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Archive through December 19, 1999

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Honorable Member
Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 719

"it's the blood bath that they're trying to stop"
Ho! the good guys!
Unfortunately, they get the opposite;
In leting know that the whole world (and especialy the powerful US) is behind them, the rebels will prolonge the fighting. They are thinking Nato and John Wayne will come up as in Kososvo...
In a word they encourage the rebels to defy the Russian army.
Let alone the underground links.
Ok these folk would fight to death anyway but the western media encourage them to do so nevertheless.
In my opinion, the west is willing to smooth relation with islamic states such as Iran and to show that they can be also on theyr side.

Noble Member
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Soon it will be all over for Chechen dogs. If US wants to support this garbage that's fine because sooner or later these animals are going to turn on U.S. I wonder where that other terrorist is. All you supporters of Chechens what will you feel when they start blowing up apartments in your cities? The sooner these dogs are eradicated the better for everyone . Long live Russia. The bear is awakening and you know what they say about sleeping bears.

Noble Member
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I have to say that it is odd how fast most of you people supporting these Chechen dogs forget about the apartments they blew up,people they killed(RED CROSS workers), 1500 people they have kidnapped,heroin dealing and all the other nice things these Peaceful Muslims have done in name of ALLAH. I do not know of any religion that supports this kind of stuff in the name of GOD. So the faster they are killed the better. TAKE NO PRISONERS they want to go to paradise ,Russian army will oblige these dogs. FLICK them all.

Honorable Member
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I agree that some poeple in Grozny are afraid to loose everything. They didn't realized the risk of theyr choice.
That elders and disabled don't have the means physicaly to escape it's true.

Imagine your town occupied by rebel and surrounded by a ruthless army and politician talking only about the killing of these rebels. Suddenly, they drop leaflets saying "Quit the Town or Die".
If you choose to stay for your bellongings, exuse me but you're dead crazy.
Staying by my stuffs or staying alive, I would choose life. That's why the russian droped these gruesome leaflets: For the population to be aware of the danger of staying in the city.
It was so clear that west were frightened too.

The question remain: Why did Dudayev wait till now to relaese a handfull of old or mentaly disabled persons? The latters didn't have to care much of they properties!

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On this board, WHO from the West is supporting these terrorist? It's seems rather hands down that everyone is against them, even me.

BTW, Where's the proof big guy that the terrorist did the bombings in Moscow? Because Moscow said so? If you believe that, you're a bigger fool than I thought. As to the other things these militants have down isn't in dispute, just the bombings. Ever hear of forensic evidence?

Here's a question for you, Igor, Do you hate just the militants, all Chechens or all muslims? You seem to be linking them all together. You do know there's a difference between all three don't you?

Oh, and one more thing, Igor, please, give me ONE, just ONE link where it says that THE US GOVT, IT'S PEOPLE support terrorism of any kind. Come on big mouth put your money where your fingers type!

As far as your bear is concerned, I recently read where a woman in Moscow had a bear on a chain dancing in the streets so she could make some money. And that's your country's symbol for petes sake. I should have saved the article so I could show your ignorant ass.

So what do they say about sleeping bears? They snore?

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