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Archive through December 26, 1999

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Well, I just came back to read what has been posted and it became very hard to find a sound statement along with all the trashy vulgar things.

Asgar Hussain

How can anyone apply a stereotype to a quarter of the globe's people?,"

It s The islamists (integrists) who are applying theyr stereotype on all the good muslims of the planet.
They want everybody to pray the same way, to wear the same clothes, to read the same books, to have the same interpretation of the Quran, to have the same way of life that they deem pure.
They are not tolerant at the least.

I don t agree the russians are bombing an entire population. That s exagerated. But Islamists would.

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Salut Caucasien,
On peut distinguer, par leur facon de s exprimer,les personnes eduquee et instruites des vulgaires ignorants. Comme dit le proverbe, il faut separer le bon grain de l ivraie.

ps; le clavier que j utilise ne me permet ps de reproduire les accents ni les apostrophes.

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Topic starter  

mattheson, you really oughta shut up,
and you used that 'trailer park' riff on me
several weeks ago...
(pause while righteous genius mattheson tries to
find out what a 'riff' is)

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MATTESSON you goof funny you and JENNY flex have same IP# So why you congratulating yourself you bloody faggot.Come to Canada I have some friends that are looking forward to seeing you, you'll have a great time I promise. Your mother is really your father who used to bend over for the neighbourhood dog,and he took it like a real pansie.

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I see Americans and militant Muslims getting very nervous as the liberation operation is reaching its end. Why? Do you really want to see Russian generals nervous, presing some buttons and revenging to the whole western civilisation?If there is a billion of Muslims in the world, do you know there would certanly be a lot of dead Muslims in this case? I salut Russian operation and urge them to use additional force to make a sanitar cordon in Georgia if terorrists start building their strongholds there. Bloodbath is there, but Muslim's blood, not Russian. And do you know what name Grozni means? Grozni - Horrible. It is horrible for Chechens now, it will be more and more in the future.

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Russian general SERGEYEV said that Russian army plans to deploy troops in KOSOVO along with Serb police and Serb army like was agreed at U.N. Now we know who is in charge in Russia and it's about bloody time. We will stop Nato and Islamic aggression on our lands.

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to Pablooooputo,

You eate too much cow shitt*, you became atehiest from hadu, your guru will put some cow urine in your bTT** to purify it. Stick your m00 to yoyr bu**. you smell stings, take a bthh with cowsthi** .

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Russian beggger bowl did not learn lessons from afgan, because they are dump son fo the swine.

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to WASass,
you son of swine or may be monkeys, did your mama teach you how to read, I donot think so, if she did you will able to find it, you loti,
can you read hebrew? I think you are jew so you should know, Go try to read song of solaman.

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to idot igwhore,

Tell me you did not drink vodka last night, you sound like drunk. You fathers are dyeing no getting slaughter at chechnya, go help you monkeys.

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ABDU do you wear a skirt too RAGHEAD. FEED a camel you stooge. Are you sure you are not a comedian? Why is it in your culture all men stay together?ANSWER ---- cause your all butt slamming each other at the camel stop. I think you are going to give me a good laugh today.

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ABDU do you wear a skirt too RAGHEAD. FEED a camel you stooge. Are you sure you are not a comedian? Why is it in your culture all men stay together?ANSWER ---- cause your all butt slamming each other at the camel stop. I think you are going to give me a good laugh today.

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To Abd,

Are you a clown, at least part-time?

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I don't believe the tripe I've been reading. What does this mean to any of you? Who gives a damn what religions are involved? As if being a a Muslim or a Jew is an insult. And, Pablo, if you're aetheist, which I can dig, what the hell is up your arse in saying that people who believe in something in particular are wrong. Who the •••• are you? And where did you get your enlightenment? Do you TRULY believe you know what the •••• is going on? I have yet to read anything of sense from any of you. All sitting quietly at home, typing away as if it's some goddamn role playing game. Have you ever had a barrel to the head? I suggest you try it before talking like you have a clue. This war isn't about religion. No war ever truly is. And the shite that's happening is horrific. No one wants to be a part of a generation that lets another Van Gogh go by. What about Braveheart? If there was someone so dedicated to the freedom of his or her people today, it would be the same old shite. And then years later we'd say, "Oh, what a hero. How could the rest of the world stand around watching?" What if there aren't any heroes, and just the killings until all the potential heroes are gone? What if Jesus came back today? He'd get stepped all over. Wake up. Realize what this •••• is about or, rather, what it's not about. Try to understand something on a level higher than what mommy and daddy taught you. And excuse me if I, in return, sound like I think I know it all. I don't, but dammit I don't know that I will ever get what filth bred most of you.

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