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Archive through December 17, 1999

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Alex Smirnitski:
I got your message. Thanks for that. I have alreary told you that you the Russian or any nonmuslim will never understand our power and that is the reason you guys think that you are powerful. You told me that Imam Shamil(May God be pleae with him) told that "He would never fight with Russia if he would know that Russia is that big". I don't think so. I think that some Russian writer had a sweet dream of this story. Or it is possible that liar and fraud Putin's great grandfahter was the only witness of the fact, definately who was also a liar like Putin. You told me Russia is so big, I think that you forgot that by Afghan war we have already broken Russia in pieces. Now it is the time the break it even smaller. You asked me to be like or be as strong as the western countries. That is good. Sorry we muslim never tried to like them and even in the future we will never try that. You are getting too much loans from them so you have started to worship this people. In one sence you are true that we are no one, I agree with that. We are no one to speak but still in ten years we defited you Russians two times. We defited and broke the so called "SUPER POWER" Soviet union. In chechnya we defited the "SUPER LOOSER" Russia. So just imagine if we were some one that what we would do to you? Definately we would hang Putin, Yelatsin and all the Russian generals in the red square. But don't worry the way we are emarging that day is not faraway. I am telling you again that don't compare us with the westerns, that is an insult but atleast it is better than being compared with the Russians.

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Night Dimitri,everyone

Have fun!


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Here is one Serb to give a comment. It seems here that we have two allies: Americans and militant Muslims on the same side against Russians. Hmm this is interesting. On the ground we can see militant Muslims, but where are Americans?

Our experience from Kosovo and Metohija battles saye after militant Muslims losing there positions there come Americans trying to help them. Will you Americans dare to help you militant Muslim brothers now there? You are helping them (political, media, financial, intelligence, but it seems not to be enough) I know madam Albreit is sweating now trying to find out the right formula to protect her front-line wariors and it will be really interesting to see on which side this will turn. Personaly, I'm glad for Russian advancements and I'm looking forward to seeing Chechenia free. Will it be enough? Well, a hard question. If Georgia does not stop supporting terrorists logisticaly, Russia has all morale rights to clean also Georgia from terrorists (sanitarian areas, or even all the country - like what Israel is doing)

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Show us your tits!!

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Right on the Yanks are a bunch of cowards, they only fight when they out number 50 to 1.

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Who is giving the Russians money to fight? I still remember that russian army was used to grow potato
afther the collapes of S. union. Now how come the is going to fight wearing boots?! This is the money of the west. How come Russia finance this war after its economy collapesed and when the rubel aperant have no value because it suffered such a huge inflation? The answer is clear either Putin has the lamp of Aladin or he is US financed agent. And another possibelity that jewish bankers are helping him because he is so. There is one good news that one of those subhuman banker was killed two weeks back at his monake ireland mansion. He was financing the Russian army. God is one who is just. O he left back 70 billion dollars so try to get those and come to fight with us. We will still be able to beat you by the grace of God. O the name of that hell going banke is SAFRA. Putin and the russian army will soon follow him inthe hell.

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Crazy Canuck > Americans are not cowards, they are trying to deal with us inteligently - not using their own army unless it is necessary. They rather use minorities (like Chechens in Russia or Albanians in Serbia), political parties, mafia, well-payed media in your own country and a lot of well-developed and sofisticated tools. Their goal is completely identical with the goal of militant Muslims now. You know that Americans has managed to elicit about 400 bilions of dollars from Russia these several years. I hope things are getting better with you, when you finish this war, you should take care of your own interests much more, not selling Serbia for example for IMF credits, what Kozirev was doing, but making strategic relationship with factors that are not actively working on your destruction.

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Russia is going to doom soon so it is a good idea to get some picture of it. May be from few years from now we can sell them for good money!! That time children will read in their history books that there was a burbaric country called Russia who's army was not only coward but also butchars.
Good bye

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Basayev get on your camel, smoke some hashish and disappear you moron .Are you sure your not Mattesson you loser .Oh yeah learn how to spell.

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Basayev > the right question to pose is "How did America get that money they have? And the answer is "They got it looting, steeling the whole world, the last several years especially Russia. They need only to slightly modify exchange rate for several days and new billions are there, without any effort. The price is payed by Indonesia, Malaysia, all other countries. Then they use this money to produce new weapons, to deploy their army, to occupy and humiliate as more people as they can. Nobody can opose and the game can start all over again. And of course they will have to invest in militant Islamists, without money you can have good "dogs of war", But what to do when this is not enough? What to do if America has to do something concrete, otherwise Chechen "gerila" will be transfered into the history books.

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SERB I agree you hit nail right on the head.

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Igor, I hope people in your country will soon realize with whom actually they have to deal and what has been sistematicaly being done all these years. It is dificult I know, but you must be strong and resist. What we were looking all these years was Russia standing on their knees and begging actually its' own aggressor. This was disgusting. This is not a role for such a country. We Serbs are not begging, we are fighting against Nato. We managed to chrash 56 their aircrafts and to damage about 100 more, to destroy several helicopters, 150 missiles, to kill about 100 of their "special forces". The first opportunity will be used that we attack Nato forces on the ground - they know it. They know what they can expect from us - only hatred. As long as they are on our fatherland on our teritory they must feel insecure and they feel like that. Don't bow them, you don't have to do that.

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I think Russia finally woke up They need to assert their interests in the area. Just wondering if bombing in Pakistan excuse for Pakistan to make trouble in Kashmir. I see Russia,China,and India forming some sort of alliance to counter West. Can,t wait to see US response on Taiwan when China decides to reunify.

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Serb see posting I left yesterday.

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Serb see posting I left yesterday. Sorry made printing mistake try again

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