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Archive through December 23, 1999

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Why Russia is so poor?
Because of 75 years of communism! Blad!
They destroyed the russian economy. The mess in which Russia is plunged actualy is due to communists.
The actual situation is just the prolongation of a degradation started by the communists.
It's not getting better because in Russian there are mostly, if not only ex communist on power.

Some stayed communist, some didn't but they are all from the former PC. Even and of course Yeltsin. Normal in this case that the country is ruled upside down.
Russia couldn't for obvious reason kick the communists out as did the East European countries in a overnight. That's the difference.

to be continued

Russian UltraNationalist:
just wait a minute

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Consiquences of communist rule and rudiments of communist mentality - that's what holds Russia down. You got that straight. Sad..

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Ultra Russian Nationalist

Sometime your postings are very toughtfull (more than at the begining I must say) interesting and we agree on many points.
But I don't understand why somebody clever like you wears such a name and is on top of that communist.
If you carry this nazi flag with a serp and a hammer instead of the svastika, you can be sure I will treat you as you do treat bosna & c°.
Communism is worse a threat for russia and the world than islamist expansion.

one more thing
The election campain is over now! Or are you posting this f--cking sh-t for the next one?

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FredDeLingue, thats where you and me go our separate ways by buddy. You dare to attack Communism and say it was worse than it is now in Ex Soviet Union Republics primarily Russia. You are a moron.

p.s. Russian UltraNationalist:
just wait a minute ( wait for what? )
Communism is only way out my friend.
If not Communism than Putin.

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FredDeLingue, dont need to curse at me, i have not done anything wrong to you. I posted that from the communist party of Russian Federation Web site. Its to help gaing attention to potential supporters. I am a democrat, but in nature, im a communist as you can see. What should you expect me to do? I am not a materialstic person, dont hate me just because i agree that Russia should go back to Communism. I believe there should be ratifications and adjustments made to the old regime, of course. But as you and the rest of the world can see, the situation in Russia is just not getting any better. All in good health for you FredDeLingue.

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I realize that I am a moron as well for Russian UltraNationalist, but really, communism is not the subject of this forum. We have a common enemy here.

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Just a question here, how many people in here are Russian and really have something against these caucis blacks?

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d'oh! previous was posted by Caucasian of course.

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by the way, i dont recognize unity as a political party, i see it as a political rating for Putin.

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i dont have anything to add to the forum at this moment because i dont see many people adding comments to it, i have to leave for 8 hours. "I'll be back..."

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Fred > How do you explain Chinese expansion? Or you think that Chinese Communist party does something wrong? Maybe China should go just like Russia did, obeying Americans and losing time, money, territories, everything. Compare Chinese path with Yeltsin path and say where is Communism bug there? It was a mistake to destroy everything just like that, Soviet Union, communism. If you do something radical, the state is very unstable and capital is moving out of there. Communist are in this time of sistematic human rights abuse by Americans (look at the Serbs and their situation) only light at the end of the tunnel.

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just came to check back before i left and i see that Russ brought up a spectacular point. Look at China, its economy is prospering, you know why, because it took a slow approach to reform, Even though its Communistic, it still is prospering.

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Ultra Russian Nationalist
Please don't think I hate you because of your political color.
I'm cooking some good but short answer for your tomorow breakfeast.
After that better not to talk on this because it's not the subject here. Anyway if you can refer a forum on communism, let's meet there.

I'll be back as well
Good night

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Do you really think that China is still a communist country? If live on the moon because China communist party and his army are highly corrupted.You should ask who are running the banks in Hong Kong now and how are living the communist leaders.The economical situation did not change a lot for the poor poeple.The situation is the same than in Russia and prosperity will come when they will fully understand that philosophy is not economy.

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The more I read your posts more I realize that you are stupid. Like Dimitri said go educate yourself. Before you make stupid statements such as «Why Russia is poor when it has do many great people» you actually have to know something about the subject. Because you hate Russians does it mean that everybody else does? Because Russia has high percentage of crime does it mean that every Russian is part of organized crime? You are retarded as well as your comments.
BTW Ukraine is nothing with out Russia, just recently they beg Russian to open pipes for oil and gas for which they did not pay for few years already. Their country is not ready for winter and they have admitted but I don’t think they will receive any oil or gas.

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