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Archive through December 20, 1999

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Good, Chechnya once again has it's cities destroyed and it's people devastated. Russia is doing well thank you very much 🙂

This is a lesson to the Chechen people and any other potential crazies. Invade Russian soil and you'll pay for it dearly. The Chechens invaded Dagestan twice this year and they're paying for it dearly (they're lucky, they could pay a lot more for it).

The Chechens have a simple choice:
(1) Get rid of these drug cartel warlords, have a strong central Chechen government which can control the entire country and enforce law and order so there's no 3000 kidnapings a year. With a stable strong central government without the muslim warlord ragheads, Chechnya can THEN peacefully decide it's future - to be part of Russia or not or part autonomy etc.

(2) Still have the drug cartel warlords, weak central Chechen government which cannot control these warlords, have 3000 or more kidnappings a year with overwhelming corruption, and constant wars and bombardment by Russian forces. The Russians will not want to grant Chechnya independence if Chechnya cannot have a strong central government which enforces law and order. Otherwise there'd be more invasions by Chechen warlords into Russia's Dagestan. So basically Chechnya becomes another Lebanon with 10,000 different factions and warlords, kidnappings everyday and no strong central government.

This is the choice the Chechen people have to make.

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As you stated, "I CAN'T provide a proof i.e the bomb attacks in Moscow, I simply personaly supose they did but that's my opinion". Then I can respect your opinion. The ones I have a problem with are the ones that will stomp their feet loadly while screaming "they did it" for no reason. I personally wait for proof, i.e., Oklahoma bombing and the recent fatal 747 plane crashes off the east coast. It just seems very suspicious that right after the bombings the russian campaign was launched. Too well timed for my taste.


I'm still reading but I'm waiting for Tom Clancy to pop up.

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Nuff reading for one night but so far I've gathered one basic concept and that's NATO puts out propaganda. No surprise as far as I'm concerned. I'm used to the old NATO/Soviet Union propaganda garbage. It's just new garbage from both of them now except the SU is extinct and now we have Russia.

As far as the substance of the media coverage in the 90's goes, shock is in and accuracy is a close second, maybe third. Again, no surprise.

The site you posted confirms everything I've said and I'm not at all surprised they all have the same thing to say. It wouldn't serve a purpose to such a site if there were differing opinions now would it?

If you wish to be anti-west that's on you but keep in mind, a closed mind is a waste of gray matter. Me? I'm neither anti-russian or pro-west. Are there "covert" things happening around the world? Of course! Are both sides doing it? You bet your ass they are, INCLUDING Russia.

Just so you know, I've bookmarked that site and I'll read some more but I doubt I'll find anything different than what I've read so far.

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Bones Well at least you'll read so I feel you have an open mind. The thing I would like to point out is since the Warsaw Pact disbanded why is Nato expanding and who is the enemy. I feel that Russia ,by disbanding wanted to live in co-operation,however Nato expansion I guess makes Russia feel uneasy having all this stuff going on its borders and inside the country itself. JOHN ARMSTRONG summed up the Chechnya question in a nutshell.

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Thanks for agreeing with some of my thoughts on present and past history of that troubled region.

I took your suggestion to read Igor’s postings curiously they all centered to two recent events.

1; Bombing of Moscow apartment building, for which no one has a proof nor I am going to asks Putniv or Igor for the proof. All I like to say is, one civilized nation cannot subject to bombing of entire nation for few culprits. By no means I am suggesting that chechean bombed this apartments, this question is open to everybody’s interpretation.
Russian side will say chechen did it, chechen say’s moscow did it to get a revenge of there lost in 94,96 war and to mobilize the public opinion against the chechean and not to forget to influence the russian elections.

2; The second is Invading Dagestan twice in this year brought this current onslaught on chechen. Again we have to go and search the history of caucuses region and come to amicable solution by elections not by military or bombs, Dagestan is not russia it never been a Russian territory, it’s like saying Tatar’s or Khanata’s are real owners of Moscow.

You brought up very interesting point that when Soviet Russia dissolved it brought up so may new independent nations. Yes it did but not all of the nations which it still colonized from the centuries a FEW good example are All the north caucuses region states and the Tatarestan.

Yelstin and Putin are celebrating their election victory on expense of slaughtering the innocent children’s and poor young russian solders body’s, is it worth while? Open question to the entire fellow concerned free citizens of the world.

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Fred Le Ding ( - -

Rebels got nothing to do with evacuating the old folks house. It was conducted by Russian Police from Ingushetia and other parts of Russia. Another thing that our media forgot to mention is that when four-six weeks ago Russia sent a bus to pick up the old people, rebels refused to let them go. At least they didn't kill the driver and didn't take the bus..

Another thing our media forgets to mention is how many hostages were liberated for the last two-three months and how many people responsible taken into custody. At least around three dozens. A 12 years old girls not long ago, and even a Russian young man who was in captivity for 8(!) years. What it means that he was captured in 1991, well before the first conflict!

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Moscow apartment building was blown up the same way as apartment for military personnel & family in Dagestan. That's proof enough for me.,2960,35050,00.html

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I forgot. Everybody says that it would be stupid for rebels to anger Russians by blowing up apartments in Moscow (and attacking Dagestan wasn't?), but I think they hoped that Russians would be too busy being afraid and too busy looking for terrorists around Moscow to pay much attention to what's going on in Dagestan and Chechnya. But looks like their plan backfired.

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.Two detained Turks suspected of fighting in Chechnya.
By Nikolai Styazhkin

STAVROPOL, south of European Russia, December 19 (Itar-Tass)
- Two Turkish citizens -- Mahir Kalkan, 25, and Nezuar Irish, 24,
were detained on Saturday by borderguards at the Astrakhan
airport on suspicion of participating in Chechen armed gangs.
Borderguards detained them in an attempt to fly to
The reason for detention were wounds, detected on Kalkan`s
shoulder and abdomen during his personal inspection.
Investigation is now in progress to find out possible
participation of the two Turkish nationals in combat operations
on the side of Chechen armed gangs, Itar-Tass learnt on Sunday at
the border detachment whose headquarters is located in

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igor & company:
i just love this piece of news and many to come before the russian pigs are vanished.hehehehe.

"The reporters saw the bodies of seven Russian soldiers, and Chechen fighters said there were about 40 more bodies trapped in no-man's land. Chechen rebel losses appeared to be light"

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Hey Igor, I cant wait for some commie without
a country to come try to blow up my house cause
us southern born Americans we like a good gun fight.

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igor & co:
this is another piece of news for you piece of ****.
"Fierce fighting was also going on in the mountains in the south of the breakaway region, where a Chechen commander said guerrillas had crushed a contingent of paratroops that sealed off the road to ex-Soviet Georgia. Russia denied this."
Igor: the key word in this article is "CRUSHED"!!!
i will leave it to your imagination...

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Russia is the greatest country in the world!

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hey bosna, what you do is a self-satisfaction. You probably mastrubate in the same time. But wishful thinking rarely helps. Just be more selective with the source of your information, son.

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