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Archive through December 24, 1999

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Joyeux Noel et Bonne Année a tous les chrétiens qui désirent la paix pour bientot.Cette petite guerre sera finie pour l'an 2000

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Veritas says
"i must admit that i am full of respect for those russians who are acting like heros..."??

Yeah! like carpet-bombing innocent civilians
(many of whom are ethnic Russians too!! ) and
cutting the throats and cutting off the heads of
PRO-MOSCOW Chechens!!!

Igor - if those Mujahideen die they are WINNERS!
- can't you understand? - Allah will enter them
into the highest gardens of paradise! But what of
the cowardly and greedy looters, purloiners, and
extortionists that call themselves SOLDIERS - dont
you feel ashamed that an unarmed penniless refugee
has to be put through this in your so-called safe

Caucasian: Who do you think Jesus (On whom be Peace)
is going to drive away when he returns,
saying get away from me, you are none of me
- it's Christians, that's who!

The bible itself says that he said that he was
not sent except to the HOUSE OF ISRAEL. So he is
not even going to recognize you as such!

And what about the false prophets (like your
apostle Paul, who contradicted all of the
ten commandments in his teachings whereas Jesus
(On whom be Peace) said that he had been sent to
complete, not destroy the previous Judaic

Beware of the false teachings of Saul aka Paul,
who never even met Jesus face to face, Caucasian!!
He could not beat the followers of Christ, but he
still managed to make them lose
out in the end by destroying their belief in
the ONE TRUE GOD that all Jews (including Jesus)
believed, turning them into "Christians".

The GREATEST SIN that God will NEVER forgive is
associating partners with Him, to whom is ALL

Why should God need a son? He can save who He
wills by His Grace.

According to Islam, He raised Jesus without
even NEEDING HIM to die. Is that not a greater
miracle than having Jesus die for something
he did not even do, and then raise him from the
dead (and would not that be unjust of God to
punish Jesus for something he did not do?)

"Nay, Allah is High above those base things
ascribed to Him".

A Muslim.

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Cher est inutile de discuter avec un ignorant de ton espece.Si tu désires parler des Evangiles chrétiens,il faudrait d'abord que tu les lises.Si tu le faisais,j'imagine que tu te ferais couper la gorge par tes amours de freres islamistes.Pour ma part,je n'ai rien d'un saint homme car si j'etais,je me tairais au sujet du faux prophete par respect humain.L'Évangile enseigne la charité et j'ai manqué manifestement de charité.La mort de tout homme(islamiste fanatique ou chrétien)est une grande tragédie et toute violence déplait a DIEU ou ALLAH.Je te souhaite malgré tout(sincerement)la paix a l'occasion du Ramadan car nous prions le meme Dieu bien que nous le voyons tres différemment.

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A MUSLIM If the bandits who die are winners I hope they WIN. Just shows you will have dead winners .What a great religion. Why don't they all line up then and get shot. Bones lets be fair ,don't you think NATO bombing of Serbia by 20 or so countries was execessive? And yes after my experiences I avoid all Muslims.

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Bones -

"I also seen the woman on CNN handing the rocket launcher to a rebel BUT does this in itself make ALL chechen's terrorists?"

No, it makes her a terrorists too. I wouldn't cry if a Russian soldier throws a grenade in her cellar. As you saw, her cellar contained over 50 grenades and all sorts of weapons.

"Of course the rebels have families and to hell with them too but to liquidated an entire ethnic population because of a few seems kinda barbaric in its own way."

Who said anything about liquidating an entire ethnic population? In case you were just born, or read Western news only, there are Chechen volunteers who fight against the terrorists along with their Russian brothers.

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No it is not enough to just die. It has to be to
die for a righteous cause in a way that is
acceptable to Allah.

Isn't it better than being a dead loser? Nothing
held onto from this world, and worse in the
hereafter - depending on what they did in this
world, and why.

Oleg - Are those who scattered toys containing
bombs to maim little hands, in Afghanistan, your
brothers then?

Why is Islam the fastest growing religion? If it's
not BECAUSE of what the Muslims are (I do admit
there are good and bad Muslims) - then it is what
Islam ACTUALLY IS (as opposed to what people do in
its name). I find people becoming Muslim after
seeing examples of good Muslims as well.

I'm sorry to go off the topic, but I really do
think that from the Muslim perspective, the war
is about wiping out Islam from the former S.U.,
and anyway, Caucasus brought up the topic first.

Ramadan Mubaarak and may everyone witness the
miracles of Ramadan! Ameen!

A Muslim

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The russains have been saying that they will crush the rebels, in two weeks .that was 3 months ago and it seem that the russain will lose the war as they lost in afganistan and in chechnaya 1996 that shows, that allah holds in power not the west with thier felty madia war and supper power .what supper power? you people dont hold notting and your worse nightmare will come to power ISLAM will come to power by the permission of allah .Allah akabar thats cry of the chechnayns, fighters, and aslamu alakum their greetings to one and another when they get killed and go to paradise. the west is funding this war secretly while condeming it, this is a christain war and by the grace of allah you people will burn in hell where malik the hell keeper will torment you people day and night.worse is the destination that you people are travlling. it was the russain terorrist putin who blow up that bomb in moscow flats in order to start a war for the sake of elections.everything that the russains, are saying is false and the western media knows, it but are hiding it from the ordernary people to brianwash them. victory will fall to the the soldiers, of Allah and chechnaya will became the graveyards,of the russaians dogs,.

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Mes meilleurs souhaits a vous et a votre famille et et comme vous j'espere que la guerre se terminera avant l'an 2000. Joyeux Noel et bonne annee.

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Il faux ecrire en Anglais pour moir, s'il vous
plait. Je comprends francais en peut ou non plus.

Un Mussulman.

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I killed a little of my time by reading same-all-postings, did not find anything of interest for me. I have no doubts that Chechens deserve the Independence in their own country. They have been subdued in 1830s (if I recall correctly) and suffered a lot of oppresion from tzar system, communist system and the current cleptocratic regime.

I wander if someone can answer the following questions:
1. Are Russion military units driven into combat in Stalin way, merceniery way or by their sense of duty?
2. Will Russia intervene into Georgia in covert or open way in order to overthrow legal government? If yes, can you take a guess regarding timing?

Just in case if I was not clear enough I'm explaining myself.
- Stalin ordered NKVD troops armed with machine guns to follow the front line units atacking Germans position in WWII. If some "Yvan" did not follow the order to attack the German position, he was gunned down by NKVD (later renamed to KGB).
- In previuous war with Chechenia, most Russian troops were voluntiers (merceniers) with a good salary and bonuses corresponding to used amunition. That time unemployment between civiliants was soaring. Enlisting was a way to survive hard times.
- Roaming internet I found some people in Caucasian region were concern regarding alleged Russian plans to overthrow Georgia government.
- Please, do not argue these facts. I talked to quite a few people who witnessed them.


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Very true about the Chechen's fighting the bandits but I guess I included to many Chechens. It just seems that this offensive, however vital, is causing considerable civilian Chechen/Ethnic russian casualties. That was my true intent.

As far as that grenade in the cellar, toss one in for me.


Stop with the Serb bullshit. It's like comparing apples and oranges to Chechnya. We will never agree on that subject, period. As far as the literature I read, it all boils down to he who has the power to destabilize a country or region for their own purpose, will. This includes Mother Russia,the US or any other country, just look at Africa and instance. And just think of all the oil Russia would loose IF Chechnya got her Independence.

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Let's review some facts once again -

Chechnya has almost no oil.

It has oil pipes from which the rebels were stealing the oil. Soon it will irrelevant because a new pipeline is being build, around Chechnya.

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But you are right, it's all about the oil. Even the war in Kosovo was about the oil, not helping poor Albanians. Yugoslavia was unlucky enough to be on a way of a new (British?) oilpipe that needed to go through Kosovo. Of course it was cheaper to bomb Yugoslavia then pay the rent.

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Chester -

Keep up spreading the rumors about the Russian plans to overthrow the Georgian government. Just couple of weeks more and you will start believing it yourself.

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Bones -

There are civilian casualties, no one says otherwise. However, I seriously doubt that soldiers go around and kill them for no reason. No matter how much he hates Chechens, or people in general.

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