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Archive through December 16, 1999

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A rather interesting information about Reuters correspondent's intriguing career who reported an alleged fight in Grozny:

and so is this:


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Sounds like another Christian Amnopoor (wife of James Rubin ) chief propagandist for US FENRIZ I liked the anicdote

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igor, that was on Yahoo message board,type russia or chechnya in yahoo search and look for today's posts

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Yep, this guy has a wicked sence of humour :)))


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Don't be childish- my three year old throws a better strop.
"Oh well you want the rebels to win, humpf, not playing anymore.."

You sit there and tell everyone how the western media is totally biased. As I have said before:
Has russia found the secret formula for impartiality?

If you are smart enough to see that it happens here, surely....
Well I guess you'll have to work that out for yourself.


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Kim: Have you ever seen Chechens? Much less spoken with one? If not, please go back to your little western couch and thank god for education and braces you could afford. PLEASE don't talk about stuff you don't understand just coz you wanna hug the world. If you were a 13-year old Russian girl kidnapped and raped by 6 men in Chechnya, or one of the 100,000 Russians displaced by Chechen atrocities in 1992 or if you went to a humanitarian mission and were shipped back to your parents in two parts, head separate, just like those Britons and a Kiwi, I'd think some opinions would be different. Losing sons, so-called torturer.. why are civilian casualties no so-called? Chechnya is a almost-gangrenous limb, and all of Russia can get deadly ill if the limb is not operated on. The operation is going on now and in the war, there are casualties. Deal with it.

BASAEV: Just remember what Imam Shamil (the first loser who tried to fight with Russia in 1800s) said while going to the exile: "If I knew Russia was that big, I'd NEVER start this war."
I guess you don't live in Russia, but in some puny Pakistan or Malaysia; go back and read the PEACE-encouraging parts of Qu'ran. In the end, sounds that you'll end up as an ignorant, insecure, all-hating, sectant imbecile. I have red the Muslim proclamation to the Russian population of Chechnya with all the "We will f*** your bi**ches" stuff and I'll tell you this: talk, kill people, and pump oil is all that many of you guys can do. When any muslim country can rise to the Western level, then you'll be somebody. Now, you're a hatemonger eager for attention, and with not so much to say. Let's just see what happens in Chechnya and we'll talk then.

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KA This problem is malignant and needs to be treated with radiation and cut out.

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Alex Smirnitski,


We have yet another Russian here, who wants to kick all the westerners and chechen supporters
out = and have a cosy Russian get together, where you pat each other on the back, blame everything on the"West", and wallow in your own self pitty
"Russian are just so misunderstood- and the horrible westerners are picking on us"
If you really want someone to blame, try looking closer to home.

I am a mother, if someone threatened my child, I would rip their throat out with my teeth, without a second thought. I may not be pro-rebel, but I don't see how Russian or Chechen civilians being killed makes any difference. The point is that the slant depends on which media is reporting it and to what end.

If you want to tar someone according to a stereo type of their nationality. Try this one for size.


See ya

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And the wheels keep on spinning! I guess it's a you believe your source we'll believe ours. Who has the best propaganda and denials.

---Reuters Rejects Russian Allegations---

In London, Reuters Editor-in-Chief Mark Wood rejected the comments from Russian authorities and said the news agency stood by its correspondent in Grozny.

``We stand by Maria Eismont's story and fully trust her journalistic integrity. We take strong exception to suggestions that she is engaged in anything but journalistic activities,'' Wood said.

Eismont, a Russian citizen, is one of a small number of correspondents reporting from Grozny for foreign news organizations.

Russia's Interfax news agency quoted ``unofficial sources'' as saying there was fighting in Grozny overnight when Chechen guerrillas ambushed a Russian army reconnaissance group.

Interfax said 25 Russian servicemen were killed or wounded.

The Russian AVN news agency, which specializes in military affairs, quoted a source at Russian headquarters as saying 50 soldiers died in the clash.

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Not the Chechens, but the Afghans.

And the Russians, Lithuanians, Peruvians, Amazonian Indians,French, Swiss,Americans,Cubans, Israelis,etc.
In the end they are all human, except for the politicians and warmongers.
Sounds to me like you never hugged anyone in your life.


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