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Archive through December 22, 1999

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Well, except for its size, nukes, and, sorry, almost forgot, your balley, of cource, there is nothing you can be proud of. There is no country in the world, I guess, where the populace would support 7-month-old party, headed by an emergency guy, a wrestler, and a cop.

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ohhhh, your pride must be hurting to hear the truth about Western Allies smoochin' on Clinton's behind, but nevertheless, as Bill Clinton said, it is in US national interests to keep Russia strong economicallywise, so "beggin" here is not the case..but I assume that sounds so pleasing to you - "Russia on it's nees before the mighty West".
DREAM ON. It is simple fear that keeps'em hepling Russia. But being as mean as they are(can't forget the Cold War times) they're trying to convert us into pro-west puppets. Won't happen. Two-faced policy toward everything never got anyone anywhere.

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2 Caucasian,

I have not heard this from Kuchma himself, but from the Kremlin entourage. Kuchma's true attitude to Russia can be seen from just 3 hours, spend in Moscow, compared with almost one week in Washinngton, D.C., and Paris, where he went afterwards.

Having such a burly (and bloody) neighboor, it would not be wise to send him to the hell (after all, the presidentila elections are fortcomoing in Russia, and Mr. Putin may need another war).

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Russia needs money because all the countries it supported during Cold war owe them money. For example Ukraine owes at least 2 billion for oil alone. If all these countries paid up there would be no need to borrow money.

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If you want Greater Russia to be split into hudreds of small independent ethnic states, you will need a lot of imagination to create ex nihilo these ethnies because in russia there is only one ethny.
There are of course minorities but there are oficialy or the facto autopnomous or independant.

Last but not least, I don't beleive it would be safer for them.

Please go to

A good link to anybody who doesn't understand Russia

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QQQ: "Well, except for its size, nukes, and, sorry, almost forgot, your balley, of cource, there is nothing you can be proud of"


Education is power. Learn. Open History books. Modern or Ancient. You just have made a very IDOTIC comment just now. Please educate yourself. We had more genious, brilliant minds in only 20th century than the US had throughout their short history. And this is only a small aspect of Russia's greatness. I would gladly you more facts about why Russia is indeed a great country(do not mix with economics), so maybe you will be able to remember'em and it'd prevent you from saying things that are say the very least.

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Allah Akbar!!!

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qqq: "Allah Akbar!!!"


take it easy, Tarzan..screamin' the name of your prophet isn't gonna help no one, chechens, yourself, etc. Intellect will though..

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Tarzan is THE name indeed! LOL!

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Any answers to my replies to ya??? Otherwise I shall consider your silence as agreeing with me..which is, believe me, will only speak to your advantage.

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you can check this website to compare the number of Nobel Prize winners from Russia and your country (no matter where you live):
Really, education helps..

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if my buddy Svoloch was here he'd say something like: "nothingtobeproudof my Russian Proud ass"..and he'd be correct on this one ;))))))

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QQQ??? Still there?

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FredLeDingue ( - -

In reality it's impossible truly encircle Grozny. What Russian troops did is blocked the main roads leading from Grozny and took over the strategically favorable heights. There are still hundreds of little paths that terrorists can take out of the city, not to mention their favorable escape route -- sewage (not a joke). Same goes for recently blocked road near the Georgian border. Small groups can still cross in and out of Georgia, however, they cannot transport anything big. And speaking of "reliable Chechen reports" of 1000 Russian paratroopers there, it's laughable. Russia simply wouldn't be able to supply all the helicopters needed for that operation (hey, I thought they only had one left?). But nobody denies that paratroopers are actually there. I just hope they won't be left there alone without support, and that marines from Dagestan get to them soon.

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