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Archive through December 27, 1999

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Noble Member
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BLS. BLaSs?BigLameAss?BoldLonelyAss?BoredLazyAss?just Ass with som BL?

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Posts: 18

I got knocked out by my server, but I am back in the "warzone". I cannot let Igor and Dmitri fight their wars with "A Muslim" , "Asalam" and that biggest SOB of all : Roger Mattheson (this imbecile does not even know that I am not a Russian , but a fair minded person, who feels that the Russians and other Slavs are being
singled out for attack by Hitler lovers like
Roger boy and need to be defended vociferously) alone.

I think the diatribes of "A Muslim" and "Asalam"
just got to prove the point that I am making,
i.e. Islam is an intolerant ideology (that's
the politest term I can think for this f**king garb*ge called "Islam", which means SLAVERY/SUBMISSION).

These bug**rs want to enslave the world under
the dictatorship of Islam and their false "god" Allah, who is nothing but a pre-Islamic Arab goddess called Al-Lat, whom that illiterate bearded A-hole called Mahomet converted to "Allah"! I pity these Moslems, they have no freedom of thought and action or even of their souls, which are captive in the hands of the satyrs better known as their Ayatollahs,
Mullahs and Muftis.

These Moslems are mindless automatons, who know only how to hate, kill, plunder, rape (like
their Mahomet r*ped the 9 year old Ayesha, when
he was 58 years old --- the old satyr died at
62; this girl , young enough to be his granddaughter, was deflowered by Mahomet and
the bloody motherf**king bug**r boasts about it
in the Hadish), convert, and other such evil
and barbaric acts, etc., because they are following the example of their "great" r*pist "prophet" and their great pieces
of garb*ge (t*ilet-paper), the Quran and

Mahomet had himself personally slaughtered
50,000 men, women and children in the Battle
of Badr. This is a historical fact, and however much these Moslems may try to whitewash this,
the fact remains that Mahomet was as
bloodthirsty as Stalin, Hitler, Idi Amin Dada
(a fellow Moslem) and others of their ilk.

Mahomet did not even spare his father and
mother, and he indulged in gross filial
impiety. When Mahomet was asked whether his parents were in heaven, this "great" man (or rather monster, considering his human rights record) said that his parents would rot in the eternally in the infernal fires of Hell,
because they had not accepted Islam and him
as the "prophet". If this is not bigotry of the worst kind, then what is it? If this is not megalomania of the worst kind, then what is it? Even Nazism of Hitler and the Communist Dictatorship of Stalin was better than this. In the modern world, Mahomet would have
been have faced public opprobrium and would
have been summarily packed off to an asylum for the criminally insane (if he would have not
been lynched).

Both these "worthies", "A Muslim" and "Asalam"
are at best imbeciles and at worst , mindless fanatics.

I thank you , Sulayman, for your sympathy
(even though I was and am not seeking it). I appreciate your fairness once again. I
empathise with you, as I perceive that you
were almost in a similar situation as mine.

And last but not the least, Roger boy, could
just wake up and come into the real world. You Americans are also wife beaters, are neck full
of sh*t in corruption, deal in drugs (your drug cartels are the strongest outside Colombia)(Mr. Dim-witted Roger boy, in Russia, it is the Chechens who are the drug lords, that is why
the Russians want to export them to their
natural habitats : the US and Saudi Arabia), launder money by the billions (the Russians are only learning from you and following your illustrous footsteps), the less said about prostitution in the US, the better, because it will take days, if not months to complete
writing the instances (your track record in Thailand : which you almost converted into a streaming bordello in the 1950s, 1960s and the 1970s,and people the world over had started referring to it as "Thigh-Land"; and how about Philippines?), what about the genocide commited
by the Americans against the Native Amerindian tribes and the Vietnamese, to begin with? What answers do you have for my questions , Mr. High Falooty Roger boy?

Why do you not just say Sayonara, Roger boy?

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Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 18

Eat your hearts out, you Moslem fanatics and Slav haters!

I am ki*king your f**king a*ses to kingdom come, gratis of course! 🙂 🙂

Stew in your own salivic juices, dolts!

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Posts: 18

Ahh! The dolts have fled, like their Mahomet fled
on their Hijira (Hijri).

Well, have these b*g*ers chickened out?

Doubtful! They wanna keep getting their you know what done up in a certain matter again and again and again ...

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Posts: 18

Hello! Hello! ??

I guess everyone has left! See you guys! CIAO!

Honorable Member
Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 616

been here.
done this.


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Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 2

Roger, Mr Big
Leave this board. You are too outclassed to be here.

The Rest of You
Hang in there........PEACE to you all

Eminent Member
Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 25


Young Israeli Republic, eh?

Just to get things straight, despite an America
which stood by Israel from the beginning, vetoing
every UN Resolution against Israel's mischief,
what did they do to America during the Six Day
War? Check out the following web page to find out.

There were Jews too on that ship that was bombed
by the Israelis!!

And now watch Clinton hand back Jonathan Pollard
at the command of his minders!!!

And that was to Israel's "FRIENDS".

Need I say more?

A Muslim

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Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 25


Hey! I think I hit the bullseye! You can only
heap abuse when you cannot deny the truth, what?

You can cuss all you like, but the TRUTH CAN
BE SEEN BY ALL, even though you unbelievers may
hate it.

There are enough *excellent* Islamic sites on
the web for you to hold much sway, THANK GOD!

A Muslim.

PS: Please Muslims, continue to make du'a for
the Mujahideen's continuing success in Chechnya
and elsewhere. Our prayers ARE being answered!!

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