5 year old girl in a cellar with her grandma, huddling in the dark. Not knowing when they will be bombed by russian animals. What if it were your daughter, Yakovlev, how would you feel?

Sorry did not mean to insult you. But there are many of us in USA who simply will never forget the actions of these filthy russians.

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enjoin'it yet, Kim? πŸ˜‰

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Diman on (roger) navermnoe konchaet kogda zdes' pishet πŸ™‚ davaite ne bydem lomat' kaif rebenky πŸ™‚

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where d'ya git the Sowf-east-landon aksent- innit?

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