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Archive through December 18, 1999

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To: Fred Le Dingue
Monsieur ;-), are you French or of French dissent? (judging by your last name). What do you think about the loss of Algeria in the, I guess, 1950s? I heard what the National Front(?) did was they trumpeted any alleged French Army loss or ruthlessness, and completely avoided there own inhumane doings. And the the liberal intelligentsia started screaming hysterically. As Camus said, "somehow... Arabs seemed to have received a right to cut throats". Even La Legion didn't help, and they could.. one of the only real armies in the world..
DISCLAIMER: this is NOT an anti-arab post. This was a quote and addressing criminals specifically. I DON'T believe Arabs or any other folk should be lableled indiscriminately.

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2000 chechens burned 8 tanks. It makes 25 men per tank's weel. They could just carry tanks away for a later use. I want to see a picture of 250 men attacking one tank. It is too bad that Basaev left this forum. It was very funny to read him.

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To Abdussalam Ambazhathingal

As you may have merely forgotten to relaese your "Caps Lock" button, and as there were nothing else to read I red your posting.

If muslim see the paradise at a frontline and see death as an open door, I'm chilled at the thougth that the may undertake more and more war in the future.

Peace and love my friend... sniff a flower, in its parfume you will see how Allah is great!

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to Serb: without going into discussions what agencies are government's or not, I'd say that it's not possible here in the West to organize a successful cover up for the war casualties as you claim. Press agencies are usually quite precise and mercyless in their reporting.

Someone may even say that they are quite cynical and have no regard for the current political interests of their respected governments. I'm not saying that they are mistake-proof. The example is CNN report of gassing US troops by US own army in Vietnam. Oops, it wasn't correct...

During the Kosovo campaign one Serbian caller on C-Span even claimed that Yugo forces shot down about 10,000 of NATO airborne units(!) and used nuclear bombs (seems to me you are implying the same).

Regarding the proposed poll I think that Chechen days of independence are numbered (escpecially if board's Basayev and Shamil Basayev are the same person :)).

Russia lost in Afganistan mostly because of strong support of afgan fighters from the West. Without it "finale" would have come in months. The same story was with the Russian Middle Estern republics. Natives successfully fought Soviet army for years before Stalin arranged an agreement with Great Britain and Iran that ended their support for Uzbecks, Turkmen, etc. The Soviets finished the job in months after that.

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I'm not French but Belgian. So that everybody will know.
I'm not a specialist of the Algerian war. It's historicaly admited that French had havy losses in this war.
That the way they interrogated prisoners would have been enough to give arabs" a right to cut throats".

What Jean-Marie "Zirinovsky" Le Pen utters is not worth quoting in a serious conversation board.

This war ended 45 years ago and I don't think there is any link to the actual event in Algeria exept for far fetcher intellectuals.
Many Algerians or theyr descendants are living in France in a more less good cohabitation. The "less" would come from that, that the French from Algerian descent usualy grow up in poor families and therefore assimilated by the narrowminded to troublemakers to the extent that holliganism has its root in poverty...

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American have learn since theyr defeat in vietnam, the importance of the medias.
In the Gulf war and the Kosovo war information to the public was filtrated word by word.

Bravo for:" Chechen days of independence are numbered (escpecially if board's Basayev and Shamil Basayev are the same person :)). "

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ABDUSALAM I guess all the bandit Chechens are going to see paradise real soon.

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Please post a link as to the NATO loses during the Kosovo campaign. You know...planes downed/Special Forces killed and the like. I remember two planes being shot down with one being the stealth the other a F-16 I believe. I'm not disputing that others were hit but your number of 56 destroyed is suspect. I also remember seeing the three army troops on tv that were captured but no pictures of dead americans. THAT in itself would have made better news than three lowly grunts. Here's the perfect chance to prove a westener wrong. Oh, make that an "independent" source too, not a Serb one. I could always find a NATO one to counter your claim.

One other thought comes to mind and nobody has yet answered it completely (just opened a can of worms). If the Yugoslav army and paramilitaries weren't being hurt that badly by the air strikes, then WHY did they abandon Kosovo? Was it that they didn't like watching their country being systematicly destroyed or what? Just looking for answers...

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Thanks Alex Smirnitski.
At feast you did not use the word "F". But you could not answer my question
where the russians getting money from? Few days back when russia even could not pay the salary of the cole miners than how come they are now affodding this war? Do you want to say that this war does not cost anything? May be you want to say that that in last 48 hours hussia spend $2 and lost only 2 millatary person after heavy fighting. That can be chrimas joke not the reality. You also did not made any comment about the destruction of Soviet Union by the muslims. If you think that big size big army is the power than keep it in your mind you don't care that. Afghan knew how big the S. union was and saw how many Russian Millatary personal were involved in the invasion, but still they fought and defited them. Just to let you know one comment of Mikhil Gorvachev about Afghan war most probably in early nineties or late eighties
and that is --"Directly or inderictly one million russian millatary personal are involved in the afghan war". Now just compare that with the population of Afghanistan. Using all the strength
the super power s. union could not take the small vally "PANJSHEER" led by the Great mujadeen leader Ahmed Shah Masood. If you live in Russia than ask any vateran about Panjsheer. May be he will get faint. There is no way you will win this war. Last time you were also very confident and announced that it will be a matter of days. But you know the result, please don't tell me that you won that last war. I think lots of Russians think so because of the media.
We muslims never hate any one. Even from my bottom of heart I wish the comlpete destruction of Russia and its army still I don't hate them. I don't hare any army personal but still I can kill the without any hesitation.
I told you about the Banker who was killed. Just go and arad about him than tell me what you think.
You will find it that in recent months he gave Russians Billions of $. Don't worry his bank will get all the money from you.
You told me to wait until the war ends. I don't think that I will be able to find you when the war ends. Because at that time all of you who supported the war will hide at your homes. So this is the time to talk.
You told me that Russia supported the muslims during the arab isreal war. Russia supported the arrabs not the Muslim. Though they got helped from the russians, they lost the war. A true Muslim never seek safety from a nonmuslim. Against the Muslims all the same whether Russians or Americans. You told me about Arafat, Asad, Mubarak
who told you that they represent the Muslims. They are the greatest enemy of Muslims. So you are actually aiding the enemy of Muslim. If you really
want to see the true Muslims look just those people whom the west and you call terrorists. I am not telling all of them are good but most of them.
Go read how Stalin killed Muslims. How the red army destroyed Mosques in Azarbizan, Uzbekistan etc and all other Muslim republic of s union. If you support the russians then you are the enemy of Muslims, Islam and Allah.
Long live Basayev long Live Khattab
Long live Chechny

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Bones how do you feel about terrorists coming to US

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Basayev if the Russia wanted, you would all disappear to paradise in vapour cloud you moron

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I fuly gree with you when you point out the paradox of Rusia not paying coal miner or policemen,
of a Russia ill from corruption of all sort and money evasion.
But you know there is always money for the weaponry. Do you think that islamist contries who lead theyr Holly war has, unlike Russia, a brillant economy?
About Afganistan,
1/ mujahidin received strong support from the US. Even a movie has been released from Hollywood studios; (the War Machine if I remember, telling the story of a russian tank crew).
Please don't deny this.
2/I do not beleive the muslims are happier under the Taliban rule than under a pro Russsian one. But it's true that at the time, there were no Russia. Russia was taken over by the Bolsheviks and I agree therefore that nobody wanted at any price to be swallowad into the USSR and live under communism.

By the way, you didn't answer to my question: What's your opinion about massacres in Algeria?

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Russia will lose not only the war but also morale.Tzar's children have to be free the orhodox christianity complex.The devil is Orhodox christians.Serbs,russians,armenians and greeks.

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Now what do you think? Hell, he came from Canada! And this isn't the first time a terrorist has tried something on US soil but you don't see us destroying an entire province because of it do you?

Are you that brain dead or what? Pull your pro-russian head out of your butt and take a breath. Show me ONE, just ONE post where I defended terrorist! I only disagree with the killing of noncombatants! Do you know the difference?

Time for dinner but be sure Igor, I'll look for any suspicious wires okay...

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The war in Chechnya is the usual example of the Russian Empire's way of solving the ethnic problems in so big country. I don't beleive any russian mass media information about the situation there. This is the war, and the lie is the old weapon of communist russia. Mostly, people don't know anything what happened in their country. I don't think that they are so stupid and so great nationalists. When the first war in Chechnya was over they started to prepare the public opinion for the second war, you remember all the soviet style steretypes like " the country of gangsters"
"chechen's mafia", and etc. Yes, there are some bad people among chechens also as among russians,
chineese,germans,japanees,whoever.. But you can't say this about the whole nation.. It's obvious. And when they are trying to destroy the whole country and the whole nation becouse there are some bandits who kidnapping children .. the same things can be done with Moscow , let's us shell Moscow becouse too many gangsters and bandits there!! that is the sick logic! It is shame of Russian Federation, and personally every sitizen of Russia,it's shame on me because I am sitizen of Russia too.

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