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Archive through December 17, 1999

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What part can't you agree with?

The Putin playing on insecurities?

Or the fact that Russia is still powerful on the world stage.

Yeltsin et al never seriously envisioned that anyone was going to invade Russia, did they?
Why all these reminders? Everyone is still very much aware that Russia is a nuclear power.
Hence the dismay at the Political situation within Russia.

You know sometimes I think we Europeans should be allowed to vote in both the US and Russia -
after all it's not that long ago that you guys were thinking of holding WWIII in Berlin.


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M. Larouche ( - on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 01:57 am:

Good to see you kooled off

I'm sure everyone has different experiences, and I'm also
sure that a lot probably depends on one's attitude. If you act like an •••••••, no doubt you'll be
treated like one.

Most europeans object american influence on their society. It's just some of less advanced nature dislike ordinary americans for their government govenment policies, which is too bad but a fact. How would you feel if someone would force their style of living on you?

I didn't say Russia collaborated with the Nazis; they were allies. And they participated in the
partition of Poland.

As I said, Soviet Union DID collaborate with Germany after signing the above-mentionned pact. In no way I am dissmissing that fact (SU also hexed off Moldova and Baltic republics while letting germans to deal with Poland). But as a history student you shoud distinguish between Russia and Soviet Union.

European colonialism has a far, far worse history than my country

You are comparing apples to oranges (or rather horseraddish :-). America does not nearly have as long history as Europe. Well, since 1700's Germany and mabe UK were exessively agressive. Of caurse it depends GREATLY on geaographical/demographic location of a particular country. As you can see, America has borders only with Canada and Mexico ( I still can mention a few agressions, against Canada in particular, but I see no point). Besides, it's all about Chechnia here, right?


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KA ( - on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 02:19 am:

What part can't you agree with?

My appologies

I meant:
" I couldn't agree with you more" not "dissagree"


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You know sometimes I think we Europeans should be allowed to vote in both the US and Russia -
after all it's not that long ago that you guys were thinking of holding WWIII in Berlin. far we canadians stay away from that one

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America wouldn't have existed in its present form,if it hadn't been for European Colonialisation and of course the Slave trade.

I'm afraid they were all at it Fenriz,
the Britts, the Dutch, the French, the Spanish, the Portugese. (The German's had a problem,they were landlogged and surrounded by other then Superpowers.)

Mind you the Tsars didn't do too badly either.


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sincere appologies.

Both feet,I guess


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Kim, of course. I can hadly imagine America run by native indians.

Isn't it already 8 AM in Holland? are you pulling all-nighter?

As for me i'm gone to sleep


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This is a message specifically for marauder:

I'm pretty sure your fat ass has never seen any kind of military action, so you can't be the judge of what man-to-man combate is like. Second of all, the report was very likely exagerated: the APCs carry a team of 8 + crew, the tanks a crew of 3. Given the number of vehicles left burning in Grozny, the death toll cannot be higher than 55-60. And that against 2000 rebels. We all know how american troops fight: The russian army had to launch a premature attack in the winter of 1944 so the Germans wouldn't massacre the american troops stuck in the Ardenas. As for modern warfare, your most efficient attack during the Kosovo bombing was against the chinese embassy and a cruise missile hitting Bulgaria, which is,as you probably don't know, a totally different country!

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To ka:

Yes, you europeans should be allowed to vote both in the US and Russia - in case the world has a death wish. Please don't forget, oh our arrogant european friends, that both WW's were unleashed in Europe and that the world has yet to witness attrocities that match the barbarian crimes committed in the course of those wars (I will even refrain from directing your attention to other wars in past centuries or the French and Spanish inquisition). Middle and Western Europe has a very impressive history of wars, conflicts and clashes - and if it were not for the military presese of the two superpowers on the continent in recent decades, europe would most likely not have come to enjoy a long and prosperous peace. So why don't you just shut the •••• up, when the two powers discuss world affairs for you - you are most obviously not prepared or equipped to do it for yourselves.

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As one of the residents from asia pacific I think if chechnya will be given a full independence they would overcome current world economic problems, however this would take a lot of time since recovery on war damages is to be considered. Chechnya is a small place though I still believed it can cope up with the current economic crisis...
The role that international community can do is to urge russians to stop slaughtering innocent
people!!! They (int comm) should be encouraged to
support the victims of war particularly the providing foods, shelter, medicines and others for humanitary purposes you know....
One thing is that..if the East timorese are willing to fight for their independence what for
with the chechens????

Genghis khan

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"Shame on Russia" the savage killer's of children and old. This shame on Russia will last for another hundred years. You are economically destroyed and you are morally shamed. Shame on all the Russian military by braking the basic rule of not bombing on there own country civilian population.

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I do believe the the Russian situation is an internal matter and not a national security concern of other countries. As far as international condemnation of Russians actions, we need to consider NATOs bombing of Serbia (ie Serbia proper & Kosovo). Lots of innocent civilians killed there.

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Shali fell, Vedeno (aside from Grozny) is the last settlement that could be called "city". Russian paratroopers blocked the main road to Georgia, of course there are hundreds of paths left, just like from Grozny, but now the rebels will have to walk and carry reinforcements on their backs over the steep mountains. There's still no evidence that Russians suffered heavy losses at Minutka Square, and it's been over 24 hours since it was first reported. US admitted that Chechnya is Russian internal matter, it just disagrees with the tactics Russia employs. "The Guardian" provided more information on direct link between Osama bin Laden and Chechnya. So, what's next?

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I just looked in here for the first time and my reaction was : "God, I hope no one who has any influence on international policy ever looks in here." It's sad to see that the blind demon of nationalism is thriving worldwide, leaving its droppings in the ugly national generalizations and slurs that seem so common in here. This summer I plan to meet my English friend and my Russian friend in France . . . and as naive as I know it sounds, we're going to drink wine, swap stories, and enjoy each others' company as human beings. Yes, people are dying in Chechnya, but if we bring hatred and prejudice into even this online forum, we're helping to perpetuate the evils that caused the suffering.

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Kim Arx,
You state: "You know sometimes I think we Europeans should be allowed to vote in the US and Russia-after all, it's not long ago that you had planned to hold WWIII in Berlin"
After being exposed to your statements throughout this board, I feel you were using the statement loosely and with a bit of humor. Using such recourse would lead to this inevitability. Especially if the french were to given the right to vote for our candidates.

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