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Archive through December 17, 1999

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american visitor,
this aint nothin', amigo, you shoulda been here
when the joint was =really= jumpin', mere weeks

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In Moscow, officials heatedly denied that a pitched battle had occurred in Grozny, but the wall of denial was soon eroded by Russian news agencies, which reported clashes with heavy Russian losses. AVN, an unofficial military news agency, said officials in Mozdok, the staging area for Russian military operations, acknowledged that 50 soldiers had been killed overnight in central Grozny. It said they had entered the city in 15 armored vehicles--eight tanks and seven armored personnel carriers--from Khankala, a small town at the city's southeastern edge.

The Interfax news agency said that an army "intelligence unit" was ambushed in Grozny's downtown Minutka Square and that Chechen defenders killed 25 soldiers and captured four armored vehicles. "This reconnaissance operation was aimed at identifying bandits' firing and fortified positions in eastern Grozny," Interfax quoted its sources as saying.

And this was from Moscow and not a Western news source. Makes ya wonder WHO really is telling the truth. Was Rueters correct after all?

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In a more sinister remark the spokesman for the FSB, the internal security successor to the KGB, Mr Alexander Zdanovich, said: "Correspondents have been and are still being used by foreign special services."

They were, he said, involved in a "co-ordinated propaganda campaign against Russia".

Does this also include Russia's own media? Please refer to my last post.

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Basayev, you "well spoken inglis speeka", I am here to discuss few things with ya. Come out, you piss-drinka', I've got some more camel piss for ya. It is just too ••••••• bad I wasn't here last night, you "brave" boy - I'd be smackin' you upside down. Go by you real name, you chicken •••• - why don't you "basayev"(stands for "kiss" in Russian)my Russian ass. I bet you've got just the right size lips for it ;-). I'll be waiting.


hi dear. I missed you too :^). I am in the New World for right now so I missed last night's "debates", due to different time zone. With basayev here we might get ourselves a freakin'ZOO again. Where is my buddy Svoloch? He woulda been very happy to reply to bASSayev. Anyhows, I'll be here for at least another 3-6 hours, so I'll her from ya soon?

P.S. When you called for me last night, did ya meen to say "whoever" or "wherever"?

To Fred Le Dingue:

Bonjour. Thanks for not replying in French :)) It's just been one too many years since I communicated in that beautiful language, so thanx for saving me from embarassement. As far as for Baranov- I gotta try to get to hear more of Mr. Baranov(he never responded to my posting)before I can give you a formed opinion of him. I already got myself embaressed ones with a my clueless opinion(ask Kim Arx, she knows, hehe)so I ma be mo'careful dis time.


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Harlot's Ghost,

Your grasp of European History is somewhat limited I think.

Where did you get your information , primary School?
Try reading in a bit more depth.

Russia is in fact in Europe,you may not have known that.

Kim Arx , Miss ArX to you.

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gotta question about you posting in regards to Russian losses - you REALLY sound like you're happy about it. You also sound like a kid who got a brand new toy - "Russans got losses, Russians got losses, lala-lalala, lala-lalala"... SHAME ON YOU. Do you actually realize that those men(a lot of them a practically boys) fight because they are to ld to do so???!!! you can blame politicians, government, if you will, but to hear a sheer joy in you tone? Wow...I think you are a girl who is SOOOOOOOOO damn clueless about what is going on there. But kids can be cruel without realizing that they actually are...just like in your offence


P.S. For the future reference - please do NOT twist my words any more, I think I wrote it in an understanding enough way.

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Kim, slight correction - about a quarter(roughly speaking) of Russia is in Europe, the rest belongs to Asia. After all they did not used to call us "barberian Moskovits" for nothing, :-))))

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... After all they did not used to call us "barberian Moskovits" for nothing, :-))))

Well.. its about time they should again..

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I've been following the war from the begining and I have been getting reports on Russian Casulties and non on the bandits. Have the bandits received any killed and wonded. By the way the American media has been reporting the news you would think that the bandits were immortal.

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Astute as ever.

Mind you its not a bad idea,to promote further European integration. Each country gets to send its most annoying MP to another country within the Union for six months. Thus creating more sympathy for those who usually have to deal with them. I think Ken Livingstone might just be at the top of Tony Blair's list.
Shame they didn't think of it before, they could have sent Thatcher to France.
L'menexe, its a good job I like you (Grin)
Thanks for JS-



I meant wherever..... and whoever I would say..
You missed Basayev and Baranov.....shame


PS: To those concerned- the BBC have sent me an email thanking me for forwarding your comments on bias in its news reports. They will "forward these comments for due consideration". LOLOL

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you idiot, this not a game of words, it is a message board. Come up with something of your own, you ignorant PUTZ.

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What is the Russian government's position on dealing with the aftermath of Chechnya should they be successful in routing the (current) rebels? Do they plan on letting Chechnya retain its semi-autonomous state? Will the Russian army become a permanant occupying force? Have they addressed the inevitable deep hatred of the Russian government that will flourish in the aftermath of this campaign and is potentially a fertile breeding ground for generations of fresh new rebels?

Just curious if this will go as badly as most such military campaigns, i.e. Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan . . .

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At least somebody coming back to the subject: Harlot's Ghost

The CHINESE AMBASSY was struck pinpoint by US. They hit exactly the target they chose. The buildings on the left or on the right remained intact. What a precision! I can't beleive it!
It was realy the most efficient attack during the Kosovo bombing!
I have nothing against chinese but on the roof of theyr ambassy in Belgrade stood an antena used to transmit serbian military information.
American made no mistake!

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gonzo ( - on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 03:38 pm

Have the bandits received any killed and wonded

Jap, lots of them:

I personnaly estimate about 2500 are in coffins right now; Moscow's claim of 7000 terrorists killed is somewhat overblown


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Kim ARX;

So unfortunate a person with a seeming intellect
has resorted to touchy-feely stuff like "you never hugged anybody" when confronted with a RUSSIAN refugee problem (1992). Why did you not even try to answer? Is that because you just wanna chant "Russian cruelty", "Russian onslaught", and ignore other facts? Everybody busted their lungs supporting Albanians, NOBODY raised a media hell over Croatian expulsion of 100s of thousands of Serbs from Serbian Crajina after it was overrun. Western double standards. Shameless "This leader is SOB, but he's our SOB"

Remember: just like China, Russia has lived for ages without Western advice on internal policy. Don't you think it can leave for a hundred years more?

Do you realize that if you were there when the cleansing of Russians in Chechnya occurred, you wouldn't be able to do #$%^, unlike you proclaim? You sounded so brave, going to tear somebody's throat apart. They'd shoot off your knee cap and you'd be on the ground watching your daughter/son being mangled, and they'd laugh in your face and call you a Russian b**** and if you were pregnant, I don't even wanna desribe what'd happen then.
ACCEPT the complexity of things. BE READY to meet people half the way. TRY to understand. That's what I am trying to do as I hate for people to die and am ALL FOR the peace on the planet. But when somebody takes hostages in a maternity ward (Chechens, 1996 or so) and with a stupid green proclaims his crap on public TV and the West calls them freedom fighters, I have to say, well, you asked for it.
And PLEASE don't insult your own intelligence by ignoring the facts and answering with poster-slamming (all that stuff about Russian self pity). Worry about your own government privacy onslaught, mountain militia, racial gaps, school shootings, drug abuse, consumer culture, family decline. Your life is wasted one moment at a time, please try to limit the waste.

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