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Archive through December 19, 1999

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Actually, the stock's of plastic. As to the banana clip - don't know - might be the Russ.-made 7.62 Kalashnikof light mashine-gun? It's clip's 10 rounds more and, hence, longer. Don't know ..., there were reports on USARMY uniforms (some 3000) bound for Georgia and sunsequently confiscated by R. customs agents, so who knows?

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Last week's polls - Putin enjoys 47%, meaning if elections to be held now - he's the President.

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Just remember Russia invaded Chechnya and took control in 94-96 war and then was forced to leave in humiliation. This is only the begening of second Russian folly. It is sad that some people do not learn from history.

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Some info...

A M-16 is completly made up of a synthetic plastic which can be equipped with eigher a 20 rd clip or the standard 30 rd (banana) clip. It is also sold world wide just like the AK-47 and its variants are. There's not much you can't buy these days, huh?

AS to the 3 thousand uniforms. It was reported a long time ago they were intended for the Georgian army...BUT...with the supposed rebel pipeline running through the same country one can only guess. It just depends on who you wish to believe. Hell, even I could go either way on this one. Just prove it with an independent source is all.

Only 7 more shopping days till Christmas for those who celebrate it. Better hurry!

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Should the west intensifie its pressure on Russia?
Yes, if a cease-fire is not declared, a bloodbath will ensue 29% 6421 votes
No, the conflict is an internal Russian matter 71% 15850 votes

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What's even more sad is that if they DON'T win, they'll be back again. Something like a bad rash...

My take...they'll be successful but be bled once again by hit and run raids. I wonder how they plan on defending against that type of warfare this time around? That's why I think this type of "counterterrorist campaign", and I use that term loosly, is useless. But then again, that's my opinion.

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Thats great, but, the entire world already agrees that it's an "internal" conflict but it's the blood bath that they're trying to stop. So those numbers are irrelevant. Catch my drift?

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Sorry to disagree but Russia didn't invade anything. Chechnya was already a province of it. De-facto independence or not. I'm sure half of you just fell down hearing me say that, huh?

Just like the US Federal govt. couldn't invade a State though I'm sure some will argue they try like hell through legislation. As a whole, the state already belongs to the country.

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I will say it again! Chechen rebels! Surrender or be destroyed! Return to your farms!!! This time we came for real. And there'll b no escape!!! As you might know, the road to your Georgian friends is taken by Russian army so you'll get no more help from the outside. Give up... Russia will win as always....

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I'm fed up of discrediting news for russian.
I beleive the rebels made a media show in releasing these poor poeple.
Too bad for the russian, refugees died in the bus in a 18h detour due to the military occupation.

Question to all:
Why Dudayev has been waiting till now to organize this evacuation?

read repport:
...But drivers of the two buses and evacuees said the Russian government had nothing to do with their escape. They said Chechen fighters and Grozny Mayor Lecha Dudayev engineered their evacuation. ''A group of (Chechen) fighters escorted our buses from two sides up to near the city limits,'' said 44-year-old Musa Ibalayev, driver of one of the buses...

did you read my last postings?

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Refer to:

Bones ( - on Sunday, December 19, 1999 - 04:15 pm

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The reason they waited to leave is simple. Read the last part of that link you posted. I wouldn't my stuff looted....would you?

Oh, of course the army doesn't loot or anything else that's "bad".

I might've be born at night but not last night. And all those reports from so many different agencies can't be wrong. Every army has bad soldiers, even leaders.

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Should of said...."I wouldn't want my stuff looted eigher".

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To those who say Russia must make peace with the rebels, how bout U.S. should've made peace with Saddam when he invaded Kuwait?

Saddam got badly beaten for invading Kuwait, so the Chechens will get badly beaten for invading Dagestan twice this year.

Where are all those glorious brave drug cartel warlord chechen bandits who started this new war by invading Dagestan? Oh yeah, hiding among innocent women and children in Grozny and other places, so that the civilian casualties will make Moscow look bad. How brave.

Come out and fight like men, ****ing chechen mafias! Good to see the destruction of these terrorist dogs.

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The only side who really benefits from Russia-Chechnya conflict is Amaerica (Israel) and their stupid allies in Europe (U.K., Germany etc)

My only hope. that Russians and Muslims will unite sometime in the nearest future against their nutural enemy - U.S.A.

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