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Archive through December 27, 1999

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Second correction:
Last sentence to be deleted. Sorry.

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I really admire your post. Gives a glimmer of hope and pray that sanity can prevail over the Russians. Russia has a long history of killing its own people be it Stalin or Yeltsin or Putin. Those who kill their own citizens in their sleep can go to any extremes.Truth is coming out clearly now about FSB involvement in Moscow bombings. This is similar to Reichstag bombing by Nazis.

Whatever the political ramifications the war is getting bloodier hour by hour. Russia is turning blind eye to its losses. Chechens have vowed to fight to the last fighter and the POWER of God Almighty is certainly with them and will make them victorious- God willing.

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to George D. Silver,
George, I am from Caucasus myself and I am almost surprised with your deep understanding of issues there.

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"...just don't tell me Your post has nothing to do with hashish..."

Kissie, this is histerical! LOL

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As for all of you religious hardcore prophets on this board... Those of you who follow Allah, I have Muslim friends, I've read bits of the Quran, no problem there, but... Stop supporting men like Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. I know you all don't, but if there has to be a holy war I'll fight for the Christians just because of men like that.
Fellow Christians... don't quote the Bible too much, it has been reworked by the Church three times at least in it's history for political reasons, and then the King James version was written by a Scottish king who didn't like what it said.
As for the real issue, the war in Chechnya, I am more than a little concerned that the U.N. and NATO are only voicing concerns about this affair. Brigands my rear, if the Russians wanted terrorists then why are they fighting the army? Why are they bombing civilians? Or have they decided that every Checnyian is a terrorist? NO, they are becoming expansionist again! And the U.N. an organization founded to stop things like this only voices it's disapproval! Now how did WWII begin... hmmm... does Manchuria ring a bell, how about Chechslovakia? What did the League of Nations do to stop it? It scares me ladies and gentleman.

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Chechen Nation will never submit to Kremlin's colonisation

New fighters will be born and they will continue struggle for Political Independence

Future State of Independent Chechnya will be build on the Principles of Democracy

There is no force in the World which can subdue Determination of Chechen People to free themselves from Kremlin gang

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Tom's post.
Well, another "salvation" from the army of NATO apologists.
Amnesty ChosenNational deserves what it deserves.

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"...Surely the concern that they are getting from the civilized world is misguided..."

George, I swear I thought it was impossible to get this truth for anybody in the West because of the stereotypes created by media: freedom fighter on one hand (who cares if in the same time they are a bunch of banal bandits and islamic fundamentalists) and a greedy empire on the other (which may be the case to some extend, but it's not the point right now). And I felt kinda helpless trying hopelessly to tell it to everybody I know. Thank you..

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Future State of Independent Chechnya will be build on the Principles of Democracy.
Whoa! The clan structure is inherently dictatorial.

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Nathan McGowan's message is a perfect illustration of what I just said..

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I am baaaackaaa. Damn it, I HAD to miss Roger again, whoops..oh well, he never replies to me anyhows..OK..Topic for today -"Dances with Morons"...sooo..Rog?bosna?Tom?Everest?AntiRacist??

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Brigands my rear, if the Russians wanted terrorists then why are they fighting the army?
Actually, it's not a Chechen "state army" at all, but a loosely organised gang with Khattab and Basayew off in to the mountains, Udugow & Co. inclined to talks with RF Govt. and Maskhadow poised to defend Grozny till the last "drop of blood" (his?).
A question(s) anyways:
If brigands (what a word! Ughf! Straight from W. Scott.), - why the Chechen "army" didn't fight them? Where's the law?
R. wanted bandits, - why haven't they been turned over? Where' the law?
"Brigands" invaded Dagestan twice (a point conveniently omitted from the pro-posters), - where was the Chechen "army" to discourage that? Where' the law?
etc. ... .

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Tom -

"The only reason Nato did embark on a bombing campaign in Serbia (and Kosovo) was to stop the Serb attempted genocide and ethnic cleansing of minorities. This was a humanitarian necessity!"

Thank you Tom, I needed a morning laugh.

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For those of you who can read Russian, I may recommend the latest article by, IMHO, one of the best Russian military journalist (and usually unbiased one as well) P. Felgengauer. The link is:

I trust his opinion, and it looks like Russia is going to have trouble pretty soon.

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It is other way round. The Chechens are fighting the bandits and criminals in Moscow who have no sympathy for their own conscripts. Khattab is a real human being who has sacrifized his life and pleasures of this world. Very few human being can match his calibre.


Pray that the war drags on otherwise Khattab can turn up in your neighborhood.

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