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Archive through December 17, 1999

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"Using encryption is a great way to circumvent, for example, automatic e-mail interception, which is being routinely practiced by government agencies, especially by those of Russia and the US. There is little question that Russia leads the world in Internet espionage. However, the US is not far behind."

for more see

Same source as above.

I like the "what I think of Yugoslavia"- page
Where he poses and answers his own questions.
(These questions are supposedly sent in by visitors- but follow on from each other in a rational format- for the person answering ,that is.)

Also like the picture of the mercedes - not bad for a non-commercial (single-handed) site operator.
Is he an arms dealer?

He seems to be quoted quite a lot, especially here at DMS.

I thank you.


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Michael Larouche the Serbs were outnumbered in KOSOVO and had the same things done there as were done in Chechnya by the bandits .There were also Chechens in KOSOVO doing kidnappings (IN THE VALLEY) is an independently filmed video shown on NEWSWORLD INTERNATIONAL one year before Nato attacked Serbia . In the video it documents the atrocities committed by Albanians on Serbs. It is filmed by western crew.

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Oh, I see how it works now.

If you don't like the message,diss the messenger.
I guess mr Venik knew that already.


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I'm not saying the extremists are angels, but that was the work of terrorists, not a national policy to go in, massacre civilians, salt the earth, and leave it a smoking ruin. And as far as being outnumbered goes, it doesn't make much of a difference when you have no weapons to defend yourself with. One has to draw a line, and a modern army committing genocide is that line. If the Albanians had such an army and had invaded Serbia I would be as much against that! It's not ideology or a certain cultural bias I'm supporting, but a manner of conduct I would think should be a part of the past by now!

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Michael Larouche ( - on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 12:28 am:

state like Serbia

Give me a break

So it's okay for the Serbs to just
commit genocide and have everyone turn their heads? What the hell was Europe doing about it?
Better yet, what was Russia doing about it?

I see propaganda machine needs no oil change 🙂

By the way - last time I looked NATO was made up of most of Europe, the majority of whom whole
heartedly supported the Kosovo action

Except for UK none of NATO countries' ordinary population supported air strikes (majority-wise).
It's important to distinguish between what politicians and the ordinary poeple say.

Last time I was in Paris I was extremely glad that I had a canadian flag on my Rukzak as some folks thought that I was american at first and had intentions to beat me up :)))

I don't think most russians supported serbian actions but the point was it did not justify american intervention, especially against civilian facilities located faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar way from the "conflict zone"

You should check what US Presidentian Candidate Alan Keyes has to say about this issue ( the most educated - and unbiased candidate)

PS: nobody wants to blame america as far as it does not stick its nose to other countrys affairs


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Fenriz, you're dead wrong - even France wanted the intervention. And I got that from a French newspaper. Why? Because this is a democracy where one can read another countries news paper if one wishes! So spare me the sanctimonious Canadian crap. I know people who go to Europe constantly and have never encountered one angry person in the streets, but it's nice to know that myth is still being supported as well. Oh wait, I did have a friend who got into an argument with a neo-nazi in Austria once, so I guess that counts.

LIKE I SAID: We couldn't get involved quick enough in WW1 and WW2 according to Europe AND Russia (who, by the way, were Nazi allies before the Germans jumped them)but I guess it all depends on the conflict, eh, hoser?

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Russian foreign policy?

Come back Shevadnaze.


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By the way, you state that it's important to distinguish between what the politicians say and what the ordinary people say, but it sure is funny how that same courtesy is never given to Americans. As far as you're concerend, we are all blind supporters of every U.S. policy ever made, and you always love to heap insults on American culture while slagging those policies. Is it any wonder we get tired of hearing it? You can go ahead an say whatever you want about Clinton - I don't like the guy either. But when you start talking trash about the country I live in and the people and culture there, then don't be suprised if you hear trash back at ya!

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M. Larouche ( - on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 01:07 am:

Mr Larouche:
I think your emotions speak without the benefit of the intellect. Relax.

as I said before and saying now : majority of french population opposed NATO intervention in Serbia. Even french government )(and german) after a short while was urging USA/UK to ease off on Serbia. If you didn't know that, that's your problem.
As for your friends, well, I guess they got lucky :). I have a lot of friends from Greece to Norway/Sweden (in particular) and I know from them that most of europeans do not have especially warm attitude towards the americans. Sorry, but that's true ( I personnaly don't hate americans as you wrongfully claim). Ask Kim.
And what's this canadian crap? ehh? Show me in amy of the posts where I indiscriminately attack general americans (exept for the individual fruitcakes like Mattesonian idiot, but he's special)

BTW, Russia never collaborated with nazies, that's simply impossible (but Soviet Union did sign the infamous Molotov-Robentropp act in 1939); and what it has to do with the current issue at hand anyway?

say whatever you want about Clinton - I don't like the guy
either. But when you start talking trash about the country I live in and the people and culture there,
then don't be suprised if you hear trash back at ya!

wow wow wow...time out......again where did you see me discussing midwestern trailertrash in here....maybe it's in your mind? A material world Paranoia.

Let me ask you one question though: could you pinpoint location of Yugoslavia on the world map before the conflict?


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I see you are apparently quite enjoying the site >:-)


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By the way, there were several anti-war demonstrations in the UK during the Kosovo campaign. One in London, led by one of the few human politicians in this country: Tony Benn.
I know, I was there.

Russia is well aware of its strenghth when it comes to international conflicts,the Website I posted,shows however that Putin et al are playing on the insecurities of the Russian people vis-a-vis the West.

At the UN Russia, China and the US kick the Veto about like a football- this often means crucial delays in policy co-ordination- and slow verbal and practical responses to conflicts- that might have been prevented from escalating. We all know that in this situation the UN is rendered powerless. It loses credibility because its permanent members can't or won't agree.

Personally, I think that if Russia had worked with the US and visa versa- Diplomacy may well have worked in Bosnia and Kosovo and Russia would have had far greater say in the outcome. Instead it ended up undeservedly tarred with the same brush as Serbia,hence current media outcry that Western leaders have to pander to.


PS. I can't hear what you are saying when you shout at me.

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Aren't You?


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"Using encryption is a great way to circumvent, for example, automatic e-mail interception, which is being routinely practiced by government agencies, especially by those of Russia and the US. There is little question that Russia leads the world in Internet espionage. However, the US is not far behind."

You sounded sceptic about it, however it was reported, not once, that so-and-so US Department was hacked and was traced back to Russia. Russia said that it were regular hackers.. but you never know.

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As in this country, it really doesn't matter if the population is against it. The French Government supported it. Given time and many protests (as with Vietnam) that countries policies could change.

Hey, we all have different acquaintences. I know people who have Sedish and Norwegian friends who come here all the time to visit, and my friends visit them, and nary a hostile galre between them. I also know teachers and students who have lived in Switzerland, France, England, and Ireland, and no problems there, either. I'm sure everyone has different experiences, and I'm also sure that a lot probably depends on one's attitude. If you act like an •••••••, no doubt you'll be treated like one. By the way, the city I live in has a huge tourist population, mostly European, and they are relatively nice, friendly people. Maye I'm just seeing them on their best behavior.

I didn't say Russia collaborated with the Nazis; they were allies. And they participated in the partition of Poland.

I wasn't refering to trailer trash (you actually got a smile out of me on that one) but to the term "talking trash" which means "speaking badly of." And it wasn't especially anything you said, but the tone of your post. If I was in error, I apologize. I just can't help getting riled when people think that we should just keep our nose out of the international community when none of the European countries practice that same idea. European colonialism has a far, far worse history than my country does, and the world is far to small to think that we should just all be isolationists - something, as I stated before, we've been criticized for doing in the past. It seems to me that it's a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't no win situation certain thinkers have boxed us into.

As a student of history and WW2 especially, of course I could point out Yugoslavia on the map! In fact, the minute Communism ended in that region, I pointed out the Balkans on a map to some friends, in particular Bosnia and Serbia, and then showed them a map of the region during the Crusades in the 11th century. I told them that now that Yugoslavia was a "free country" again, don't be suprised if this map looks pretty much like this old one from the 11th Century again, as all the old hostilities and racial conflicts come to the fore again. No sooner said than done. People's memories are far to long.

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Kim, I could not disagree with you more on what you have just said (and I did read this article before).

The only thing I pointed, out is that you refer to Venik's site whom you recently criticized 🙂

can't hear what you are saying when you shout at me


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