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Archive through December 2, 1999

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mr. berstein:
such talk will hardly endear you to our resident anti-semites.

cant say it endears you to me, either.

lolol...i cant keep up w/all the intolerant ones; too many to slap down, as they well deserve...

fanatics are fanatics are fanatics.

sorry, ms. hebb and sis.
to ( ) from elsewhere:
insert heavy sigh...well, i tried.

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Yo,Jerk Pigstein! What's all that "chosen" crap? Are you lost or something? Who the fuc'k was talking about Israel here? Wrong board a$$h0le!!! If you ain't got anything else to say, then shut your trap. Sure your a$$ is a "chosen" one, we dont doubt it. Chosen by devil or something. Or you're just insane mothafucka who stuck on "chosen" words??? I know a lot of Jews, and none of'em is acting "chosen". They are normal people, not like your "chosen" a$$. Now shut your "chosen" mouth before you can feel MY "chosen" d1c'k in it. Do you get it, you lil' "chosen" byatch???

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Hi alL
may russia prevail against the chechens

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The recent events in the Caucasus and the Central Asia is the sign of the drive of the radical form of Islam. Chechen troops wanted to "reunify" Dagestan with Chechnya under the green cloth. Kirgyz, Uzbeks and Tajiks in Central Asia have the same problem of Islamic extremists. In Kirgyztan quite a number of people were taken hostage, while the Kirgyz Govt. had been hosting a regional summit with the Russian and Chinese presidents. Japanese geologists and a high ranking Kirgyz border guards officer were among the hostages. Lots of embarassment. Military actions followed. And there's the cause for all this - outside drive for radicalization. Radicalization "drivers" push the idea of state collapse, inability to care for state subjects, corruption and impoverishment. Good, but there's a very good example everyone fails (or prefers not) to see - Iran. Did it gain anything after the Islamic revolution? It "gained" so much through all the years, that there was an internal drive to get somehow out of that devolution. "Thanks, I don't need the right to four wives, I need the right to be able to feed with something at least one of them". (Roger Mattheson can help a lot by proposing to airdrop some soap there.) Taleeban prop their medieval "state" with bayonets, but they can't sit on them. Why does the opposition to them exist? Those same opposition leaders, that used to fight the USSR agression? Back to lepoards. 1990 opened borders of the defunct USSR. And arab missionaries preaching radical Islam jumped on the opportunity. In the Caucasus they are openly hostile to the traditional Sufi Islam. (What was so bad with it?. Maybe, the absence of pics of Bin-Laden wielding a mashine gun on the walls?;o)) Religious radicalization produced by the first stupid war, the arrival of Arab Mujahedin and lots of Arab money. There's radical Islam, there's the area full of people, that know nothing, except killing, there's Arab money and there are locals, duped, bamboozled, coerced into believing, that the categorical moral purity of the Islamic message will improve something. See 'Iran'. And in vew of Kosovo I would add, that the US is not seriously after Bin-Laden et. al.., provided the latter is serious about destabilization attempts against the formation of the strong Russia. And not after "democracy" or human rights either. (When Miss Piggy utters "democracy", - I start guessing about yet another lie to be perpetrated.) If he blows up some other US embassy, - there'll be ordinary americans to suffer domestically from yet another insurgency against their rights by some tougher bill. FYU, the first bill had the Fifth Amendment for dinner. Bye.

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I am beginning to see ( )from elsewhere in a different light. Smart Lass. I see what you mean.

It must be tough being the lone tourch of tollerance. Ta for the mail,shame man can't live on bread alone.
Any chance of ( )taking me seriously, or am I just
another fat/misguided westerner. Shame I love her
country-just hate the idiots that are sending it down the pan with their incompetance.

PS I like the word "Anamolous" sort of infers being different and huggable at the same time.

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In your case DYSLEXIA RULES,Rambo

Poor misguided Rambo,I "pitty" you.
If the USA is so ******* great, how come it left you semi-literate,inarticulate and uneducated,
when fat capitalists pay for their kids to
go to Yale and Harvard.

You're a pawn in someone else's game and you can't even see it.

And as for that senile drama queen Reagan,what did he do? Increased unemployment,decreased wages and ended job security. And what for? The B.O.T.- deficit reached the highest levels ever. He sold arms to one groups of senseless thugs to fund another. They had to carry him around on a stretcher 'cause he had both feet in his mouth and his finger up his arse.

The cold war is over, the corrupt regimes of eastern europe that smeared the name of Marx have
gone. But this isn't the "End of History".

Ohmae, Ohmae, Ohmae!!
Noam Chomsky is king
Marx and Engels live on!!!

Darling L'menexe,
Just restoring the dialectic balance.
Meanwhile the fence-sitting Liberals can carry on
solving the world's problems.
Don't be fooled.

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"The recent events in the Caucasus and the Central Asia is the sign of the drive of the radical form of Islam. Chechen troops wanted to "reunify" Dagestan with Chechnya under the green cloth."

"Taleeban prop their medieval "state" with bayonets, but they can't sit on them. Why does the opposition to them exist? Those same opposition leaders, that used to fight the USSR agression?"

So we agree we are talking about terrorism,here,
that needs to be stopped for the sake of citizens in Russia,Dagestan and Chechnia.
If we agree that Russia is within its rights to tackle this problem, are they going about it in the right way?
You can't fight terrorists with a conventional army,I thought that was clear, after Afghanistan.
By going in heavy-handed isn't Russia just playing into the hands of the terrorists.
They can say "Look the Russians are the agressors"
By not taking care of the refugees and the general
population, Russia lays itself open to critism from the West. I'm not saying that the West is justified considering Kosovo. But two wrongs, don't make a right.

If you look at the Resistance to the Taliban from
Masud and followers, you will realise that these
groups do not give up easily. Conflict in Afghanistan could continue for decades.
Is this going to be the case in Chechnia. (simular terrain- simular movement).

One thing Russia does not need and can't afford is a northern Ireland on its hands. In the end Britain had to talk, after 20 years of death and bombing.

Surely, Russia does not need to approach this conflict like it is. Dispicable though it was, the soviet Union was able to find cleverer ways of controlling discent.BTW who is in control of the army at the moment?

"And in view of Kosovo I would add, that the US is not seriously after Bin-Laden et. al.., provided the latter is serious about destabilization attempts against the formation of the strong Russia. And not after "democracy" or human rights either."

I don't get what you mean by this.

With growing interest- you have some fans out there.

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ms. arx,
(grinning) far be it from me to protest, luv...
political postings aint one of those racist FITS, and the distinction is recognized by this one.
so, are you also... =koff= =ahem=
either way, arigato. that was nice.
ms. hebb:
glad you said what you said...
honestly i dont know ( ) to speak of
but ( ) explained something to me once, "elsewhere", that obliged me to alter my view on that matter, thereby earning my respect.
( ) also has used a couple writing "devices" which i use in my own writings, furthering the intrigue on my part.
and yeah, "anamolous" seemed about right, considering the sh*tstorm we tend to play in here...

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It takes a f*U*CK*IN*G mountain of the stuff,
to deal with your rantings.
And if anyone is "trying" you are.

Ps I found out your mother is jewish and your father was her nazi pimp. No wonder she dumped you at birth.


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ms. calypso:
no, dont hold back, just go ahead and say what you
mean (lololol!)
so you're the rowdy elder sis, huh?
politely yours...

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After merely observing this message board for a month, the sentiment expressed by certain members of this board has propelled my motivation to a mode of response. I sincerely wish that some of you could conduct conversation in a more civilized manner. The envy expressed by those who are driven by religiousity and nationalism is obvious.
Anyway, in the next few weeks I will offer some discussion that is politcally moderate by nature. Many of you will find that my statements will stray from the normally hate-driven passages that litter this message board. I await all of your responses with anticipation...

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To Rambo:

Don't you have to hide somewhere in the forest? Get lost, you freaken superman. Strongly recomend to take your arguments back. Otherwise, you will be foce us to low you. Get down, motherfucker, get down.

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To Roger:
To Rambo:
To all three hundred times not Russians:

I don't care about all your stupid arguments about Great RUSSIA. We are the Great and All-Mighty people with billions of dollars.

If someone will write against Russia I will •••• his/her kins in all possible holes.

You are ••••••• whores and sheety freaks with no understanding at all.

You are filthy fags with dirty asses. Always trying to set your fat asses uder my ••••.

I am Russian. The best in this imperfect world. The reachest man on this planet. All-Mighty.

Other people are trash. jews were chosen by their asses. They are cheapest freaks on this planet.

Nobody likes Jews. Everybody hate them.

Roger is sucking nigger's ••••. Uneducated niggers and succer latinos rule U.S.

Roger's mom is whore. Rambo is faggot with filthy ass. And, all you are no more than fishy sluts. Trash and garbage that can't exist on this planet.

•••• all who is not Russian.

RUSSIANS ARE THE BEST OF THE BEST. URA.............URA.............

roger you are conspirate kike and half degenerated nip who is sucking nigger's ••••.

Your mom licked filthy Latinos' ass. She was raped by local Mexican mafiozi that rule Americans. You got the point, you full of sheet.

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"Big" does not necessarily refer to age!
"Rowdy" too right. (And I think proud of it)
A right Handfull she is!
Oops, I just got that look, think she's gonna kick me.
Later, got to run (for my life???)

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