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Archive through December 25, 1999

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My trip is delayed.
So I will be able to participate to this board a few days more. Can t help it!

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John Armstrong
Your posting on Friday, December 24, 1999 - 01:40 pm: realy contrasts with the stupid hit-and-run attacks and fanatic statements.
I fully agree with you. Keep on...

Òåððèòîðèÿ Ãðîçíîãî, êîíòðîëèðóåìàÿ áîåâèêàìè, ñúåæèâàåòñÿ, êàê øàãðåíåâàÿ êîæà. Çàÿâëåíèÿ Áèñëàíà ...

In Inglish please.
I don t speak Estonian...

note; the fact that you use russian language doesn t mean you can use all the filthy word you can find in...

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s'est une bonne nouvelle pour nous!

Hey guys, I am back. Merry Christmas everybody!

S nastupajushim Rozhdestvom Hristovim i skoroi pobedi nam vsem!

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Oops! Je voudrais dire "c'est" bien sur..

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wow, me too - I was absolutely convinced you were russian

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Hi! L'-san.
Sumimasen. Komba-wa? I was kind of taken by surprise with that cossack attack. Picture eyes the size of a dollar coin.:o))

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Whoops! Really forgot it. Merry Christmas!

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Just saw 15 year old fighters on news describing how he went to terrorist training school. They asked him what he learned there and he said shooting. Just shows you how desperate the bandits are.

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Friday December 24 4:40 PM ET
Islamic Groups Aid Chechens
By SELCAN HACAOGLU Associated Press Writer

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RF Ministry of Justice information
Federal anti-terrorist action is underway in Chechnya, a North Caucasian republic within the Russian Federation.
A report of the federal Justice Ministry mentions spectacular instances of Chechnya's present leaders blatantly violating universally recognised
principles and norms of the international law, the federal Constitution and the acting legislation.

Muslim superiority over other religions is openly propagated. Warlords and certain public officers appeal for holy war on infidels with terror acts
against other Russian peoples, in which chemical and biological agents may be used.

Cruel punishments have become part of the republic's routine. Convicts are flogged or have limbs severed. Many are stoned to death. Slavery and slave traffic are rampant. Ethnic Russians and Russian speakers are
victim to genocide alongside such Chechens as want to live in peace.
Over 250,000 fled Chechnya over the last three years. Over 800,000 lost their jobs, social grants and pensions. The population cannot exercise
their political rights and freedoms. Federal welfare allocations are
pilfered or channelled to finance paramilitaries.
The banditry execute innocent civilians by the firing squad in public.
Forty were shot for collaboration with federals within a day in the village
Znamenskaya alone. Another 58 were killed in Mekenskoye.
Paramilitaries are appallingly cruel on villagers who refuse to shelter them. 32 civilians were shot, October 12, after they demanded that gangs
leave their villages. The villages Ozernoye and Upper Naur were swept
with mortar fire for the same reason.
Kidnappings for ransom have burgeoned into a prosperous business controlled by officials and terrorists. The ransom trade involves more
than sixty paramilitary units, total strength 2,500. Chechnya presently has over 50 hostages, young children among them--Russians and
expatriates alike. They are toiling as slaves, and are subjected to appalling torture when their captors fail to obtain ransoms. Four British
nationals were beheaded.

Chechnya has become a centre of international terrorism. Its authorities know and tolerate the situation. Chechnya possesses a network of
international terrorist training centres to send graduates all over the world. Terrorists shot at the neighbouring Daghestan and made sorties
to attack police and Interior strongpoints and patrols on over 60 instances to kill 45, injure 70 and kidnap 300 between last January and
August alone. Wahhabites and mercenaries are planning another advance on Lezghin-populated areas of Daghestan to proclaim an independent Lezghistan in the seized territory.

Drugs production is on an industrial footing in Chechnya. Four heroin factories are directly controlled by warlords Udugov, Basayev and
Hattab. Drug transits from Turkmenistan, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey and Afghanistan cross Chechnya to the Baltics, the U.K.--in particular,
Northern Ireland, Spain and elsewhere in Europe. Poppy, cannabis and other narcotic plants are grown in Chechen plantations with numerous
small processing factories.

US dollar counterfeiting is rampant to be smuggled to Russia. Counterfeit notes are ever more often slipped to banks and other financial offices. Over a million was recently confiscated in the Littoral
Territory on the Russian Pacific coast. Another million was smuggled from Chechnya to the Magadan Region in East Siberia last year.

The Chechen top is actively recruiting overseas mercenaries to fight federal troops. International terrorist organisations and individual
terrorists are financing and sponsoring them. Among others, an Arab
Legion, several hundred strong, is active in the present warfare. There are also close on 70 Turkish nationals, and many Afghans, Pakistanis
and others fighting on the paramilitary side.

Chechnya is blatantly violating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which bans discrimination in whatever form; the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which bans torture and manhandling, and guarantees freedoms of thought, conscience and religion; the Geneva Convention on POWs; the Convention of Human
Rights and Basic Freedoms, which bans slavery and enslavement; the Vienna declaration and Action Programme against terrorism; and, last
but not least, the international convention against mercenary recruitment, employment, financing and training, to say nothing of other
essential international instruments.

As present-day Chechen leaders' policies and conduct show, they fully ignore the norms and principles of the acting international law and are
directly responsible for Chechnya's plight. Analyses of local ruling bodies' activities from the viewpoint of criminal law qualify the
republican regime as criminal with sufficient grounds to call certain top officers to account on the acting federal and international legislation.

Moscow, December 7

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Alex -

Please give URL to that story. And please don't post full articles here.

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Article talks only about people from Dagestan, however many captured by bandits were from other parts of Russia and even foreigners.

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R --

No problem

I rarely do that but I'd have to write 10 postings instead to summarise the thing.

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Guys, do you know any other forums on the same subject?

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to: Caucasian

Yeah, de's one on BBC -- but you gotta register I think

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