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Archive through December 19, 1999

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To all my Russian and Chechn friends, war is not the answer to all problems. But unfortunately the war is going at this moment between two countries and the people are suffering from both sides.
My personally believe it’s not a Christian or Muslims war, so let’s just AVOID blaming ethnicity or religion,
Yeltsin did not want to leave the power with a legacy of defeat in chechnya in his regime and he ALSO wanted some one of his puppet to come to power, so that he will not be subjected to criminal proceeding against him after his term is over, for embezzlement of BILLION’S of DOLLAR’S.
If any one you disagree with this scenario is in the absurd passion of nationalistic pride or religious bigotry.
The west and muslim nations are equally party with this current massacre of chechen people, these countries are letting Yeltsin off the hook because they are party in corruption.
Yeltsin will win this war, military will lose “Dollar a soldier”, a mother will lose his son, a son will lose his father, a wife will lose her husband and the conclusion will be Putniv will become the next president of Russia with the HELP of western countries and all this DEAD body’s innocent people and DEMISE OF RUSSIA IN THE ABASE OF DARKNESS FOREVER.

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The west demand for a cease fire is not a factor that actualy increase the number of dead civilian in Grozny.
Why should Putin change his tactic on west demand?
While it's criminal to kill innocents and destroy a poeple and a country, it's in no way criminal not to obey to the west. But for the arrogant west disobediance to them is more shocking.
Especialy after giving so much money through the idiot IMF.
"Despite Western demands for a cease-fire." does not mean no matter what the casualties are.
One should call a cat a "cat".

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I agree with most of your interpretation of the fact. But what about ethnic diversity?
In Chechenyia and Dagestan, some inhabitants are with the rebels other are against them.
This vary from one village to another.
I don't think that all the Chechen joined Katthab and Basayef in the battle.
Now it's exact they all may have a grugge against Russian...

Anyway I will stick by my guns with that islamists (and the rebels commanders are) should be kicked out as well as ultra nationalists.

The mistake of the Chechen president and the Chechcen poeple and other good muslims around the world is to have accepted them somewhat.

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first of all, reading your posts was enough for you to earn the title "the most ignorant contibutor to this message board"' congrats!!!
Hey pig!! we all know that the russian and their serbs are the most cowered poeple around. The humiliating defeat the russian pigs suffered in 94-96 war with the chechens was utterly unbelievable!!! the pig were ruuning to their mommies like rats; those were the lucky ones, the rest were slaughtered and joined their 50,000 russian brothers being BBQ'd in hell as we speak after the 94-96 war. In this war the number could go higher and higher!!! last wed the pigs tried to storm grozny heheheheheh! and guess what piggy: 300 of them were slaughtered. somewhat i feel sorry for those piggs kids yeltsin and putin throwing into this war; but oh well some one gotta do it right??
as for bosnia and the serbs: they are even piggier than their brotheren in russia. the leader of bihac corp (atif) along with 60 bosnians took over the entire city of sanski most!!! and the serbs were fleeing like rats, again, those were the luky ones, the unfortunate one are being bbq'd with their brothers in hell. And the stiry goes on and on.... just like that. Should i continue???

Noble Member
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BOSNA in your dreams you moron

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BOSNA (SARIC) you must be one of those Bosnian pigs who is trying to rewrite history. You hope Russia will lose but you will be greatly disappointed. All them pigs are going to fry .

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To igor,
I know truth hurts, so relax foro a while and it will be over. You know very well that the russians are killing the innocent people and even the cows. What kind of animals they are?

The cowards never can fight with the brave chechian soilders. So my point is that russia should make peace whith chechnya but not war. Carrots is better than stick.


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Da svigda budit sonca, Da svigda budit nyeba, Da svigda budit mama, Da svidga budu ya!

This book I've just read predicts the coldest winter, record breaking cold, for Russia. The author said that Moskow is going to be frozen solid this winter. More people will freeze to death in Moskow alone, not even counting the rest of Russia, more frozen to death than all the fatalities from the War in Chechnya! Bad news, I am sorry to say. Let's hope that the prediction is wrong. It was a good book never the less. The title, "The Coming SuperStorm," by Bell & Strieber.

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Chechen Nation will never give up Independence!

Kremlin will lose this new War in Chechnya!!!

Putin will be executed!!!!

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I heard that Colonel Hackworth (former US Special Forces) was inside Grozny as a consultant to the Chechen Rebels. Has anyone else heard this.

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turk -

I heard couple of your brothers were caught in Russia trying to escape Chechnya. Makhira Kalkana and Nesuar Ireesh, or something like that. Is that's why you are mad at Russia? Or because they kicked your @$$ number of times when you invaded them? Even support of England and France didn't help. Sad indeed.

Oh yeah. We tolerate your invasion of Cyprus only because you keep on kissing our @$$es.

On a happier note, I guess Alluh is pissed at your country since couple of good quakes hit it this year.

Sorry, I'm in a bad mood right now.

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Well, an "independent", "democratic", corrupt with a bank account dryer than the Arizona desert pisspot "country" called Bosnia is a perfect place for You, Bosna. He-heh, enjoy.

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Is it possible that COL Hackworths presence in Grozny is related to the picture in the AP of Chechen freedom fighters standing over dead Russians boys with American made M-16's. Isn't that the primary role of US Special Forces anyway.... Train and Equip foreign forces fighting for freedom and democracy. Godbless COL Hackworth, the Chechen Freedom Fighters, and the United States of America.

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Jed Edgars -

Please point to that AP picture.

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I cannot remember where I saw the picture but doesn't a M-16 have a wooden stock and bannana clip?

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