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Archive through December 22, 1999

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Russian Hot Heads -

Calm down! You know why they keep on posting hate messages. Romans said it best:


"Let them hate, so long as they fear".

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QQQ, you muslim punk, you dont even know arabic let alone how to say praise Allah correctly. Its
Allahu Akbar! As far as this cry for Allah is concerning me, i dont care about him or about Quran. Im an Existentialist and Russian Nationalist/Patriot. You on the other hand are a Hedenistic idiot.

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2 Dimitri,

Concerning Nobels, I would just remark: if you guys are so smart, why you are so poor?

My reference, rather than Nobels, the latest cover story of the Economist ("Bleak and Bolldy Russia", with excellent picture on the cover). Look at:

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One more thing i might add, who the •••• says Russia has only 2 helicopters left? What the hell are you stupid? It has maybe 5,000 helicopters at least. It is chechens who has not one single airplane or helicopter. You pathetic idealist. Get your facts straight!

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I meant "Bleak and Bloody Russia", of course.

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To R: (sorry I dont have your symbol on keyboard)

We are very calm, babe..u're trippin'..are u still capable of getting an orgasm of Basayev beard? 😉

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"I just hope they won't be left there alone without support, and that marines from Dagestan get to them soon."

These boys are real heros. I hope the fact that there's no civilians there will let russian army use the heavy duty stuff..

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QQQ, answer to question of why Russia is poor, one it was entirely different govt. When scientists such as physicist Sakharov made his brilliant inventions and breakthroughs he was generously rewarded. How do you explain a country which is poor rewarding their scientists with big heavy bags of bonus? Where is this money going to come from especially from a country which is trying to transform into Democracy, at same time pay for crime prevention, space station, army to help prevent cecession. I tell you its •••••• up right now and very hard to fix everything at once. You dont have to worry about it because you are at home in America states, in house, watching your CNN. Change is near, already experienced it in Parliamentary elections in Russia where Communists won! Next step will be to gaing supreme control over country in June, 2000 elections.

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N'est-il pas amusant de regarder la grosseur de la betise de la nouvelle idéologie occidentale pronée par Human Rights Watch? En occident,ses membres encouragent l'hommosexualité,l'avortement et l'euthanasie des vieillards.Si nous les livrions aux islamistes purs et durs tels les Wanabites,ils serais rapidement tués.Pourtant on les entend jamais critiquer ces Wanabites comme si ces derniers respectaient la chartre des droits et liberté.Pourquoi? On ne les entend jamais parler des innombrabes crimes de guerre commis soit par les fanatiques islamistes,soit tout simplement par les américains(Vietnam,Irak,Japon a Hiroshima)ou encore les francais en Algérie en 1956. Pourqois? J'aimerais qu'on me donne la réponse...Je ne favorise évidemment aucune forme d'atrocité...mais s'il fallait juger tous les états pour crimes de guerre,il aurait fallu pendre d'abord Staline,Churchill,Truman,Rosevelt,Komeinie,Saddam Hussein,Hiro Hito,Mao...etc...Qui échapperait a la condamnation d'un tribunal internationnal? Il semble que seuls les gagnants(les plus forts)des guerres y échapperaient...ce qui sera toujours vrais de tout temps vu la nature humaine...Human Rights Watch n'est probablement constitué que d'idéalistes cinglés payés par l'Occident pour démontrer au monde que l'occident a une conscience ou encore d'une bande de purs hypocrites au service de l'occident qui écase le monde entier sous sa domination.D'ailleur,si Human Rights Watch s'amuse a jouer la vierge offensée au nom de l'Amérique ...cette meme amérique se réjouie de l'écrasement des rebelles qu'elle croit vraiment dominés par les islamistes...Allez comprendre l' sa facon de dominer le monde...La critique de la Russie par l'Amérique n'est en fait qu'apparente et les rebelles n'ont aucune chance de survie face a la puissance qui se dresse devant-elle.Apres tout la Russie ne sera-t-elle pas un futur membre extremement puissant de l'occident dans un avenir prochain...

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English per favor, no speaka Espanol.

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>>>These boys are real heros.

You have already had 'heros' in Afganistan, but now these KPSU heros hate the whole adventure as Putin's and Sergeev's 'boys' will hate the war in a very short time.

You are just stepping on the same rake as you did in 1995. I remember how your Minister of Defence was boasting in 1994 about forthcoming victory. Hurry up, the New Year is coming, do not miss the chance to be skrewed up again!!!

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I am doubting now the level of your intellect..I am sorry, but are you stupid or just playing one? I specifically replied to you comment about the fact(haha) that there isn't anything to be proud about Russia. Also told not to mix this reply with an economics issue, since we talkted about greatness. Hopefully you can understand me this time and won't twist what I said. That seems to be a common practice to hear a lot of hypocricy comin'from pro-terrorists(you not a pro-chechen,just a pro-terrorist, you obviousely don't know too much about Chechnya itself).Or twisted propaganda facts, perhaps..

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R or anybody on military

Pardon me if I'm very stupid in military question:
1000 as paratrooper they are doesn't seem to me a lot, even very small as a force.
Helicopter? Should I understand it's impossible to parachute on the mountain?
100 000 soldier on the ground. Say 10 000 around Grozny alone. 100km (the size of Moscow's orbital Highway) of front line around Grozny. It makes 100 men/km. Isn't it enough or is the encicrlement much larger than I think.

thanks for enlightment

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Dimitri -

I pretend I didn't see your last message.

Ultra Russian Nationalist -

Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't communists actually lost? I know that they got the highest vote, around 25%, but is not it much lower than they had for the last 10 years?

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Ultra Russian Nationalist -

It's French.

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