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Archive through December 22, 1999

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OOps, I meant "software that converts digital address into a readable form"...

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" they did during the cold war ..."

Really, hu? Don't you realize that those were the years when you were braiwashed the most by your propaganda machine? As Dmitri mention that makes you look really naive.
Sorry buddy..

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I have to talk about that with my MIS people, since I am using a company's hardware right now. I'll try to get you an answer in couple of hours, k?

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As I understood, the military gov of Turkey forbode what the islamist oblige.
Someone who traveled to Indonesia for 20 years told me that in her first trip no woman wore the chador (veil). It was practicaly unknown. Nowadays, all muslim women are wearing it.
In Wester Erope were is living a large muslim community for three decades at least, the chador is also a very new thing. Some school directors put or intended to put a ban on the chador. This was largely disaproved.
They argued it's to express theyr culture. But why sudenly this new fashion?
Why should they disguise themself in bedouins and in mukehre? Is it bringing more cultural identity?
We are tolerant on that. The problem is that islamists are not. They don't admit any other way to dress. It's just an example.
Islamist-integrist-fundamentalist are not representing all the muslims, far from that. But they intend to set a new order, the reign of the chador and the turban.
It goes along with theyr own interpretation of the Quran.
To leave in peace one must tolarate and islamists are against it.
They are fascists.

In nomine Veritas amen!

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I thought that it would be possible to download such a software from, say,, so I expected nothing else but just a link, or software7s name... If this is a nuissance, do not bother too much.

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try and, in the meanwhile I'll talk to MIS Dept.

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2 Caucasian,

Concerning propaganda and brainwashing, Russian TV, as far as I know, are not particularly diverse in the selection of opinions about the war (oops, "the antiterrorist operation", but, unfortunately, directed agains the whole Chechen nation). And what don't you feel uneasy that more and more people wonder whether the Russian secret service, indeed, masterminded these terrible expolosions.

Don't you see that except China and Belarus, you guys are very much lonely in your jingoistic opinions (even Ukraine, that supported you during the Kosovo krises, is showing you its back now, let alone Baltic states). But almost the whole civilized world could not be wrong, and only Mother Russia is right...

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QQQ:"But almost the whole civilized world could not be wrong, and only Mother Russia is right..."

Ehh??? "Civilized" world??? Muslim countries = civilized world??? Making me laugh, just as I predicted, huh?! Or were you only refering to US ASSkissers - the rest of NATO countries? In that case you are sooooo very "right" ;

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Da tochno.
Ne uspel pozvanit' a uzhe Rosiy amerikanskiye banki zakryli!

I just compared information posted in Russian language by Chechens on http:/ with the official informations by Russian government agencies.

In my opinion, it would be safer for the world and better for Russians if Greater Russia had splitted into hudreds of small independent ethnic states.

By the way; Why would I discuss the Turkish problems on the "Russia board"?

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Well, you may proudly call the west "US ASS whatever", but it was the IMF where Russia begged (and will be begging) for extra money (but now would not get anything), and it is US goverment where Russia begs for food assistance. Thank God that now oil prices are that high.

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QQQ, you idiot! The only countries that back Russia is itself, belarus and China. If so, lets look at how big these countries are combined. No body is going to tell Russia, or China what to do. First they have veto power in U.N., second they are back to back on this subject of cecession. They are very much against it.

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The west is brandishing civilian casualities and murders by russian troops in order
to move the international community and to send a US led UN force in the region
or simply to smooth relations withs islamic countries enemy of Iraq (russia's ally).

Don't think the russians are proud of theyr governement or of once german-US backed Boris Yelstsin. But for one times they got it right.

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QQQ, you did not talk so much •••• when Soviet Union was all powerful and mighty nation. But now when Russia is weak for example an opponent is on the ground, yet you still hit them! You are cowards. In situation when you will be weak QQQ, i hope the one that attacks you with words or actions, won't feel any pity for you bastard!

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FredLeDingue, i strongly agree with your statement that America is using this as a cover up of its evil doings in Iraq, so no muslim countries plot terrorist acts against it in light of new millenium. Its always possibility and no surprise to see this from such a country full of propaganda and mirages.

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"...Russia is right... "

Exactly! And you know why? Because the people who live there know the facts from their own experience (unlike you) therefore only they have the whole picture. And as you know this campaign is enjoying an overwhelming support of the population of Russian Federation. As for Ukraine, Leonid Kuchma, Ukrainian president expressed today unconditional support of the actions of Russia in Caucasus...

PS. Me myself was born in Caucasus, so I also know about local mentality and history not from CNN.

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