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Archive through December 27, 1999

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Allah Akaber

Look at the way we Muslims refute your accusations against Islam. We offer you lots of proof from your bible, and from christian people.

Look at the writings here, I am so pleased that we muslims know christianity and the holy bible better than any christian.

This is our method, Allah says "Produce thy proof, if you speak the truth" Suraa 2, verse 111.


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Mattesson will be glad to come visit , give me your address.

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Hi Everybody,

Let’s get back to Chechen crises, Russian criminal government policy towards its citizens, and how this ignorant Russians are fooled once again by their drunk and thief leaders.

To Fred,
Read the following my friend, it’s not from any Islamist or Fundamentalist, stop stereotype mentality.

"The situation for Chechens is very grim wherever they turn. The government's mission to eliminate 'bandits' both on the streets of Moscow and in its military offensive in Chechnya has gone too far. The Russian authorities have the right to investigate and bring to justice individuals suspected of being responsible for violent activities but they do not have the right to persecute a whole ethnic group, " Amnesty International said.

Bosna, Thanks for the Link. Lots of good information to read.

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What did Amnesty International say when Nato illegaly bombed Serbia? Not much so who really cares what they said.

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Actually the Chechen stories sound very similar to Kosovo stories which turned out to be lies.See U.N. reports. Do you really believe that they sew their pockets so drugs can be planted. Illegal drug labs springing up in Kosovo, wonder who is supplying them?Answer TALIBAN to CHECHENS to KOSOVAR ALBANIANS . Commen denominator--- MUSLIMS>

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I would not care about Amnesty International either. Who gives a ••••! I wonder why Russians have not killed more civilians. They have every right for that. Chechens were kidnapping people for years. Now they must be punished. 41 is a really small number. 41,000 that's what it should be.

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To A.Muslim We all know that SATAN know a lot of things than human kind don't know...SATAN is an ANGEL and he is a lot more powerfull then man. He was using his knowledge to fool us. God talks about spiritual things: not about science...who has nothing to do with salvation.

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What a shame is going on here! You guys could find a much better use of your time instead of these excersises in hatred and stupidity. Grow up!

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Your comments are retarded as always, please don’t bother replying because I’m kind of tired repeating things to you over and over as well you don’t make very good arguments anyway.

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Ok, as far as I can tell it says Russia on top of this message board, so what the •••• all muslim motherfuckers are doing here. What the •••• is all this •••• about Quran? ABD stop posting all this crap about Quran no one is interested in here, stupid ••••. Go somewhere else and talk all you want about how great Allah is and about how you like to •••• your friends up the ass. PEOPLE DON’T LIKE MUSLIMS AND YOU WILL NEVER CHANGE THAT, GET OVER IT.

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It's nice to hear a sane voice for a change.
On other hand I am not taking loonatics seriously.
I also suggest to all "muchos": come and see "the indian bar" in Phoenix.
There you guys will get taste of real thing instead of beating a bush around.
Chickens may go to Flagstaff. Be aware, on average every other car/van/truck got a loaded gun. If you challenge a police with a little stone only, they will bark short warning and shoot to kill. Do not scream "uzhas". It is peaceful place for people who mind their own business.

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My advice to all muslims who are taking part in this board is to leave it, as it is a waste of time. I feel that we are draged to talk and talk. Let us do something better, leave this board and concentrate on our jobs, study and worshiping. We can follow the state of our brothers in Chechneya through I think if we pray for them, it will better than this useless writing.

Alsalmo Alikoum brothers and sisters.

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"...The hostages, including a bride who saw her husband stabbed to death by hijackers on their honeymoon, faced the fourth day of their ordeal in deteriorating conditions aboard the Indian Airlines A-300 Airbus..."

Source - Yahoo.
No need to waste words - the deeds of the muslim zombies speak better than words..

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Recent news from Grozny (appears to be a balanced view, but, alas, only in Russian).

Â÷åðà ôåäåðàëüíûå ñèëû ïðîäîëæàëè áîè â Ãðîçíîì. Ïîäðàçäåëåíèÿ Áèñëàíà Ãàíòàìèðîâà, ïî åãî ñëîâàì, ïîäîøëè ê ñàìîìó öåíòðó ãîðîäà. Òàêæå Ãàíòàìèðîâ óòâåðæäàåò, ÷òî â Ãðîçíîì îñòàëîñü îêîëî ïîëóòîðà òûñÿ÷ áîåâèêîâ, êîòîðûå äåéñòâóþò ðàçðîçíåííûìè ãðóïïèðîâêàìè. Ïî ÷å÷åíñêèì äàííûì, áîè èäóò â Îêòÿáðüñêîì, Ñòàðîïðîìûñëîâñêîì, Çàâîäñêîì ðàéîíàõ, íà ñêëîíàõ ñîïêè Ñþéð-Êîðò, íà Ïåòðîïàâëîâñêîì øîññå ìåæäó ìîëêîìáèíàòîì è êîíñåðâíûì çàâîäîì, â ïîñåëêå Êàëèíèíî, íà Õàíêàëèíñêîì íàïðàâëåíèè. Ïî ñëîâàì Ìîâëàäè Óäóãîâà, çà 2 ñóòîê øòóðìà ôåäåðàëüíûå ñèëû ïîòåðÿëè îêîëî 300 ñîëäàò è 40 åäèíèö áðîíåòåõíèêè.  øòàáå ôåäåðàëüíûõ âîéñê óòâåðæäàþò, ÷òî 1 âîåííîñëóæàùèé ïîãèá, 4 ðàíåíû. Èñòèíà, êàê îáû÷íî, ãäå-òî ðÿäîì.



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