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Archive through December 17, 1999

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Kim we did not start war Chechens did .Now they will get what they should have got before

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BONES you should be a reporter

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"There is unconfirmed information that the head of Reuters office in Moscow Martin Nisirki was offered by Russian officials to retract the story or risk losing the license to operate in Russia."

Wow they must really want this hushed up.
If the women is such a fake- why are they so worried?

Guys,Guys, where do you find these sites?
The author contridicts himself from one article to the next. 1st article- the Chechens used their first chemical weapon, 2nd article the Chechens don't have chemical weapons.

This person is so adament in this critism of Reuters,he has failed to quote anything other than the Russian military.
Pardon me, but I prefer Private Eye.
I never did like gallows humour.

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Chechens blew up oil well Real smart WHO do you think will suffer if not civillians. And I saw it burning on tv

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Wasn't a stray mortar, then

Look,I am not defending the Chechen Rebels, just my theory that there is propaganda on both sides.

If half of what I have learned in the past few days about the "pluralitic" western media is true,I am thouroughly sickened by it.
At the same time, I don't want to exchange that for another load of @~#!"*.

I find myself watching news on TV going,
"that's a load of @~$$#&**!,you wankers",
my reliable sources at DMS said so.
(No offence intended)


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KIM Just wondering what Nato and western propaganda would you admit to during Kosovo.

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I was just sitting here and it just dawned on me that we have a form of ethic cleansing in Quebec. You see there it is French only,Language, signs .

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Nice work over there. No wonder Russians have to resort to nuclear threats. They can't even win a war against moslem peasants! What a bunch of wimps. Easy to see what a troop-to-troop battle with the west would end up like!

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By KA ( - on Thursday, December 16, 1999 - 11:21 pm
The author contridicts himself from one article to the next. 1st article- the Chechens used their first
chemical weapon, 2nd article the Chechens don't have chemical weapons.

Dear Kim,

You should read the his analysis more carefully.
Chechens indeed do not have chemical weapons (as a hardware) designed for a mass destruction, neither means to produce it(research facilities). What they are using is a toxic mixture of raw oil and chlorine (that can be harmful when mixture is burning) that used to be produced before in Grozny for civilian purposes.

Of course, this kind of mixture would make a highly ineffective "weapon" but when detonated in large volumes it indeed can cause harm. But to call it a chemical weapon....nauuuuuu...germans in WWI had way more advanced chemical weapons than that.


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>>>1st article- the Chechens used their first chemical weapon, 2nd article the Chechens don't have chemical weapons.

1st article - Chechens blew up barrels with chemicals.
2nd article - Commander of Russian radiation and biochemical defense forces Maj. Gen. Nikifor Vasilyev (not the webmaster) announced today that Chechens do not have biological weapons or capability to manufacture them.

It takes no rocket scientist to blow up barrels.

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Igor ( - on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 12:18 am:

I am a Canadian and "my Canada does not include Quebec" 🙂

Of caurse when Q separates, 9/10 of the Q northern territory will join Canada back since over 90% of population there (mostly aboriginals) does not support separatists for obvious reasons.


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It really strikes me as odd that the Russians, who fought against fascists in WW2, support a Nazi state like Serbia just because they have some "history" with them. So it's okay for the Serbs to just commit genocide and have everyone turn their heads? What the hell was Europe doing about it? Better yet, what was Russia doing about it? You always rant about how America should have gotten into the war in Europe quicker to stop Nazi atrocity, but we should just sit this massacre out because they're friends of yours. Is that it? I'm not saying America is pefect - far from it, but this was a right/wrong situation, and we were on the right side no matter which way you look at it.

By the way - last time I looked NATO was made up of most of Europe, the majority of whom whole heartedly supported the Kosovo action. Stop blaming "evil old America" for all your problems. Try looking in your own back yard for once.

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Once again, what kind of reporter takes no pictures?

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Clinton pushed for bombing because he wanted to leave a legacy other than Monica Lewinsky. The rest of the Europe was afraid to speak up against us. Well some did speak up (Greece, etc) but they didn't do anything to stop it.

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I wonder if Nato will help us if they separate.

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