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Archive through December 16, 1999

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Not even one of Western Rebels' supporters had been to Chechnya before Russian military operation, including the press- all of them could lost their heads and the relatives the money for ransom. All your opinions are based on the information from the terrorists and warmed by press, your opinion will change after seing that animals, blood and money is all they need.

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However the weirdest thing is that "Caucasus Center" didn't report about the battle in Grozny.

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this will all be over soon, for end for everyone is near

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I'm actually from Belgium and dont know there the Chechnya exactly, but i think americans have the same right to demand russians to leave Chechnya as the russians them to live america.

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Svoloch ( - on Wednesday, December 15, 1999 - 11:15 pm:

Yes they did apologized for the market but of course you didn’t see it since western media did not cover it. Actually Russia apologized for many what you called "screw ups" does it justify their actions? Well you sure think so.

"I still believe the Russian Special Police or a wing of the military did the bombings. Just my opinion of course."

You did not answer how did you come up to this conclusion? What made you think so, what evidence did you see that pointed you in this direction?

1) I did read about their apology even were they acknowledged using scuds because a rebel leader was "in the market". So it was covered and I let it go. No argument here, I'm curious tho as to why you agrued that the rebels started fighting and set off the explosions when the military already admitted the scuds. If you wanna answer fine but it's a dead horse in my opinion.

2) As to the bombings. I said it was my "opinion" which means: a conclusion held without positive knowledge. It is noteworthy however that the bombings stopped shortly after the offensive started WITH popular support from the public. You don't find that a tad suspicious? If not, why? You would think they would escalate if it was pure terrorism by the militants.

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What a laugh, all these nato country idiots. The US showed, or proved to the Russians what they could get by with when they slaughtered the serbs in Belgrade in the name of 'haha humanitarian intervention'.Only Americans are so stupid they believe all that swill the state department feeds them. NATO countries do not have the moral high ground in this conflict. All these dumb americans on this board. You can tell them by their CNN regurgitated views.
Full speed Russia. The real nightmare to me is the Clinton whitehouse ruling the world. We need a bi-polar world.

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prove it! Let's see some action photos of the carnage! Let the Russian's kill each other off if they want to as long as they don't touch the good old U.S.A.

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If 100,000 Russian troops can't defeat a few thousand rebels however well fortified they are, you might as well nuke'm because that just shows how bad the Russians are at urban combat.

Heck, I even thought they were better than the militants.

Don't be using my name to justify it thou, that's on you.

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Good old usa. I am ashamed of my american passport. Take a trip abroad and see how the other love those from the 'good old usa'.

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I never said it was "all good". What more do you want, more blood?

Ok you did not say “all good” but you sound like as long as military apologizes them we should just move on. At least this is what you told me about Chinese embassy. Yes there is more to it than just “apologize” you have to pay for your mistakes. What if NATO drops bomb on your house and says well, it was a mistake. ARE YOU GOING TO BE UNDERSTANDABLE? I DON’T ••••••• THINK SO.

"Screw ups" are just that. Justifible, how can it be?
I don’t know, you tell me. You seem to have accepted American “screw up” and told me that since they apologized for it we just should move on.

BTW: Have you ever spent time in the military? Just curious.

Yeah, 2 years just like everyone else. I did not participate in any batt

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So to some up:

We have the BBC and CNN reporting uncorroborated eye-witness reports of an attack (without producing said witnesses.)

We have the the pro-chechen website reporting a victory for the rebels.

The Russian Army says nothing happened.

Nothing reported elsewhere as yet.

Possible conclusions (mine at least):
1) BBC and CNN made it up cause they were bored.
2) Their sources were mistaken
3) their sources were pro-chechen and they have not had any info from the Russians.

4) The rebels have made it up to boost their cause.

5) It happened, the russian military not very happy, and are therfore covering up.

6) Someone is playing a very sick game.

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At least this is what you told me about Chinese embassy. Yes there is more to it than just “apologize” you have to pay for your mistakes.

$24 million- Is that enough payment.


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Die, Russian soldiers. Die for no reason. Just like Afghanistan. Just like Chechnya the last time. You'll never be heroes to anyone but your stupid leaders. And they're running scared.

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I'm curious tho as to why you agrued that the rebels started fighting and set off the explosions when the military already admitted the scuds.

I did not argue that, you probably seen this statement on that web site that I gave you. The Czech reporter says that rebels started to fight and set off the explosion. I was talking about Moscow explosions.

As to the bombings. I said it was my "opinion" which means: a conclusion held without positive knowledge. It is noteworthy however that the bombings stopped shortly after the offensive started WITH popular support from the public. You don't find that a tad suspicious? If not, why? You would think they would escalate if it was pure terrorism by the militants.

There have been at least five maybe six explosions during this week in Moscow, mainly in stores. I don’t think any casualties but I could have missed that.

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You don't get to run away from who you are by handing in your passport and feeling smug.


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