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Archive through December 27, 1999

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BS on the eve of the election campaign.

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For those who call Chechens "terrorists" I may remind that the mystery of who indeed organized the Moscow bombings is still unsolved. Moscow government is pointing at Chechens, but I have not seen any credible evidence of this.

However, the following hysteria in Russia very much remind the burning of Reichstag in 1933, organized we know now by whom, but blamed on Commies and Co. at that time, so that Hitler could solidify his power grip. But for the lack of evidence who actually did the bombing, such kind of associations would not have existed (and they are not my invention, just read today’s NY Times).

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Khattab is a real human being who has sacrifized his life and pleasures of this world.
* The world would be safer, if he didn't do that and stayed with his "pleasures".
Pray that the war drags on otherwise Khattab can turn up in your neighborhood.
* Poor Khattab.

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"Khattab is a real human being who has sacrifized his life and pleasures of this world."

I know u don't believe that BS. Khattab got married to an underaged Dagestani girl, built a house, sweet..oh..almost forgot - there is a training base less than 1km away from home , the "how to become a terrorist" type. And has about three or four poppy-seed flower fields not too far from home too. That is confirmed by all intellegence cervices, but of course you did not know anything about it, right? LOL

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Anti-R. media campaign starts comparing R. to Germany, Hitler time. "Nice" turn.

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"For those who call Chechens "terrorists" I may remind that the mystery of who indeed organized the Moscow bombings is still unsolved. Moscow government is pointing at Chechens, but I have not seen any credible evidence of this."

Ehh? NO ONE is calling Chechen people terrorists..try to actually read, and not to assume..People who fight the Federation ARE..Capice?

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2 Dimitry,

I am afraid, I could not get what you meant. What is "ARE..Capice"?

As for your first statement, if nobody calls Chechens terrorists, why you have "anti-terrorist operation" under-way. please note that I do not absolve Chechens for what they did in Dagestan - it was stupid, to say the least.

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By ® ( - on Monday, December 27, 1999 - 01:03 pm:
Tom -

"The only reason Nato did embark on a bombing campaign in Serbia (and Kosovo) was to stop the Serb attempted genocide and ethnic cleansing of minorities. This was a humanitarian necessity!"

Thank you Tom, I needed a morning laugh

Dear ®

If you need a morning laugh, why don't you simply stare in a mirror
. Losers like you are the biggest laugh in the world today. By the way I loved the way that we thrashed those genocidal savage serbs - Bankrupt serbia, zero infastructure, no future for serb savages - now thats a laugh!!

To Tom,

I respect and admire your level of perception regarding serb genocide. Let the bankrupt serbs and their begger Russian friends say what they want.

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To Caucasian

Why do you say "I am almost surprised with your deep understanding of issues there. " ? In my opinion my understanding of the region and it's issues is superficial. Nevertheless I believe that I'm still entitled to an opinion. BTW what area of the Caucasus are you from? I would be very interested in hearing some stories or any eyewitness accounts from you.

To L'menexe

>>>"with all due respect 'games' are the operating currency here."

L'menexe I see, but I still get upset, sorry.

And to my favorite person on this board Balalaika.

You know Bal, you are good for something, when I read your last post to me I was laughing, you see you could be amusing.

It seems you got particularly annoyed with my interpretation of the word Zhid. Let me reprint what you said.

"In some Eastern European languages (not just Russian) Zhid is not a derogative name of Jews. I leave it to your philological abilities to decipher what languages I mean (but do not forget to brush up you native language, for you have some gaps, maybe because you spend too much time on cramming Russian). "

I will agree with you that Zhid is a Polish word, but it's use in Russian is for derogatory purpose. And now I will repeat again what you said to Igor and I will leave it up to the rest of the board to decide for themselves if it was used in a derogatory context.

"If this MATTHESSON is a Zhid, do not expect any address from him."

By the way, what is this sick obsession with me being a teenager or having "gaps" in my language. What's the matter, you have nothing intelligent to say? Is your only recourse to repeat a stupid theme long enough in a pathetic attempt to have some impressed by it? You know I feel sorry for you. But I digress.

Listen Bal I am not a racist or a bigot. I believe everyone should be judged solely on the merit of his/her character. But I do believe that if someone is a racist they should at least have the courage to admit it. Otherwise the world sees you for who you truly are, a spineless lowlife.

On the subject of Caucuses. I do believe that people of the Caucuses be allowed to choose their own destiny. However if they attack others then it is the prerogative of the victim to defend himself. And yes I will state that I believe that Russians and other nationalities were victims of Chechen gangs. There is no central government in Chechnya only a charade. I hope that the Chechen people would find a strong and caring leader who would be able to build a law abiding society, however until that time, I believe, people around them have a right to defend themselves.

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I poked into Your source and will say, that it's a pro-Moscow mayor media outlet. Hence, nothing reliable, "jess-paint-it-black" as soon as it's a political opponent.

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Remember begger Russians, your corrupt terrorist nation survives today, due to handouts from Americans - this message board is a product of American Technology. We Americans are truely a generous peple to allow you begger Russians access to this board

To Mr Silver

Thank you for translating. These Russian beggers are most crafty.

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4 Balalaika:

What I meant was that no one calls Chechen People terrorists - the only terrorists are the ones that (obviousely) fight the Federation(damn, I like the way it sounds; sounds almost as big as USSR;). And "capice" means "understand" in Cicilian dialect..never seen "Krestni'Otetz"?

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There's something seriously wrong with Balalaika. First he throws unjustified insults toward anyone who is slightly pro Chechen (and toward everyone he mistook for pro Chechen), then he comes back and starts throwing anti Russia remarks. Make up your mind for snugglebunny's sake.

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If you want to know a lot of "Khattab"...just visit the nearest asylum... as a patient of course.

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to R,

Good point on the way, am I forgiven for misunderstanding ya(u know what I mean)??? 🙂

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