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Archive through December 27, 1999

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So who ran the Grand Inquisition - Muslims?

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I work with someone who is originally from Dagestan and he's been telling me stories of Chechens that would turn anyone's stomach. His close relative was kidnapped and rescued by the advancing Russian army. This relative got 2 of his fingers cut off just so that the kidnappers could demonstrate that they mean business. But he got a relatively lenient treatment. He witnessed how the Chechens ganged raped a 15-year-old girl and then cut her head off and video taped the whole episode so they could send the tape to her parents. They did this because the parents could not come up with the ransom.

The people of Dagestan helped the Chechens during the first war with Russia and look how the Chechens repaid them. It's no wonder that there were so many Dagestani volunteers willing to fight Chechens with their bear hands.

Because of my friend I came to respect the people of the Caucasus, but I also realize that Chechens are an abomination in that region. They are extremely bellicose and they live for violence. Surely the concern that they are getting from the civilized world is misguided.

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To Svoloch

How does it feel like to belong to a begger bowl corrupt, terrorist nation like Russia?

Do you know why you and your corrput begger family is alive today? BECAUSE WE AMERICANS FEED YOU - NEVER FORGET THAT

Frankly, I do not care about what these russian beggers do, as long as we can keep these leeches out of the West.

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2 George Silver,

Even though Chechens may be bellicose people, it does not mean that Russians are entitled to be a "guardian" of Chechen republic. After all, there is enoght mess in the Russia proper for Russians to take care of it.

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2 Roger Matthesson,

Do you have any shame producing messages like the one above?

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MATTHESSON give me your address I want to come visit you and your friends.

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I never said that Russia should be a guardian of Chechnya (please read my post). And I do believe that if Chechens want to go their own way, then by all means let them sleep in the bed that they have made for themselves. However that does not give them a right to invade Dagestan or kidnap people or hijack trains or to siphon of oil from pipes or run drugs. O by the way I'm not sure that it was them who blew up the apartment buildings.

But surely if criminal gangs were in control of Mexico and American citizens would be routinely kidnapped and the Mexican government would be totally incapable of controlling the crime, I'll bet ya that we would respond militarily. And we would be right for doing so! If you have doubts about this then investigate the DEA actions in Columbia.

P.S. Mattheson you are one sick puppy.

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Good paper on the background of Russian politics in today's NY Times:

December 27, 1999

Christmas in Grozny: Death Takes No Holiday


2 igor,

If this MATTHESSON is a Zhid, do not expect any address from him. Pochemy by ne rasshifrovat' ego address (tochnee, ego provaider)? Mne tozhe interesno otkuda on pizdyachit.

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2 George Silver,

I agree with you that if things go out of control, then international intervention may be justified. The only thisng that pisses me off is that Russia unilaterally decided to step into Chechnya, and international community could not help standing aside because of the Russian nukes.

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To Wasp

You can find this in BBC, it is in the first page, read it and enjoy talking about your bible and our Quran like a parrot.


The majority of leading public figures including church leaders and politicians do not believe in the Biblical version of the Creation, according to a survey.

A study by BBC Radio 4's Today programme provided a snapshot view of the state of Christian faith at the end of the 20th Century, and revealed the majority doubt the Virgin Birth.

Questionnaires were sent to 1,000 public figures including religious leaders, leading politicians, newspaper editors, scientists and head teachers.

Selection of questions
Do you believe in the act of Creation?
Do you believe in the virgin birth?
Do you believe Adam and Eve existed?
Do you believe in a place called Heaven?
Are all the Ten Commandments applicable today?
Not surprisingly perhaps, the most sceptical responses came from scientists with only one believing in the act of Creation and the majority answering "No" to nearly all the questions.

Politicians also seem unconvinced by many traditional Christian teachings with less than one quarter believing Adam and Eve existed.

The most revealing answers however, came from members of the clergy.

Of the 103 church leaders who took part in the survey - including Church of England and Catholic bishops and Methodist ministers - only three said they believed in the literal, Biblical, version of the Creation in which God created the world in six days.

Virgin Birth 'not accepted'

Asked whether they believed that Adam and Eve really existed, only 13 of the church leaders said yes, with 80 saying no.

Nor was the Virgin Birth universally accepted, with nearly one in four saying they did not believe in it.

The majority, however, believed in the Resurrection and that God was able to influence events on Earth, and nearly all the churchmen believed the Ten Commandments were still applicable.

Other questions asked whether there would be a Second Coming, whether there was free will in Heaven and whether purgatory exists.

'God can influence events'

Among the 270 teachers who responded to the survey, a narrow majority believed in the Resurrection and that God can influence events on Earth.

About one in five believed in purgatory and 106 believed there was an actual Heaven.

Judging by the percentage of questionnaires returned completed compared to those sent, the most apathetic group were politicians.

Members of the Labour, Conservative, and Liberal Democrat benches were all quizzed but only about a quarter responded.

Of all the other groups - including newspaper editors - the figure was closer to half.

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See also:

13 Jul 99 | UK
The vicars who don't believe in God

15 Jul 99 | UK
Church brings back heresy trials

Internet links:

Anglicans Online

The Church of England

Methodist Church of Great Britain

Catholic Church in England and Wales

Labour Party

Conservative Party

Liberal Democrats

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Links to other UK stories are at the foot of the page.

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You know Balalaika you think you are so clever that you could egg me on like that, but you are really an idiot! You are so simple I could see right through you! You want me to continue to argue with you because you like what I have to say and it sounds better if it comes from an American. You are so pathetic it is pitiful. For the sake of Russia I sincerely hope that there are people smarter then you running the country.

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>>it sounds better if it comes from an American.

Give me a break!! I did not mean that at all. In fact, I knew a few Americans (and now you are among them) whose opinions were a bullshit, as well as their childlish impression that America is the center of the world. Far from it, especially in terms of intellect (though you may refer, as our Russian friends already did here, to the statistics of Nobel prize winners, but I mean the intelligence of a typical American school children). I have no intention to argue with your inflated ego. Have a good day!

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I have no intention of arguing with you either but let me just say that your post proves my point. It is disjointed, illogical and obviously I struck a nerve otherwise you would not be raving like a lunatic. But in terms of America being the center of the world, I have not said that, but the UN is in NY not St. Petersburg.

I would like to say that I am proud to be an American, I think that this nation is the greatest expression of free will and benevolence in the entire human experience. But I have not disparaged any other country including Russia. On the contrary I think that Russia is a great nation and I admire it's achievements. All I said was that you in particular were not it's greatest asset. And I said that only because you pissed me off.

I not going to waste my time figuring out what you tried to say in your post but your reference to "intelligence of a typical American school children" sounded like you meant it as an insult. Perhaps I'm wrong maybe you did not mean it as an insult, but if you did, then you are a bigger idiot then I thought.

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>> All I said was that you in particular were not it's greatest asset.

1) For your reference, I am not a Russian, so I wonder why you consider me as Russia's asset.
2) Check your grammer sometimes - "were not it's greatest asset" is not correct, as far as I know. Thank you for showing how intelligent you are.

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"2) Check your grammer sometimes - "were not it's greatest asset" is not correct, as far as I know. Thank you for showing how intelligent you are."

Is that the best you could do. You are pathetic. Hey Balalaika tell me if you are not Russian how did you learn to speak Russian? And why are you calling yourself Balalaika (a Russian musical instrument). O and by the way I don't consider you to be a Russian asset (more like a liability) and you misspelled "grammar" in # 2.

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