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Archive through December 26, 1999

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boy, go away and have a nice xmas with some of my
oldest and closest friends for 7 hours and PHEW...
it's too funky in here!

just like old times, eh, k-san?

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If Jesus is around now, he will wonder what has happened to his so-called believers, they are non-practising Christians. Where is the love and compassion, what he'll see is prejudice in their policies, discrimination towards the minorities and the weak, unfairness in their principles, lies in thier media and reports, greed and unequality of Western Christian leaders. The last 30 years of the 20th century will be remembered as, the Muslims being the most prosecuted people in the world.

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Nice try..Joseph The Muslim.But we are not so stupid.

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guys, i just came upon this message board by accident and probably it'll be the first and the last message posted by me here. you gotta understand that war in chechnia is not about religion, it just happened so that chechens are muslims and russians are's that russia has been ••••••• up caucasus for 200 years now, including the predominantly christian nations as well, one of which i belong to. most of the caucasian nations have been around much longer and have much older cultures than russians, so before you consider chechens as the ••••••-up terrorists please note that it took russia around 70 years (long enough to be mentioned in guinness book) to concquer chechnia alone, the population of which never in its history have exeeded 1 mln. and when some piece of •••• cosak says that it's russia he's defending i'd like to cut his head myself. caucasus was never part of russia and never will be. russia just doesn't want to understand it and they come up with all kinds of excuses to •••• the place up....with chechnia its protecting mother russia while bombing the •••• out of their own citizens many of whom are russians as georgia, which was the separate country they had to come up with protecting the rights of abkhasian minority and ended up whiping out about 40,000 out of 90,000 of abkhasians that were there and pissing off another 100,000 highlanders which are now gladly cutting heads of any russians they can find nearby

yes, some of chechens are nuts, but so are some of irish, which doesn't stop the rest of them from wanting independence...

when i was about 10, ••••••• russian soldies axed up the pregnant woman that was about 20-23 years old before my eyes....and after that people wonder why caucasians do not like russians....

by the way, originally dagestan and chechnia were the same country, devided by russians when they took over and they never bothered to ask locals how they felt about it....

all they can do is to mass 100,000 of their people to fight some 10,000 half-hungry guys and then declare about a glorious victory....i hope checehns set up a nice blood-bath for them before they can do that though.

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Dittos, G. The Russians are nothing but a bunch of cowards. Trying to destroy a country who whipped them a few years back!! It's going to bloody. And what happens if they retreat into the mountains? And what about the "fighting family" type of thing. How many other Muslims are ready to take up arms from different countries? Russia has kicked a big, sleeping dog!!

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The Quran is a fabrication of Muhammad.

Do they not ponder on the Qur'an?
Had it been from other than Allah,
they would surely have found therein much discrepancy.

-- Sura 4:82

This verse claims there is no contradiction in the Quran, but there is, so it must be from other than Allah. A camel jockey perhaps.

There are so many examples. Here's a couple.

Will Christians enter Paradise or go to Hell? Sura 2:62 and 5:69 say "Yes", Sura 5:72 (just 3 verses later) and 3:85 say "No".

Wine: Good or bad? Strong drink and ... are only an infamy of Satan's handiwork. [5:90, also 2:219]. Yet on the other hand in Paradise are rivers of wine [47:15, also 83:22,25]. How does Satan's handiwork get into Paradise?

I have yet to find Muhammed mentioned in the Bible by name.

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Igor, how are you doing buddy? Still up?

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"...russian soldies axed up ..."

Sounds like a pretty lame lie.. I am from Caucasus too and some facts you mentioned make me think that you know very little about that land. For example you say that Russia's been in Caucasus for 200 years now, meanwhile one of the main squares in Nalchik (Kabardino-Balkaria) is called "Square of 400 years of reunification with Russia". Say, did you know that Ivan Grozny had a kabardinian wife?

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Well said Jenny

You're right! most of the Russians on this message board are simply pathetic losers. Russians have a severe inferiority complex. They are citizens of the world's biggest begger bowl nation. Russians are ONLY alive today, because of the generousity of the handouts from the USA


To WASP, How's life at the trailor park ?

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To igor

How much does your mother make in a night?

Everybody knows that Russian women are the worlds most cheapest and plentiful whores.

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Enough said!

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All right, we see some people are showing real class here.. And this moron is talking about trailor parks and inferiority complex. Guys we should just ignore the idiot..

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Roger Matteson, if i had nothing better to do, and i had money to waste. I would buy a ticket to the nearest airport to where you live. Buy a firearm, munitions and rambo knife and come hunt your ignorant ass down!

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Nice try Roger The Muslem.Try again...its FREE.

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WASP...If you try to find Muhammed by name in the Bible...look at SATAN.

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