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Archive through December 20, 1999

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you forgot that we love woman like u baby.

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One girl's , entitled "What's right about America," goes exactly like this:

"I think there's a problem in America. The problem is that people ask what's wrong about America. In truth, there's nothing wrong about America. America is the greatest country on Earth. In America, everyone is free and happy. Instead of asking what's wrong about America, I think we should ask what's right about America."


In times like this I feel ashamed for my country.

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coming closer to Japan. I'm not sure about Japanese "allegiance" to the US cause. Remember, when the IMF just started fiddling with loans suspension, the Japanese were swift to offer R. $375 mln.. And if R.Govt. starts considering the island policy in terms of whatever compromise favourable to the Japanese, they may adopt equilibrium stance or even abandon the wagon and side with a closer neighbour, which is, besides, an ocean of Jap's oportunities in all respects.

P.S. Sumimasen.

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enjoy what, you moron?

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The latter is correct. In my opinion, anything dealing with China is a "HA" in my book. To bad my Govt. doesn't see it that way. "Most favored nation status" as far as trade is concerned....HA, what a joke!

Enjoy your weekend?

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I think we should just ignore our immature friend..

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I'm a rare guest here and the discussion is
very hot.
I have some thoughts about Chechnya.
First off to americans who know so little and
speak so much.
The americans solved their problems much easier
they exterminated almost all their aborigens.
Now they have no problems.
Hundreds of children die in Iraq each day of
hunger cause of blockade. Oh yes Americans
are afraid of Saddam. They are afraid of potential
threat to their careless life. Pls dont tell me
about "human rights". Human rights include also
the possibility to eat and drink. But Americans
prefer to have 2,3,5 cars while in Africa people
are dying of hunger. Help them if you are so
human. I wanna tell too that US doesnt
develop its deposits of oil, coal etc cause they
use Latin America very well. Go to Brazil and
look how people live there. All those casualties of any war is not very good thing everybody knows that
but we dont see that millions of people die of
hunger each year. Where is humanity ???? Using
other folks to eat and drink like the pigs is
not a crime and trying to defend our own people is a crime. Very funny.
Conclusion: Americans could keep silence.
To Muslims.
I am an orthodox christian, but I dont feel aggressive to other religions.
I served in Soviet Army in the Far East.
There were a lot Muslim guys over there.
First off I dont think that they are the bravest
people in the whole world. How do you think
if it's fair when I fought against 4-5 Muslim
guys at the same time ????? It happened all the time. But there
were some very good guys. Some of them were my friends. When my brother was
in the Army his best friend was the Chechen.
So I dont think it's a question of religion.
Russian 1994-1996 war was a big crime against
Russian and Chechen folks. But I dont think it's
a manifestation of bravery to captute the hospital with pregnant women as Basaev did.
Now he is a leader of rebels. I think most of
those guys are the same "heroes". And then
Incursion to Dagestan is a real fact.
Nobody disturbed Chechens for 3 yrs despite their
permanent killings, kidnappings etc. (I saw the
report about the girl,9 from some nearby territory
some yrs ago. She was kidnapped and spent 9 months
in the cold basement. These people are real Muslims?????? They are real warriors for Chechen
independence. Dammit. If you say "YES" then we have nothing to talk about.
According to your logic Russia should give all
the Muslim territories to Muslims. Chechnya was
de facto independent. So now Russia should give
Dagesten. What's then?????? Maybe Tatarstan?
Bandits have no nationality, no religion.
I think bandits should be destroyed first off and
only then Russian Govt. should decide the future
of Chechnya. Be it independent, be it a part of
Russia etc.
Nobody is allowed to talk to Russia from the position "we'll terrorize your population if
you dont give us the Chechnya and Dagestan".

thank you for your attention.

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Opinions and ifs aside, I doubt very much Japan would forgo a strong relationship with a strong economic partner who they've signed a long standing pact with (I forget its name, something ta do with the pacific rim region) to side with a poorer less democratic one, even thou they are closer.

As far as "Jap's" are conerned, my wife is half "Japanese".

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Interesting opinion on China though..hmm..colaborate on this for me, please.

Weekend was good, thanx, went to see "Being John Malkovich"..Oscar performance of him...real good stuff

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Sounds good to me, my friend..I must admit though - it is pretty tempting to put bosna back where his dumb, ignorant, chauvinistic ass belongs

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Bones, Bones, Bones ... [insert something]

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Dewa ashita.

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Well spoken, Osyx.

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t'mshich halla, and banzay, of course.

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