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Archive through December 20, 1999

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I think you should all shut up and leave russia to chrush chechyna. And if you had not already noticed this minor war is merely a disguise for russia's main truth. They are building up there troops, they are getting them closer to eUROPE AND THEN WITH THERE ALLIES CHINA, IRAQ, JAPAN,PAKISTAN THEY WILL CHRUSH EUROPE AND AMERICA

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actually dad i am so satisfied at the scene of dead rotten russian bodies, o yaaaaa. It is not wishfull thinking, it is the RRRRRReal Deal chechan power versus the cowered russians.
BTW, here is the link, you might get satisfied as well:

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What I meant in my last post (sorry it's been three days) is that Russia has experienced war because of its geography. I think the main difference between the US and Russia is how each country participates in war. The US stays out of large-scale conflicts until it has established a collosal arsenal of weapons and a vast sea of manpower. Russia has been FORCED to survive until it mobililzes. You're correct with the mentality thing and history has strong ties to the nation's collective consciousness (look at Kosovo for instance and its meaning to the Serbs). However, the mentality of any country being attacked changes quickly towards rage and anger once the invader has made itself present. It is true that America will be surprised once this day comes. However, I believe the non-existence of a foreign invader within historical past will give the American public a sense similar to a parent who's daughter has been raped (in this case the symbol for rape is an attack made by a foreign army on soil which has been untouched by these invaders). In concluding this passage, I must give credit to the Russian nation for surviving such attacks. Her longevity has been assured by the millions of citizens who have sacrificed their lives to repell the invaders.

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Just to add a bit to your satisfaction, son:

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Actually, it's a mistake to feed the gen. public with anecdotes made of Yeltsin's words. Rationale is missing. The core of his words is quite symptomatic. The US, still with "evil empire" fall euphoria champagne bubbles in its head, decided it has the right to go about Judge Dredd live. Doing that unpunished turned out infectious, - and now it's Russia to be pushed in good traditions of that Albright blah. (Russia's not accustomed to such treatment at all.) And the World hasn't become just and quiet in the least. The void started to fill with one more world power arising from the fundamentalist niche of the moslem quarter, thanks to the US. The Chechen campaign's direct clash with fundamentalist militants on the R. territory. And the success (or failure) of it will influence the further behaviour of said extremists in Europe. The "West" doesn't understand (and doesn't want to) and distances itself from numerous R. attempts to get to terms with it. Maybe due to "aftershocks" of fear of the USSR aggression western leaders do not hesitate to humiliate R. further. And now it's only natural for R. leaders to search for new allies, + geographic position of R. favours it. China in its turn "enjoys" same customary cautious outside treatment and is an almost ideal ally. It isn't known what was the outcome of Yeltsin's visit - and what is is the tip of the iceberg, I guess. R. annoyance with the american pressure was voiced in China and can be psychologically associated with the Chinese position, besides Xian Xi-Min in no way corrected or smoothed R.'s words, but pointed out again that, the Chechen conflict was R.'s internal affair. Keep in mind that, it's the second time China unequivocally sided with R. India may follow.

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unless you are bling dad! to me they bodies look like civilians bodies and that what the russians are only capable of, killing civilians. Chechans fighters NEVER leave a fighter behind not like the pigs who have no value whatsoever, no morals, no jacks!!
give the chechans two months an they will repeat the 94-96 war. But the russian are so cowered and scared to come close to the poweful dreadfull chechans, i think u agree with me.

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I'm happy that You have something to enjoy in Your pisspot Euro-beggar "country" of Bosnia besides poverty, corruption, drug-trafficking.;o))))))

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wishful thinking again, my son. And BTW, just read the caption under the photo, so you don't have to guess who's pictured there. The source is respected Yahoo.

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If Russia doesn't bow to Western pressure or Russian politicians decide to interfere again.. it's just a matter of time.. and simple math.

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Good point Kissie..

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Damn Kissie,

You just discribed a lot of countries, including Russia, interesting.

The US also has some of those characteristics.

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I just want to thank you for your reply. This time I couldn't agree with you more. Hopefully we'll have another topic for duscussion any time soon - it shouldn't be to difficult, considering the fact that we're having a lot of extreme opinions on this board 🙂


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:...A mob attacked a Christian compound in Jakarta, Indonesia, resulting in the death of a Christian student. About 500 people attacked the Doulos Rehabilitation Center Dec. 15, injuring 12
patients and a staff member..."

Yougoslavia, Sudan, on-going India-Pakistan conflict, on-going Israel-palestinians conflict, Kosovo, East Timor, Chechnya... incomplete list of recent conflicts; one common ellement: muslims fighting against everybody. Western polititians are betraying us for small geopolitical gains in the game they they play with Russia. Those russian boys are giving their lives to stop the spread of this desease. The least you can do is to show the moral support.

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a friendly warning ( - on Monday, December 20, 1999 - 12:17 pm:
"I think you should all shut up and leave russia to chrush chechyna. And if you had not already noticed this minor war is merely a disguise for russia's main truth. They are building up there troops, they are getting them closer to eUROPE AND THEN WITH THERE ALLIES CHINA, IRAQ, JAPAN,PAKISTAN THEY WILL CHRUSH EUROPE AND AMERICA"

Allies you say...China, HA! Iraq, the US, along with others, kicked the dog •••• outta that backward ass country. Japan? An Ally of the US. And last but not least, Pakistan. Oh, I'm trembling!!!

What a starting line up! ;-)))

Whose in reserve, North Korea? hahahaha!!!!!

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"Allies you say...China, HA"

Care to explain? Or "HA" was the actuall explanation?

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