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Archive through December 25, 1999

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to igor

ABDULLAH Keep chanting and telling stories


God told us in Quran, if you believe in God You must tell the Truth.

So you know where You and I stand.

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Christmas has noting to do with Jesus (peace be upon him) birth day, it is a pagan's holidy. Look saturday came form god SATURN, SO on and on. Even the months are also, so every things is paganishim. Even God condem the christmas tree in the Bible Jeremih 10:3

""3] for the customs of the peoples are false.
A tree from the forest is cut down,
and worked with an axe by the hands of a craftsman.
[4] Men deck it with silver and gold;
they fasten it with hammer and nails
so that it cannot move.

If you want to know and find the truth !

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By Rudolph_X ( - on Saturday, December 25, 1999 - 04:36 am:

Long live the Chechen freedom fighters!

Comming soon INSHALLAH, YOU will see soon by The Grace of GOD the Almighty.

peace to you in our holi month ramadan.

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quote ``We are going to take Staropromyslovksy district under control,'' said an officer commanding the column of 10 army trucks, two armored carriers and accompanied by two helicopter gunships in a reference to the westernmost part of Grozny AP.

And then what are you going to do you fuc*ing neanderthol ? We really are living in TWO worlds and the Russian military and all those who support it ie. the majority of the Russian population are part of the, shall we say less than civilised half.

The West need not fight a war over Chechenya, but we sure as hell needn't waste anymore of our hard earned money on the illusion of a State that is Russia. We'll come back in several generations' time when and if Russia is capable. Or better still just deal with progressive countries like Georgia or Lithuania !

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2 abd,

Hey, would you please stop disinforming us from the CIA's financed BBC homepage. Why don't you go to the Russian Infocentre - the only true source of information. The link is

Note - no bad words here. In exchange - would you stop appealing to Allah, or I will use my heavy artillery of dirty language.

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2 Mo_karu,

>>>Or better still just deal with progressive countries like Georgia or Lithuania !

Your "progessive Georgia" is led by lad called Shevarnadze, as you know, but accidently he used to be the chief of Gergian KGB during Brezhnev times, and a memeber of POLITBURO a bit later. No different from Mr. Putin, as you see. Open your eyes, and stop reading just CNN homepage. they were lieing during the Kosovo war, and do the same thisng now!!!!!!!

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"By Balalaika ( - on Saturday, December 25, 1999 - 05:48 am:
2 ananim,

Why you start this homo-talk?!! All of us here are normal heterosexuals"

My point exactly , you're a proud Russian aren't you, and you JUST DON"T GET IT. The world is changing - everyone has a right to speak and live EVEN homosexuals and caucasians. But YOU don't understand that do you ? because you belong to a primitive culture that hasn't got passed hitting your opponants over the head with a club when they disagree with you. Your a f***ing NEANDERTHOL.

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2 By Mo_karu,

Pothelui menya v pizdu, ebuchii gomik, schob ty ne otsolal ot svoego partnera!!

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delude yourself w/this allah rhetoric while you
can, if it makes you feel better, and then when
disaster strikes, you can delude yourselves some
more...'allah must not have been willing'...
dear allah...sir/ma'm/it,
arent you sick of all these people speaking for
you and/or making excuses for you? i mean, anyone
else on this board could decide they were speaking
for/making excuses for you also.

it's not like they're worse than the wacked out
fundamentalists of any other faith,(their lousy
treatment of women notwithstanding) it's just on
this board it's 'allah this', 'allah that'....they
dont bother taking responsibility for themselves;
how convenient to attribute everything to you,
that way they're covered whatever
they think.
dear reasonable muslims:
i apologize for appearing to slander the faith you
believe in. may it comfort you to the extent that
one's spiritual faith might comfort anyone.

but godDAMN i am SICK of the fundamentalists here,
and as far as i'm concerned it is THEY who slander
your faith by their presumptions.
fundamentalists SUCK. name your flavor.

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Why do not you understand that Russian is now at the front line agains all these ABDULAS who try convert all non-mulsims into their faith (even here!!!). I suggest to ignore muslim rhetoric, and to appreciate the great deals of Russian fighters with fundamentalist danger.

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Anatawa monosugoii baka, ima made gaikokugo de hanasukotoga dekiru no wa sonkei shimashitakedo sore demo dame mitai ne. AHO !!

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as you say, then.

until the next time they piss me off, anyway.

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Aho-tte, kimi da!!

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Russkim patriotam,

Kto-nibud' podskazhet otkuda veschaet eta padla mo_karu (

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i am very glad and delighted that you hate fundamentalists; that means that they are getting to you, heheheheh.

since when a russian ( all we know here the civilized world we know who are the russians: filthy pigs, bowl baggers; drug dealers, prostitues; and above all cowrd), any way: since when you can tell the any one what to think and what not?? when you said "I suggest to ignore muslim rhetoric" I guess you russians got used to be told what to think, when to eat and how to sh1t... but wake up, it is not the case with rets of the world. i know it is a bad news for you....

read this and it will tell you how much russia is in control??? they are even afraid of the civilians living in moscoe. who want to live their with dirty pigs any ways???

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