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Archive through December 16, 1999

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I thought it was for Korean embassy that they bombed.

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Sure it was for the Chinese.

I caught the end of that report, however if they pay for one, I guess they commit themselves to paying for the other.

The question is,is handing over a suitcase of money the right sort of atonement?


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If 100,000 Russian troops can't defeat a few thousand rebels however well fortified they are, you might as well nuke'm because that just shows how bad the Russians are at urban combat. Heck, I even thought they were better than the militants.Don't be using my name to justify it thou, that's on you.
No problem. They should invite USAF A-10 rubber dummy tank & tractor busters to boost experience

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This is an "internal conflict", remember?

OH MY just hit me, Kissie is asking and "INVITING" US help! And to think I've seen it all!!!

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So are you saying that the other store bombings are related to Chechnya or some pissed off mafia type? If Chechnya, what's your source? A link would be appreciated.

Oh, just a thought. If the military DID acknowledge the carnage in Grozny, what would that do to popular support in Russia for the war prior to your elections? After the elections?

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Bones:"OH MY just hit me, Kissie is asking and "INVITING" US help! And to think I've seen it all!!! "

I see you still twisting other people's words, Bones, darlin'. Just like in my case last night.Hmmm..not tryin't to bully you, but..hmmm..what is this about? Instead try to create your own point, please

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That is true, Kissie did say "they" didn't she.

Thanks for pointing that out, hon.

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on the second thought... A-10's'll be costly - not enough dummies in the Chechen militants' hands to justify them - Congress won't approve of it. Better send cost-effective Jamie Shea. That Baron Munghausen will show Russians the right way of doing war and destroy the militants with his tongue alone.

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no biggie

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Another pitfall of the media transcends even into the realm of pictures. The more I address this issue of consistency in reporting, the more I grow disenchanted. I say plenty of photographs by both sides of the Kosoovo crisis. Each example of atrocity (by both sides) showed gruesome images of mangled bodies which rendered these victims visually unidentifiable. How were we supposed to tell if a human carcass was a serb or albanian when the body itself was mutilated beyond recognition? There's an old saying in PR: "Pictures do not lie, but people do". Therefore, pictures coupled with an agenda can equal an effectively distorted image of the truth.

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,Why no photos? You know Grozny is encircle by the russian army with no electricity or gaz for three weeks...
Telephone seems to be working but it's probably intercepted by russian intelligence.
How would they send photos? By mail? By internet? Maybe but not that simple.

It seems that some battle happened downtown and that russian armored vehicles had to retreive. How many dead, how many casualities? It's not so important bearing in mind that both side are exagerating.

Russian claim to have killed about 3000 rebels and had 400 soldiers dead so far. Kashmanov said Chechen killed about 5000 russian soldier and had only 150 dead.
Maybe for muslims, more important is the lyric phrasing of the symbolic numbers than forensic accuracy but they may loose some credibility in such an assertion.

I talked with a russian guy today who told me that it was possible they killed so many of them for the simple reason that in the rebels'view any man more than 16 years old is a soldier...

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i had just returned back from dagestan and chechnya, you arguing about the casualties among the civilians in that war?! BUT THERE ARE NOT
civilians among them ,they are all our enemies ,including old people and little children and even their dogs!!!
YES we kill them there! And we will!!!! That is the life, the strongest is always right. We are the russian - GREAT NATION!! We are powerful!!
We will show to all non-russian people how to live!

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Russia did not have to send in troops to recon because they have planes and satellites. By the way Russia caught the bastard who did torturing, wonder how he is feeling today .I personally would skin him and crucify to tree upsidedown. Light show and fireworks coming to Grozny soon can,t wait. All them bastards going to burn, yeah.

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Why in the world is Russia trying to turn a country that is trying to better itself into a bumb country where Russia can't even afford to pay insurance to people, but yet they can pay 100 million for a war that they can't win?

Russia is going on a downward journey where they will hit rock bottom!

They are merely trying to carry another country down with it!!!

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to Yaroslav Petrovich Baronov:

Zdorov, Petrovich..ti seriozno tol'ko vernylsa is Chechni? Otslyjzil? Ili prosto po delam ezdil?

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