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Archive through December 16, 1999

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Please tell me how to take them, I think you know.
Because you are suppose to know all the bad stuff, after all you are a Russian. You are the people who got the duty from "DEVIL YOUR GOD" to pollute this world, to make this world a hell. So please tell me in which street in Moscow there is "LEGAL AND OPERATED BY PUTIN"
heroine or hashis store. At least you cany try to astray me from good path. At least do some of your job given by your master "SAITAN".

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Come out, come out,whoever you are!!!!!!!!!


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that is even good you know good English. So we are even getting "ENGLISH" aid from the west. Can you please tell me what is the percentage of interest, may be I will take some english lone from your "NEW MASTER" west, so that I can learn some engligh, which will be understandable even when a Russian drink reads it. Please give me all their

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Basayev give your flucking head a shake you stooge Make sure you don't bang your head. KA how do you know they were 18? Basayev ARKAN is coming

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Why are you running away!! I am not the real Basayev. If real basayev were there You would already be dead by this time.

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luna ( - on Thursday, December 16, 1999 - 09:20 pm:

Actually your statement is full of propaganda, look:

to a growing Russian defeat

to be handed such a crashing defeat in the streets of Grozny by a a handful of so-called

Assumming for the time being it's true, it was 100 agaist 2000. and yes, prove me that "wolves of islam" in the nutshel are not bandits (as I proved not once already why most of them ARE bandits)

Most tragic about this ongoing Russian barbaric agression in Chechnya
Heh...just wonderring if you rased your voice against NATO strikes against serbian civilian targets.

Chechnya is the suffering of the old in
Grozny. How can they survive? And who cares?

The only reason civilians are alive is that because russian army chooses to risk their lives in order to spare then instead of burning Grozny to the stake to minimize the casualties among soldiers (USA employed that tactic in 1945)


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And then you woke up

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The last one is for you BASAYEV

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18-24 isn't that when russian boyz think they are men and join the army. How do you know they weren't. Either the majority of Russian soldiers in Chechnia are under 21 or they have a good supply of OIL OF OLAY.

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I dont think SPESNAST are that young and I did not say thet were any age ,you did.To me the soldiers I saw on Russian TV look about 28-35

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Very good english "FLUCKING". Good very good. I think the west has given you polluted aid. So you are also making mistakes or may be you are too drunk. Who is ARKAN. HA HA another infidal Russian pig like Putin? We have seen a lot. The real mustim are comming, now it the time for the cowerds to leave. Oh I for that you gusy have Nuclear was hed!! Sorry mr yelatsin I forgot your
reminder. O I think for this winter you don't have any fuel to burn so at this time it will be better for you to use these boms to creat some heat in your Mother Russia. HA HA HA HA.

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Getting over the 18-bit....
The rest of the statement read:

Either way they are dead,and someone screwed up somewhere. Not good for moral.

Do you agree that the report on the deaths of what are suddenly russian civillians and the capture of the so-called torturer, are at the very least favorable to keeping the backing for this war going at home. Particularly when people are again losing sons.


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I found "Professor" Shea's fanpage,
if your intersted.....


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well I think I shold leave now. You russian have too much brain so you don't want to think. But soon you will seen the concequence of this war. Afghan war made Russia the biggest supplier of prostitutes for whole world (Russian women are very cheap to get any where in the world even a poor country like Bangladesh) and made the russian women the biggest prostitute ethnic group in the world. The chechan world will make the Russian men the biggest ethnic group of male prostetute. So it is good news that Putin making a job oppoptunity for you guys in San Francisco, US because it is the capital of gays. Wel come to USA.

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Thats if you beleive the report.100 dead wouldn't make a difference as far as support goes. DO you think he was the only torturer that they had .In any case as much as some of you hope the bandits will win you will be disappointed .Maybe if they come to US and blow up another building you will feel different.

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