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Archive through December 22, 1999

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Igor & co.
News Update!!!
more russian paratroopers have been vanishing, may lack of coordination on their part, may be cowardness, may be fear, who knows, may all of the above, here is part of the article:
"Russia has acknowledged dropping paratroopers in the southern mountains, but a Russian Defense Ministry spokesman denied today that the force had been surrounded.

Chechen commander Adam Baibulatov said 1,000 Russian paratroopers had landed a week ago inside Chechnya, three miles from the southern border with Georgia, and were surrounded and suffering heavy losses.

He said the Russians were trapped because heavy fire from the insurgents was preventing helicopters from landing with ammunition and other supplies.

``Chechen fighters have established a tight noose'' around the paratroopers, Baibulatov said in an interview in Duba Yurt."

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I don't think that ABD(ulla)can reason with you. There is a lot of fanatism in his statements and a lot of times there is an absence of logic or common sense, just twisted facts and chapters from Quran, that is all he's capable of.

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Hey, our little doggie bosna is back and barcking again!

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hey, bosna, tell us how much u hate us again, I just luv to hear you whining..for gives me more pride for my nation's greatness. So c'mon, let me hear some mo'barking..;

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I tell ya, we must be reading each other minds, as we wrote simular replies to our "friend", bosna, here :-))))))))))))

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c'mon bosna, we like when you bark.. really.

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mi ne dolzhni davat' etoi tvari rasslabit'sia.

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a little update(trustworthy source) for the supporters of terrorism:

17:47 | Russian Forces Carry Out 6 'Clear up' operations in 24 hours

The Russian forces press centre in Mozdok has announced that over the past 24 hours various special units have carried out ‘clean up’ operations in 6 towns and villages in Chechnya. On Wednesday chief of the Interior Ministry press centre Anatoli Platanov said that Urus-Martan, Alkhan-Iurt, Znamenskoe and Isherskaya had been completely “cleared”. Planatov said that during the operations, 16 weapons, 1500 rounds of various ammunition and more than 5 kilograms of hard drugs had been found. More than 10 mortar shells were destroyed. No troops were injured and around 2000 Chechens were screened and 1500 cars inspected. 5 Chechens are been held under suspicion of being Chechen fighters. He claimed that some Chechen civilians had voluntarily assisted with operations.

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net problem 😉

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Dima, Igor, and other russians,

I'v got two questions:
- Maria Esmonth was in Grozny. now she is in the mountain. I tought Grozny incircled...
Isn't it?
- one week ago russians said Grozny fully surrounded. Now they must drop paratroopers in the mountains to prevent rebels to sent reinforcment to the chechen capital. I tought Grozny incircled...
Isn't it?

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You know about those safe corridors for refugees, right? So she could easily use one of them to leave the city. And I am sure russian paratroopers block the Argun gorge to prevent bandits from getting help generaly (not in Grozny in particular).
Here's an interesting article (you read russian, right?) about people like the one you've mentioned:

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The previous message was posted by Caucasian. Sorry..

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How you can defend these Russian liers, who lied about their bombing of Groznyi's market, lied about their debacle at Minutka square. And now they are celebrating their forthcoming victory, ha-ha-ha, let's wait a couple of weeks more... And when Russians are so happy about themselves, they do not notice how people around Russians start to hate them as they did during the cold war (but, furtunately, now we can see who was the culprit - definitely, not so called "Soviets", but the bloody Russian bear...

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no one defends The Federation is just you virgin ears that can't handle the simple truth. You know the truth, right? Terrorism was always punished at all times. That is what is going to happen. What do you think you know about the whole thing. Obviousley not much. Reuters? CNN? Judging by your post, propaganda has gotten into ya..just relax and take a deep one's lieing here..don't put yourself in the situation where you get yourself laughed at..

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Sorry for off-topic, but would you advise me about this cool software that concerts digital address into a readable form (since you have it). Of course, provided the soft is shareware...

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