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Archive through December 27, 1999

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I looked briefly at the site. I think your goal is to try to change the subject and focus on America and somehow show me that freedom of expression in this country is not as extensive as I believe. Igor you must learn to read between the lines. When you see a statement like "arrested individuals were released so they could be re-arrested again" (this is not a verbatim quote but the meaning is identical). It means that those people felt free enough to challenge the authorities repeatedly. If anything, this is a testament to the freedom of this country. Believe me Igor you should wish be so lucky to have the freedoms of this nation. That does not mean that everything is perfect, that would be impossible. But this is the most open and free country currently.

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A Muslim,
If I am not mistaken, the Turks conquered the Arabs as well. So please do not associate with the honor of my forefathers by using a religious angle. That is, unless you are Turkish.
Mr. Silver,
First, I must say that I am highly impressed with your civilized tone. On Russia, I believe the conflict is justified through the diplomatic methodology presented by the United States. It is within their area of interest and they must handle their affairs accordingly. In stating this, I'm not saying it is morally right or wrong. Based on logic, Russia has the right to intervene. After all, the United States did bomb Libya due to terroristic acts sponsored by Ghadafy against American citizens in Europe. Again, this point-of-view is based entirely on previous diplomatic conduct.

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Mr Silver you need to click on authors, then on Gervasi and read why Nato is in Yugoslavia. I believe you read the wrong article

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Mr Silver you will notice article written before Nato attack on Serbia (1996)

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They don't give us any here, man(very strict environment, you know) ;^) Hook me up with a twomp, instead, will ya?

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This way you will have something to occupy your time LONG and we can discuss subject at hand .No pun intended. MATTHESSON this one is for you too you moron

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BLS?Twomp?Don't forget, bro, aaight?

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Thank you Suleyman

I really wish people on this board would stick to the subject. You know what scares me Suleyman? If you look at the people on this board you begin to realize that people that hate are the loudest. I'm just afraid that if not enough descent people stand up to them we might not get a chance in the future.

What do you think should happen in Checnya?

Mr. Schlong

•••• off

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Ah! A Young Turk, Eh?

You guys did some terrible things to the
Armenians not long ago, so don't feel so

A Muslim

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To Ichthyosaurus

Dear bloody thirsty terrorist dog

You and the other Russian animals are only alive today, due to handouts from Americans.

Also, could you Russian animals:

Stop wholesale corruption
Stop beating your wives
stop throwing up on Vodka
stop laundering money
stop dealing in drugs
stop wholesale prostitution
stop commiting genocide


To igor
Please go and stick your head back in the begging bowl

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"...I am fortunate that these Christians did not assemble and incite a mob against me and my family. In some countries, this is commonplace..."

That sounds a bit like a fantasy. Granted, you are a sweet talker but the lack of substance devaluates your messages greatly.

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boy, this mattheson is annoying with this begging thing..

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It is also something despicable that your
people confiscated tents and funds that
were sent to help the victims of the
Turkish earthquake.

The fact that an ancient mosque was left
standing with all your sub-standard housing
being demolished around it, is, I feel a
statement of the nobility of the Muslims
and the baseness of the Turkish secular

Allahu Akbar.

A Muslim.

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I did not check out the site again. I'm sorry but I just don't have the time right now. Let me just repeat some of my previous statements. I don't agree with everything that the Clinton administration does, I don't think that I live in a perfect world, I will express my opinion when I think my country has done something wrong, and I don' t believe every conspiracy theory I read on the internet.

Igor, we Americans are not a herd of mindless sheep and you do not need to open our eyes. Believe me amongst the people that I know almost all were against our involvement in Yugoslavia. I believe in dropping bread not bombs, I think it is more effective. However there are situations when the use of force is unavoidable, and Chechnya happens to be one of them.

To all my Muslim friends. Why don't you also condemn the killing of Dagestani Muslims by Chechens?

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a muslim:
"You guys did some terrible things to the
Armenians not long ago, so don't feel so

Ladies and Gents, you just heard the Dumbest Frase of the Day.

a muslim:

what??!! Get a clue!"You guys"??!! In that case YOU guys are trying to kill a young Israeli republic. What are you gonna say to this? Call me a Jew-lover? Oy vhey, guess what, I have jewish blood in me. Am I supposed to hate muslim JUST for that?"you guys" my ass. Get you ••••••• facts together before accusing a single person for it's government's sins.,Oki-dowki, my "young" muslim?

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