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Archive through December 17, 1999

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Cause my three year old won't let me....
Mind you his Dad is baby-sitting tomorrow...
Boyz night out or not!!!

Not everyone is obsessed with prancing about in clubs and drinking till they fall down.
There are more important things in life.

I'm about to move countries, everything apart from my computer and the kettle are in boxes.

Believe it or not you actually break the monotomy of watching paint dry.


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I love your answer.

Fenriz, Yor on the money with the Mosque.

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The war will probably be over soon but the qonsequences...just thinking about it..Russia has so many other problems to deal will take a while to fix'em. But people, this isn't the first time the country has suffered, hell that's what we're known for 🙂 ..BUT WE ARE ALSO KNOWN AS A GREAT COUNTRY WITH BRAVE, SMART PEOPLE, WHO LATELY HAVE NOT BEEN VERY FORTUNATE. The problem with us is that we have to suffer for a while in order to show our greateness - WWII, Napoleon invasion,Mongolian invasion of Khan Batiy(grandson of KingisKhan), etc. Someone said: "It takes a very long time to make a Russian angry, but when you finally do - BE AFFRAID).

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I'll get shot down for this, but what the hell,


I know it was said in anger....
but what you said about this board being pro-Chechen. The thing is,apart from us Westerners probably going on about things we don't understand,there is not a single Chechen.
I guess they have other things on their mind at the moment.
Its a tragedy(here comes the contentious bit)cause its the Chechens (people at least) that you need to "talk"(refering to my previous post) to.


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Ps. With respect

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Well said. This country could never handle as many invasions as Russian has withstood.


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thanx for understanding my point,man. Cheers 🙂

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The Presedent of Chechnya is a banit using outside sources to fight a against the Russians, just as the turned on the Germans side against the Russians in WWII.


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As saoudi presence in Checheniya I can confirm that a "saoudian born" commander are or has been among the rebels.
I got a picture of this guy portrayed with Basayev on Yahoo news but unfortunately I didn't write his name in my archives. He was there to help the "fighters for liberty".
Now, I can't say he is an official saoudian envoy since Bin Ladden is also Saoudian born and staunchly against the saoudian king Fahd and rather a friend of thes Talibans.

As for OIL IN CHECHENYA, I'm totaly ingnorant on this point.
But it's worth a discussion zone.
Woul anybody have some post about that I would gleefuly read it.

I strive to be as neutral as possible. Still I don't understand why you would kill mother, daughters, children and even theyr dogs to the extent they are chechen fighters.
It seems not relevant as a target.

TO ALL MUSLIMS on this board:
1/ Russian girls are prostitutes. Of course! There are prostitutes in every nation. The fact is that Russian girls are the most beautyful in the world. That's why the Sultan of Bahrein is hiring more and more russian girls for his temporary harem cache and pay them a lot!
Why are you hiding your women behind a veil? Are you so ashame of theyr ugliness or are you afraid to lose them because you're not that sexualy selfasure?
I tell you: Muslim men are trying to overcome the western or the russian men while the East European women are conquering the world! They will enfant a large descendance and soak the world of slavian culture.

2/ What's better: a minority of women* selling themselves theyr body or all men selling theyr daughter's body to any other muslim who can afford it.

*Professional prostitudes are a minority of women even in Russia. Married-for-money is widespred throughout the world and defenitly not a Russian particularity.

No female around to argument?

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So I keep hearing,

No offence, I'm sure you're right.

However at one point Dimitri was calling me some choice names as well. I mean by that, that hate simply causes more hate.

Once this war is over and no longer in the public eye, how long is it going to be before ordinary Russians and Chechens stop hating each other enough to live side by side. I don't mean desparate refugees and the Russian high command doing what they can to help. I mean real life the next time there is a dispute about a local non-political matter.(who owns what for instance). How far will the arguement get before the war is brought up do you think.


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I must also recognize the historical relevence of Russia's past with its present circumstances. Hardship has been evident in the Motherland for which Dmitri has specifically cited well. However, your other comment has created an area of dispute. Other countries have been invaded countlessly (e.g. Poland, Yugoslavia, France, Germany, well the list can go on and on). But what kept Russia from becoming totally engulfed by invading armies? I think part of it came from a large population combined with a mammoth-sized geography.
The question as to how the United States would handle such invasions reveals a hypothetical situation which achieves levels of absurdity. Think of it this way, how well has England withstood attacks from foreign invaders. I'd say pretty damn well when we look at the last three hundred years. Take the England model of old and expand it a hundred times. England had the advantage of being isolated from continental Europe (by the English Channel) and had the strong presence of the greatest naval fleet the world had seen. In America, we have two oceans, vast naval supremacy, and considerable air power. Fact is, we don't border any countries who pose an immediate threat to us. This strategic positioning had foiled Khrustchev at Cuba. The question of a brave response is left open for debate. However, I must warn the world that Americans would become enraged at the mere thought of having all their material possessions destroyed. To compare battle-readiness in terms of invasion is an unbalanced argument that can only exist within the fantastical dimensions of the hypothetical world.

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Why, Chechens _are_ invincible.

My favorite quotes (not exact) are -

"So-many Russians killed during the attack. Only two Chechens were wounded due to _direct hit_ of a mine thrower.

"In a _hand-to-hand_ combat, so-many Russians killed, and 5 tanks destroyed."

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Fred Le Dingue -

His name is Khattab and he's been fighting USSR and now Russia, for 13 years.

P.S. I think he is sexy when he braids his beard. Um.. yeah!

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To Soleyman:

I believe that Gonzo was referring to whether americans can survive and possibly resist to occupants and not talking about good geographic location or how strong US is militarywise. You don't think American citizens are capable of resistance, do you? It is a mentality issue, Suleyman, not a geographic one.

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"However at one point Dimitri was calling me some choice names as well. I mean by that, that hate simply causes more hate."

I did appologize for my share. You did appologize for yours. Why is my SHARE mentioned but there nothing in you reply to Gonzo about YOU calling ME some "choice" names as well(DIM itri, etc.). I understand that you were trying to make a different point now, however I actually was under the impression you were a fair person and would present situation the way it acually happened. Or am I still being naive????

DIM itri.

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