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Archive through December 17, 1999

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That, at least, was a reasonable answer.
We don't have to agree on everythiing and never will, and I apologize if I sounded somewhat fired up. It takes that, sometimes, to no, not make people understand, but consider the possibility of understanding.
I know you'd think it pure gov't propaganda, but WWW.INFOCENTRE.RU -- click on English and read about what's the gov't is TRYIN' DESPERATELY, WITH MEAGER $$ , to do in the territories taken from the rebels (to where the refugees are fleeing mostly, as opposed to other countries like in Kosovo).
And then, of course, read elsewhere and form an opinion of your own.

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Way to go Fred Le Dingue, i really agree with you on this pathetic refugees who try and to bring attention and pity on themselves by looking to the West. Damn right, if your home is in Grozny then you wont have a single chance to get in and perhaps reinforce somehow your caucas blacks. Its war time, there isn't and won't be a lot of free movement among civilains who could perhaps be chechen reinforcements (disguised partisans)...

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Hi, Fenriz,

Did you sleep well?
I'm hooked I'm afraid - I even took DMS off my favorites list, but then some joker(Grin) emailed me,so I had to come back to see for myself.

I might add that I did present the Bias arguements
seriously- I guess they just don't care- or haven't caught on that the internet is going to make them obselete.


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gotta question for ya, I am very interested in your opinion, as former US Marin, do you think that lately(?) the majore role in NATO is played by US Government?

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My father was telling me that Russia captured Khattabs secretary with his laptop which had details of all their meetings in Moscow and Georgia and all the other places they met .Just wondering if any of you Americans know about the Mens suits from Atlanta Georgia that were sent to Tbilisi Georgia to US military attache. There were 3000 suits .Turns out the new fashion is military fatigues and army boots. In all it was 15 tons of stuff. Who is US supplying with suits? This was about 5 weeks ago.

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"Question why are there so many Saudi Arabians in Chechnya?"

I actually admit that I was unaware of a fact that a lot of Soudies were in Chechnya. Why do you think that is?

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Good evening Kim,

Danke, my sleep was horrible %-/

It's friday night, why don't you go out?

I also provided a proof to CNN about G. Bauer's lies (in his speech at some american catholic colledge). I believe these are all fruitless efforts


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In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful .........

Allah, you have promised your servants to give them victory. Allah, send your victory for the muslims of Chechneya, and support them, as you are the best supporter.

Allah, your prophet said that he who fasts, will have a pray, that will never be turned down, we pray for you in the month of Quran to help those people and to grant them the determinataion and the faith to continue their Jihad.

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Russian Mothers have long said that the Russian military is hiding its losses all along. Putin is more worried about the election than the conscripts being used as cannon fodder. He does not give a damm about the Grozny meat grinder which has started churning Russian meat. There was not even talk of reinforecement to relieve the convoy that was ambushed.
As Maskhadov has said that the Russian Soldiers should stop serving in the army of criminals and bandits. The Chechen 'bandits' will atleast give them food or if they do not behave 'final' solution that will be better than slow death in the Russian Army.

Russian Mothers will soon come to the front line to save their loved ones from Grozny Meat Grinder. Putin and his henchmen should be tried and executed as war criminals.

An independant state will be built from the ashes of the devastated country. All the oppressed Muslims of Rusia will unite. No more terrorism will be tolerated from Russia. The face of real bandits in Moscow will be visible to the whole world.

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And y'all said we were playing "Wag the dog" in Kosovo. Who might be playing it now?

It might be just "The Globe" but it does contain a lot of Russian quotes. Taken outta context I suppose.

BTW, I'm neither anti-Russian or Pro-Chechen but please lets call this thing by its real name. The "Second Chechen War" instead of that silly phrase "counterterrorist campaign". Like it was quoted by someone ealier, "If it was, then why didn't the British burn down Belfast?"

And in my "opinion" the Russian army knew all along what their plans were and it wasn't just to flush the bandits but to reclaim Chechnya. Hell, it was part of Russia in the first place as far as I'm concerned. It doesn't take an army to do counterterrorism work, the Germans have the GSG-9 Unit, the Brits have the SAS, the US has Delta, Isreal has theirs even Peru recently used theirs.

This might sound anti-Russian but have you ever heard of constructive critizism? I hope so.

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Yes I do, and I am not the only prior service person that feels that way. You would be suprised at the conversations that take place in the VFW Club (Vtererins of Foreign Wars) I have a Russian friend and we dicuss this war all the time. He has given me a little Checnyn history concerning Russia. These bandits, for Russia's sake, have to be defeated or it will spread deeper into Russia. Then who knows from there?

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The Arms business isn't exactly "Toys-R-us".
Who sold arms to Iraq? Someone who graduated from
Sussex University-helped the Iraqis build the Supergun,cause the pay was good and he liked the climate.( second hand from someone who was at Sussex with him).

I worked for the Panamanian Embassy in a European city one summer - I received a fax offering them 10 000 semi-automatics for a "good" price- needless to say I was asked to Shred the document concerned. Military clothing may fall within that catagory- I don't know.


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Mohamed ( - on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 04:39 pm

It's not mosque, it's a message board. I don't think Allah has a proper IP number to assess the service


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Someone posted this:". Personnely, I believe that NATO is after the Chechnyan oil. Question why are there so many Saudi Arabians in Chechnya? "

Here we go again! Real motivation of the war!

As far as I'm concerned I'v found BASAYEV! To me the $15 000 000! He is in this chat room!'s not the real one ; OK Russians gvt. is still offering this money for his head.

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Mohamed you keep fasting eventually you will disappear along with the rest of those BANDITS in Grozny. How is allah going to save them from aerosol bombs ?

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