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Archive through December 21, 1999

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How Russia could provide HELP to Chechen when it cant even pay a pensions to it's senior citizens, salaries to coal miners and can’t even buy a good boots for those poor soldier????

Because all the IMF money is going in drunk Yelstin deep pockets.

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That's the sad part. While Russians didn't get their salaries paid for months, Chechens enjoyed free gas, electricity, etc.

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Russian killed more russian then any country in the HISTORY of world it’s a fact, even in Grozney. That is what I am talking about in all my posting’s “When you think Chechnya is a Russian territory HOW COULD YOU SUPPORT YOUR MILITARY OF YOUR FASCISTS GOVERNMENT TO BOMB THERE OWN CITIZENS???
because you all are a racist, criminals, terrorists, fascists, Mafia’s and cowards.

Have good night for now!!!!!!!!!!!

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i tried to warn you, but my president boris yeltsin will no longer go silently, he will strike down now in europe and america, he will gather up all communist sates to aid him as allies he will force into europe and his allies will attack america, the western super power will bow down to russia, the fascist countries will begin a new reign and I as a Russian general will aid the greatest country of them all RUSSIA the mother country. You have been warned

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Asgar Hussain,
since the end of the first (recent) campaign Chechnya got transferred from Russ. $2 bln., excluded were free gas and electricity, and crude from the Baku-Novorossysk pipeline used to dissappear in the unknown direction as well, and TransOil used to get blamed and to pay. Don't twist facts.

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Is it just me, or has it eluded everybody that Mr. Yeltsin threatened to go nuclear recently over this? Why have we left the matches in baby's hands? Aren't there more of us who don't want to allow a world with nuclear weapons or the threat of nuclear war? And why is it necessary to preserve the concept of the nation-state? Why not recognize the autonomy of any region that wants it--so long as the rights of the individual are guaranteed by a United Nations with a US-style constitution and real teeth?
Or do we just have the world we really want, deep down? Remember--"leaders" can't do squat without followers...

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Asgar Hussein!!! You f u c k i n g idiot!!!
The Russians are not bombing their own territory for the fun of it! They are trying to keep chechnya from ceceding, you sectionalist bastard!
You would rather see the whole western board of U.S. cecede? I personally dont care, but if you gonna speak out against territorial integrity of nations, then you really need to research the outcomes of such events...

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Joel J. Drouet, because not everybody wants to be part of U.S. Like you said, without followers there is no leader and not everyone wants to follow U.S. So they have their own lives and nationalities, its just to complex for you to understand i must imagine, and damn U.S. style constitution, quit tying to impose your American imperialism on everyone!

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Asgar Hussein, one more time i will point out to you that Tararstan is a republic of Russia, just like Washington is state of U.S., neither have anything to do with Chechnya conflict and neither are trying to cecede. Both are happy and content, so what the hell are you talking about?

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Asgar Hussein, if you would like more information on Tatarstan, or if you don't believe me that Tatarstan is a republic/state of Russian Federation, then please go to

“The Republic of Tatarstan shall be a Sovereign State, a subject of international law, associated to the Russian Federation - Russia on the basis of the Treaty on Mutual Delegation of Authority and Jurisdictional Subjects.”

The Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan. Article 61.

“Republic of Tatarstan, as a State, is united with the Russian Federation according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Treaty “On Delimitation of Jurisdictional Subjects and Mutual Delegation of Authority between the State Bodies of the Russian Federation and the State Bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan.”

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Russians have only 2 (two) helicopters left, good job Chechen rebels!

You can do it!
You can do it!
Go! Go! Go!

Uh.. yeah.

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® You can't teach these fundamentalists anything ,they just keep yapping slogans . They can't think for themselves.

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ALL fundamentalists INSIST on being taught NOTHING

that is proven on this board EVERY DAY

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Igor, ® , L'menexe,
Because they are just a bunch of zombies. Look at the faces of those fanatics of the demonstrations in Iran.. Are they actually the same species as we are? I don't think so:

"...Muslim youth gangs destroyed 14 Christian churches in Nigeria. Hundreds of rioters attacked churches in Ilorin in the central part of the country Dec.18-19, Reuters said. The region lies
between the mainly Muslim north and the Christian and animist south. The country's 108 million people are evenly divided between Muslims and Christians.

And the West already had a taste of it but we are still can't look at the facts honestly. What is it? Political correctnes? Lack of resposibility?

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Joel J.

"...Why not recognize the autonomy of any region that wants it..."

Sounds good.. However let me just point out to the example of the country I live in - Canada. Separatist government of Quebec made this province go through unity referendum two times and both times they lost. So what do they do? Accept the will of people? No. They create very tough conditions (UN called the Quebec's language low a violation of human rights) for english speaking quebecers to force them to leave for other provinces and thus shift the balance of vote. But what if I don't want to leave? And this is a "civilized country". I only can imagine the suffering of ethnic russians and christians in Chechnya in last 10 years... My prayers are to them.

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