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Archive through December 16, 1999

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Casper Chechnya is part of Russian Federation not a country. Get your facts before you yap

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Haha! Russia sucks!

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You sick bastard.
Did they evacuate you from an asylum in Chechnia?
What's your problem?
Too many artificial hormones in your daily ration?
Or are you on ecstacy-
Only way a coward like you could face yourself in the mirror.


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And there's no hint of propaganda in the Russian
media, right???!!


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I don't think they care that much about civilian there. They want to overkill theyr enemies. If civilian are dying and suffering it's not because Shoigu is unwilling to save theyr lifes or because Manilov want to kill them but because it's war.
I want to say that they are just behaving as anybody would behave in wartime. The rebels are not taking much more care of the civilian. But as they are surrounded and in minority and on theyr own land they are pictured as not responsible of the civilian population.

/ The population didn't support the first one, remember?
At the time I was talking with some russians intellectuals and they didn't support the war but indeed I don't remember the evolution of the public opinion. I'v red recently that they didn't...

The CHINESE AMBASSY was allegedly bombed by US air force.The reason: A radio transmiter on the roof of the ambassy was used by the serbian army. US had guts enough to destroy it. It showed theyr determination.
Albreight had to make it allright in the Bulderdash repport.
Personaly I'v never beleived the tale of the outdated map. It sounds a litlle bit as Clinton would forget Yeltsin's phone number...
One guy at the intelligence said they might be aiming at the wrong target but he wasn't listened...


I'm happy to see that your style is less in the-name-of-Allah-let's-kill-all-these-unfaithful-dogs.
" Russia is the aggressor and violated the Khasayurt peace accord" said the Chechens; "Rebels are the aggressor and violated the Khasayurt peace accord" say the Russians.
I'm not qualified to deem who started the war but this sentence from a Dagestan woman: "We were helping them (Chechen refugees) during the first war (in chechenya 94-96) and now they (Basayev gunmen) are attacking us!"
(text picked off Yahoo-Reuter wich I rate from "neutral" to "pro-west" before the russian agression started)(My coment between brackets reposition in the textual context of the article and are not my) interpretation)

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KIM In referece to what statement?

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Yaroslav Petrovich Baranov,Ultra Russian Nationalist

Idte na huj!
Vy i Mathesson to toze samo.

I sympathizised with some russian but with extremist like you I won't. I know the basic russian hate chechen but will also find this way of talking very mean.

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to Fred Le Dingue:

Parlez vous Russe?

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To Svoloch:

Privet bratan..shto ti dymaesh naschet Baranova. Dumaesh myjzik pravdy govorit naschet tovo chto on bil v chechne?

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"By the way Russia caught the bastard who did torturing"

"Russia did not have to send in troops to recon because they have planes and satellites".

-- Elections on Sunday?---


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This is the begining of the Russian defit

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JOHN LOL What board I would like to read.

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Did you ask him what he was doing in Chechnia?
Whatya think? Is it M?


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38 Russian civilians found in mass grave killed by Chechen fighter pigs They will be given proper Orthodox burial. (Bremya). Common sense would tell you since they have aircraft why would they send in troops when Russia said they would not.Plus if attack took place don't you think artillery strikes would be called in. Lots of helicopters available too.

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Russia will doom soon, Run Khattab is comming!!
O! sorry this time there is no chance because Basaiave is just behind you, he doesn't know how to forgive the killers. Russian Generals are like
animels who don't learn anything. I am trying to send this message to all Russians that please don't mass with the true Muslims. You can never defit a true muslim, they don't know how to lost war. Did not you see what did Muslim do to the Red
army in Afghanistan, didn't you see what was the result of that war!! Did not you see the end result of first Chechan war!! Then how come you let your Generals use your kids. Well, if you still want to lost you brother, son, brother, want to be orphen, wedow then there is nothing that we can do. We have to kill them all. We have respect for all the Humanbeing including the Russians but not for those who jump on and kill innocent people like wild animel. Russian army becoms amimel when they attack the cevilians. For them we have nither respect, nor mercy. They will be destroyed. So my
Allah is enough. If you really want to know our strength. convert to Islam. Good luck for all humen and bad luck for subhumen.

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